Do You Trust American Bishops?

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Some one recently asked me if I trusted our American Catholic Bishops to provide us with the true teachins of Christ.

I thought this a provocative question and one that might make for a good poll and discussion.

You can just take the poll or feel free to elaborate on your answser
I watch and read the offical teachings for the Church from the Vatican. The Vatican’s website can be found at and is very good.

Some American bishops are very good. See the [thread=5074]thread on excellent bishops[/thread] (I wish more people would post about good bishops that they know about). Some are not.

Fortunately the Vatican leadership is very good.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is very divided right now. :whacky:

:gopray2: We need to pray that all bishops come to embrace the Truth and be granted the courage to preach it boldly.
Look you guys… don’t fall into the non-catholic trap. Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against the church so fear not… as long as people are involved there will be sin… just like you and i will continue to sin… don’t give yourself too much seriousness here in these forums… you and i don’t know that much… we need the guidence of the apostolic successors… support you priest, bishop, and John Paul II… you will then discover you will be supporting Jesus as well… there will always be trials, as long as there is a Satan, i can guarantee you issues… just don’t let him divide us… he will know we are christians by our love…! 👍
I don’t think it usually matters what the bishops as a body are doing, because I only have one bishop: the one of my diocese. The only time I think about how the bishops as a group teach is in their bishops’ conference documents, and they are almost always quality texts.

But again, I’m ultimately only concerned about the bishop I have, and I’m a very happy guy right now, with Bishop Robert Carlson.
space ghost:
Look you guys… don’t fall into the non-catholic trap. Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against the church so fear not… as long as people are involved there will be sin… just like you and i will continue to sin… don’t give yourself too much seriousness here in these forums… you and i don’t know that much… we need the guidence of the apostolic successors… support you priest, bishop, and John Paul II… you will then discover you will be supporting Jesus as well… there will always be trials, as long as there is a Satan, i can guarantee you issues… just don’t let him divide us… he will know we are christians by our love…! 👍
Very well said, space ghost.
I had to answer “unsure” because the option of some good/some not so good/some bad wasn’t given. I have met or heard of Bishops that fall into all 3 catagories. Cardinal George & Bishop Bruskewitz are 2 of the good ones. (A little name-dropping here - my dh was in seminary with Bishop Bruskewitz - his nickname was “Husky Brusky”! My dh considered him even then to be special & looked up to him as a role model.)
“But again, I’m ultimately only concerned about the bishop I have,”

Actually this is how it should be - often the US Bishops meet in committees to make “advisements” but many think that is the rule when as you say, it is what your local Bishop determines to be correct that we must follow. We must just pray that we have a Bishop who will lead his sheep into green pastures,
I guess I shouldn’t speak in regards to US bishop since I am a Canadian but as far as the Canadian Bishops are concerned, I think sometimes they appear weak but they are the ones who were sent to us from God through the Holy Father. We should give them the benefit of the doubt in most circumstances. Sure there are some renegades but we should not hold the whole episcopacy in contempt because of these few. We don’t like it when Protestants judge Catholicism because of a few bad Catholics.
I don’t trust them all … but most of them … so I couldn’t vote.

Our Bishop, McCormick, Manchester, NH … in my humble opinion should go and move on …
space ghost:
Look you guys… don’t fall into the non-catholic trap. Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against the church so fear not… as long as people are involved there will be sin… just like you and i will continue to sin… don’t give yourself too much seriousness here in these forums… you and i don’t know that much… we need the guidence of the apostolic successors… support you priest, bishop, and John Paul II… you will then discover you will be supporting Jesus as well… there will always be trials, as long as there is a Satan, i can guarantee you issues… just don’t let him divide us… he will know we are christians by our love…! 👍
What if your priest is not following Canon law? It’s painfully obvious to me that the Catholic Church in America NEEDS the (name removed by moderator)ut of it’s laity. Look at all that has happened in the last 50 years. It’s been a disaster. I love my church and that’s why I will NOT support my priest or bishop unless he is following church guidelines precisely.
I wish more of our Bishops would have a little backbone, take a stand once in a while. Show some leadership. We are desperate for it! We want spiritual leaders who have the guts to say THIS is RIGHT and THIS is WRONG…no exceptions! The Catholic church will continue to struggle in this coubtry until this happens. If we wanted a church leadership that just went with the flow of the social tide we’d be Episcopalians.
I agree. Our bishops are called to emulate Christ, Who had to suffer for the truth a great deal more than would any US bishop. In this age of confusion, the laity NEED to hear the truth.

Ryan King
I live in the greater Phoenix diocese. Through a nationaly known tragedy, Bishop Thomas O’Brien was forced to resign following his involvement in a fatal auto accident (he was later convicted of leaving the scene of that accident, and was sentenced to extensive community service) Bishop O’Brien was the presiding Bishop during our local sexual abuse cases.

