I have no issues being blunt. Since I’ve spent years with the IDF.
Outside of the media twisting things to fit an agenda, people are woefully ill informed of the reality of living in that part of the world.
I would say without any hesitation that the movements driving the so called ‘protests against Israeli apartheid’ are nothing but sick fantasy. It is Islamic ideology - not Palestinian freedom, fuelling hatred. If it were not, why are so many Arabs happy coexisting?
Let me preface and say that I am NOT a supporter of Islamic belief. That is NOT the same as failing to ‘care’ about individual Muslims. If anything I agree with Dr. David Wood (prolific on YouTube) that what’s actually best for Muslims is to be taught the truth about Muhammad; not be left in ignorance or executed for trying to leave Islam. After all; Apostasy is death for them.
In the streets of Hebron and beyond; I’ve seen young children as old as 5-6 being told to hate Israelis. Not make up opinions of their own - but brainwashed to throw stones and cause harm.
Whilst Israeli’s and Jews aren’t perfect; so many of the IDF, Specifically paramedic detachments and peacekeepers, administer aid to Palestinians despite them being ordered to attack Jews by the Palestinian authority.
A group who brainwash their people with the most ridiculous lies. Such as Jews poisoning water at Ramadan. If it was poisoned I wonder, how am I still alive?
In truth, the Jews only want a right to exist. Just as they did when Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Islam colluded together to slaughter every last one of them.
I’ve no doubt that yet again what I say will cause offence or be moderated out.
So remember this.
What is right and just will never be SILENCED.
Did you think watching our Coptic brothers and sisters butchered in hundreds of thousands or watching Boko Haram (a Muslim terror group in Nigeria) kidnap hundreds of women for sexual slavery, would just go unnoticed?
No. For all too long the politically correct have hampered the truth. Not taking a side - it’s getitng people killed.
Israel and people trying to do their best to survive amongst a word of hate, deserve support not passive neglect!
Because, believe it. The concentration camps existed once. In parts of Syria a form of them still do unfortunately. It could all happen again.
Will people stand in ignorance and watch the growing antisemitism and anti Zionism again degenerate into 6million+ being herded into pens and slaughtered like animals?
I would hope not. I would hope people find the courage to protect the life that God created. I sincerely doubt Jesus expected people to sit on their hands whilst the world crumbles to hateful ideology and doctrine.
But hey. That’s just me.
Shalom Aleikhem Israel.
Outside of the media twisting things to fit an agenda, people are woefully ill informed of the reality of living in that part of the world.
I would say without any hesitation that the movements driving the so called ‘protests against Israeli apartheid’ are nothing but sick fantasy. It is Islamic ideology - not Palestinian freedom, fuelling hatred. If it were not, why are so many Arabs happy coexisting?
Let me preface and say that I am NOT a supporter of Islamic belief. That is NOT the same as failing to ‘care’ about individual Muslims. If anything I agree with Dr. David Wood (prolific on YouTube) that what’s actually best for Muslims is to be taught the truth about Muhammad; not be left in ignorance or executed for trying to leave Islam. After all; Apostasy is death for them.
In the streets of Hebron and beyond; I’ve seen young children as old as 5-6 being told to hate Israelis. Not make up opinions of their own - but brainwashed to throw stones and cause harm.
Whilst Israeli’s and Jews aren’t perfect; so many of the IDF, Specifically paramedic detachments and peacekeepers, administer aid to Palestinians despite them being ordered to attack Jews by the Palestinian authority.
A group who brainwash their people with the most ridiculous lies. Such as Jews poisoning water at Ramadan. If it was poisoned I wonder, how am I still alive?
In truth, the Jews only want a right to exist. Just as they did when Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Islam colluded together to slaughter every last one of them.
I’ve no doubt that yet again what I say will cause offence or be moderated out.
So remember this.
What is right and just will never be SILENCED.
Did you think watching our Coptic brothers and sisters butchered in hundreds of thousands or watching Boko Haram (a Muslim terror group in Nigeria) kidnap hundreds of women for sexual slavery, would just go unnoticed?
No. For all too long the politically correct have hampered the truth. Not taking a side - it’s getitng people killed.
Israel and people trying to do their best to survive amongst a word of hate, deserve support not passive neglect!
Because, believe it. The concentration camps existed once. In parts of Syria a form of them still do unfortunately. It could all happen again.
Will people stand in ignorance and watch the growing antisemitism and anti Zionism again degenerate into 6million+ being herded into pens and slaughtered like animals?
I would hope not. I would hope people find the courage to protect the life that God created. I sincerely doubt Jesus expected people to sit on their hands whilst the world crumbles to hateful ideology and doctrine.
But hey. That’s just me.
Shalom Aleikhem Israel.
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