Terrific article. Good luck up there. I wish things were a little more orthodox down here in Columbus.
Terrific article. Good luck up there. I wish things were a little more orthodox down here in Columbus.
Toledo has been rampantly led down the modernist path for a long time. Give it time and pray the new bishop there can straighten things out.Terrific article. Good luck up there. I wish things were a little more orthodox down here in Columbus.
The Apostles were divided at times. That part doesn’t bother me. I don’t know all the bishops, but I believe that the Holy Spirit will guide the Church.The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is very divided right now. :whacky:
We need to pray that all bishops come to embrace the Truth and be granted the courage to preach it boldly.
Keep your eyes open and pray hard. There’s more that’s going to come out about the good cardinal that’s going to be painful for people to hear. I like him as a person, but he’s an administrator and not a shepherd. There have been a few relatively recent things that aren’t going to sit well with people.Well…seeing that only SIX out of 183 Bishops in June voted for DENYING communion to those public servants who are for abortion and vote that way…I dont have much trust in them…it also bugs me that Cardinal George was NOT one of the BRAVE and TRUE of the 6 who properly interpreted the churches documents on this issue…but yet he correctly told priests to deny communion to heretics of rainbow sash…a mixed message…as usual.
lsburk said:
I Think what bothers me most, about the results of this poll, is the number of no’s and unsure’s there are. Where has our Church gone that there is this much suspicion of our Bishops? My suggestion to this problem is two-fold. Continue to demand, from our clergy, the teaching of the Church not their teaching. Those that refuse need to be reported to the Diocese or directly to Rome. Secondly, pray. God has given us so many ways in which to change our world through prayer. Intercessory prayer. Prayer using the Psalms. Prayer will move mountains. Glory to God.