Do you feel a sense of impending doom?

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One of the prophecies of Fatima is that we need to pray the Rosary and if enough people follow Mary’s request the time of chastisment will be short or not at all and we will enter into a time of peace over the whole world. I fell that impending dome is at hand because I know of almost no one that is following that request, present company exempt. We just had a very powerful event with the earthquake and tidal wave killing thousands and I think this woke up many but this week the allowing of a woman to die of thirst and starvation is causing me to wonder. Will God not punish the richest nation on earth for this crime and also the thousands of abortion going on every day? God Bless
Exactly! 👍
You’re lucky in many ways in the States. I feel there has been agreat spirtual fight back there in recent years. Here in Europe we enter into a deeper and deeper paganism. I never, ever thought I should see the Church under such terrible attack in Catholic Ireland.
Yes I believe that the decks are being cleared for outright persecution…Though not so much in the States.

“Persecution comes to those who wait”, IMHO​

One of the advantages of living in bad times is that they can’t last for ever.

I’m really gratful for not living in 1960 or so - things looked prosperous then, but they were about to become very difficult. That’s the trouble with living in prosperous times - good times can only go bad.

As to Ireland - it was the fault of the clergy for not keepng their private parts where they belonged. If they sodomise those who can’t defend themselves, they deserve all the criticism they get: and if the Church authorities have been at fault - so do they. Catholics ought to be able to be safe in Church from such horrors - if those in the Church are negligent, then Catholics are right to judge them for it.

That’s another thing I’m thankful for - once people see how ghastly the Church can be, once they’ve got through all the self-serving delusions and lies amd distortions and corruption, especially the deep-sighted corruptions, there were be no more evil and filth to discover in the Church: they, and we, will see the Church as it is. A Church whose corruption has been wholly uncovered has no more corruption to uncover. It can’t deceive anyone, even itself, if its corruption has been fully uncovered - and this is very good news. By seeing the great sinfulness of the Church, we will see the greater Righteousness of God by which the Church, and the Christian, is purified, far more clearly.

Which will help to defend those who govern in the Church from using God’s authority to allow her priests to commit rape and assault. The authority of the Church is most holy, for it is God’s Authority, and it is devilish to use that authority in order to destroy the flock of God. It must be used only to do holy things: not to hide evil-doing. The Bible is full of terrible denunciations of the wickedness of those who abuse the Divine authority they exercise; what IMO we need is an Inquisition, to deal with them & to protect the Church. Those who use this authority for evil, who destroy the flock of Christ by doing so, are the real persecutors of the Church.

This is a good time to be alive - just like all times. Why would God have set in us these times, if they were not the best ones for us, & the ones in which we could bring glory to God ?
My DH is always saying were in the end times…for example, we were watching the news last night and there was a story about a group of people in some far off place (I wasn’t really paying attention…too into my knitting) that discovered a buried church that bore the likeness of God. Not only that but all these magicians and what not, bad politics and war. That’s what he thinks anyway…but I’m not so sure…
John Russell Jr:
Yes. Over the last few months my brother and I ( who run the family business) have felt like we were under attack both personally and at work by diabolical forces. Constant trouble and everything kept breaking down. My brother was picked up by a tow truck driver who chanted softly 666 before driving. He was ultra abusive too. We got the shop blessed, and things improved quickly. But the number 666 keeps cropping up. I saw it 3-4 times yesterday. We really don’t know what to make of it all. Could this be a sign that the antichrist is here or coming soon? Is it a sign that the devil is working very furiously at the moment as he knows the world is on the verge of an era of freedom from evil. As Pope John Paul II recently stated. I don’t know. But ," Keep watch".Our Lord said. I suggest we do this.
Hi John,
Ignore all that 666 stuff. Jesus said “Be not afraid”. It is not Jesus that is trying to scare you - only Satan does that. So ignore him and he will go away. Calmly avoid people who are allied with Satan, but don’t dwell on it. Fill your mind with the gospels by praying the rosary daily. Remember that the rosary is the life of Jesus as seen through His mother’s eyes.
God love you,
You’re lucky in many ways in the States. I feel there has been agreat spirtual fight back there in recent years. Here in Europe we enter into a deeper and deeper paganism. I never, ever thought I should see the Church under such terrible attack in Catholic Ireland.
Yes I believe that the decks are being cleared for outright persecution…Though not so much in the States.
It is interesting to hear you say that. I belive that God is slowly lifting his hand of grace from the US. Canada is already persecuting their Catholics and I believe that it will be coming soon to a state near you. I say bring it on. 9/11 is a great proof that we are not in very good grace here and rampid homosexuality and abortion. We are living a condemed life. Rome has different rules for us than the rest of the world. I think they are trying to let the church get smaller and more pure in the US. Personal opinions are great things, aren’t they?
Yeah and I worry about everything. I even worry about running out of things to worry about.
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