I did not vote as I would answer ‘yes’ in some areas and ‘no’ in others.
I don’t believe this is accurate.…At its last public meeting, the USCCB was informed that no catechetical course used at the high school level can be relied upon. So, my answer to the poll was no. My son is in catholic high school, and by their own admission the bishops are allowing the use of materials they admit are unfit to instruct the faith.
Re Arius: Really good point! I notice that nobody has responded negatively to it. In fact, I think nobody has responded to it at all! What’s to say?It’s worth remembering that Arius was a bishop.
My bishop is Harry Flynn in St. Paul and Minneapolis. I think he is a politician bishop----more interested in consensus than in truth. I don’t think that he teaches falsehood so much as he is afraid of correcting falsehood. However, since I can be a cowardly Catholic too, I pray for him and other bishops.
First of all, do you mean the Roman Catholic Church or the Catholic Church in America?Do you trust the American Catholic Laity to follow the true teachings of the Catholic Church?
I suspect that such a poll would have very similar result to this one on the bishops.
The link is to Priests ‘In Orgy’ at Seminary.Note that the bishop dismisses 40,000 photos. Now please explain to me how we can trust these men and these institutions?
officials discovered a vast cache of photos and videos allegedly depicting young priests having sex at a seminary.
About 40,000 photographs and an undisclosed number of films, including child pornography, were downloaded on computers at the seminary in St Poelten, about 50 miles west of Vienna,
Bishop Kurt Krenn, a conservative churchman who oversees the St Poelten Diocese, told Austrian television he had seen photos of seminary leaders in sexual situations with students. Krenn, however, dismissed the photos as “silly pranks” that “had nothing to do with homosexuality”.
This stuff really breaks my heart. I ache with pain for our Church.A group of St. Poelten Diocese officials planned to ask the Vatican to remove Krenn as bishop, Austrian radio reported.
Boy, you are so right!First of all, do you mean the Roman Catholic Church or the Catholic Church in America?
If my bishop erroneously tells me that it is okay for me to commit a particular sin, God will still hold me accountable for having committed that sin if I knew that it was a sin. In the days when written texts were not available to the common man, and the common man could not read nor write, God might have held the priest or bishop more responisble for their teaching. However, now that we are more educated, we are even more accountable.
God Bless