As refered to in Michael Rose’s book Goodbye, Good Men the Phoenix diocese was an example of a top-down theologicaly “liberal” community that resulted in an epidemic of sexual abuse cases and cover ups and largely gay priesthood (Bishop O’Brien’s aide was an open and avowed lesbian who was quoted by Phoenix New Times as considering the marriage of Joseph and Blessed Mary as a type of pederastic act).

O’Brien’s replacement, Bishop Thomas Olmstead is the kind of Bishop we deserve and despertley need. He is religiously orthodox, devout, and is in the process of cleaning the diocese house. Several of the former Bishop’s aides and administrators have been re-assigned or let go. He is enforcing priestly obedience in accordance to the Magesterium of the Church as opposed to trendy opinion. I look foward for a vocation administrattion that seeks out dedicated candidates who are also devout, orthodox, and obedient to the laws of the Church (including celibacy).

In my daily prayers, I still include Bishop O’Brien as well as Bishop Olmstead. Whatever mistakes he performed or faultings of character, he was still our Bishop
I am in the Phoenix Diocese and totally concur that we have a great new Bishop and there are other Bishops I admire in the U.S. but then there are the others.

While I do not trust the US conference of Bishops as a whole (as evidenced by their recent decision on refusing Communion to proabortion politicians), I do trust some of them individually.

When there are more of the “good guys” than “bad guys” on the committees, then I will trust them again.
What if your priest is not following Canon law? It’s painfully obvious to me that the Catholic Church in America NEEDS the (name removed by moderator)ut of it’s laity. Look at all that has happened in the last 50 years. It’s been a disaster. I love my church and that’s why I will NOT support my priest or bishop unless he is following church guidelines precisely.
I appreciate your frustrations, and I have some of the same myself from time to time. However, I think your posted view gets things a bit upside down.

In my opinion, if you love the Church you must love and support your priest or bishop. You can wish he had a brain transplant, or a change of view, or even pray that he decides to move to another parish. But it seems to me that we must trust them to reflect accurate Church teaching and trust the Church to correct them when they don’t.

We can lament if they fail in that regard, but we shouldn’t be surprised if some do. We can have an opinion and raise issues where we feel they are in error, but it is not our place to decide whether or not a priest or bishop is folllowing Church guidelines correctly. Many guidelines are just that - guidelines. They are subject to interpretation and implementation by local ordinaries, not by the laity.

If we don’t trust, we can’t love. And if we can’t love, how can we be Catholic?

The laity has rights and responsibilities, and we need to understand what they are. And what they are not.

I am not overly thrilled with my bishop. I am sure that he is very, very good at some things, but speaking and representing the Church in public is not one of them. Location witheld to protect the innocent.

Somebody needs to follow the guy around with a fire extinguisher.
I’ve heard it said, and I agree, that if American Catholics took one-half of the time they currently spend complaining about and disagreeing with their Bishops, and spent that time praying for them instead, we would have a completely different Church.

I am pausing while writing this message to say a prayer for my Bishop. I hope you pause while reading it to say a prayer for your Bishop.

Here are some Catholic prayers for Bishops, in case you need inspiration.
Lord Jesus Christ, you sent your Apostles to proclaim the Good News with Peter at their head and you strengthened them with the Holy Spirit.
Remind us that our bishops are appointed by that same Spirit and are the successors of the Apostles as Pastors of Souls.
Together with the Pope and under his authority they have been sent throughout the world to continue your work.
Help our bishop to teach all members of his diocese, to sanctify them in the truth, and to give them your nourishment.
Make us obey his teachings and love him as the Church obeys and loves you.
May we remain united him, growing in faith and love, and attain eternal life with you.
From the Knights of Columbus, Veritas Series Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers
Heavenly Father,
in these trying times
when the spirit of the age
threatens Christian values,
give our bishop holiness of life
and wisdom to direct and guide our (arch)diocesan
family so that we may grow in your love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Or, from Orange County Diocese (substitute the name of your Bishop for “N.”.)
Heavenly Father, in Bishop N., you send us a shepherd in the model of your Son.
Hear our prayer for Bishop N., as he asks your grace in this time of need.
Purify him, Lord. Make him strong, loving and wise. Remake his shepherd’s heart once again: conformed to the Sacred Heart of your Son, who knows his sheep, whose sheep know him, and who alone can lead us through the valley of death.
Fill Bishop N. with your heavenly gifts. May he show Christ’s compassion to all who are in pain. May he be the sure path to God for all who are lost. May he preach the unwavering Gospel to the victims of lies and sin.
May he show patience and sound teaching to those confused and afraid. May he show Christ the teacher to those who know no hope. May he show Christ’s healing to those caught up in sin’s deceit. May he be the gentle good shepherd to the victims of violence and abuse.
Make him a good shepherd, Lord. May he repent of his sins and accept your mercy. May he consecrate himself to the truth with the strength of your grace. May he worthily celebrate the Sacred mysteries and wisely govern and protect your Holy Church. May he know the peace of those who do your will and the fortitude entrusted to him by Holy Orders. May he know his sheep, and knowing him, may they be led to you, through Christ Jesus, your Son, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.
The American Bishops have already proven to the whole world that they cannot be trusted.

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