Do you/would you carry a concealed firearm to Mass?

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It has been empirically demonstrated in redundant scenarios that this is not necessary and that an armed population creates a far more dangerous criminal subculture that anticipates the threat of lethal force in advance. It creates a mutual militarization between the general population and the criminal population.

The US is the least safe highly developed country in the world.
Please share your empirical evidence. The few studies that I’m aware of who have come to those conclusions were grotesquely flawed.
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On an international scale, Catholics strongly lean in favor of gun restrictions. Spain, Portugal, France, Poland, and Italy do not have a gun culture. The Philippines does not have a gun culture. Quebec does not have a gun culture. Latin America has thousands of people & children dying from American guns, but the general population does not have America’s gun culture.

There’s really nothing you ought to be shocked about. Like I have already said: America’s eccentric attitude on guns is unique to America and it is not linked to the Catholic faith. Do you think I am making this up?
How are you determining a ‘gun culture’? South and Central have lots of guns. Taurus is a big Brazilian manufacturer of guns. I myself have an Argentinian firearm. They make guns down in those countries too.

I really don’t think you have grounds for establishing the US has a unique attitude towards guns. What you might say is many, maybe most, countries have heavy restrictions on guns. But this would be a recent development along with the creation of modern all powerful central governments. Governments have always wanted a disarmed populace.
Jesus said “all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”
On a Catholic Forum, more is needed than a one-liner from the Bible.
On a Catholic forum, the words of Jesus should carry more weight than our own.
That’s a ridiculous retort. It’s remarkable what peoples’ hatred and fear of firearms will make them post.
It is not the firearms people hate, but the death that comes from them. It is called being pro-life. There is a lot of room for debate as to what makes society safer, but all Christians must consider for themselves whether they are putting the value of life over their own convenience (making firearm purchased easier), their own enjoyment (collecting and shooting), and their own faith (fear of government conspiracies to confiscate all guns).

For me, I am for allowing people to conceal and carry. However, I blame the NRA for a lot of gun violence, especially this most recent shooting. Driven by funding from gun manufacturers to keep the money flowing, they have opposed any move to make the country safer, if it affected profits. They have fooled many into thinking they stand for rights and built fear of the government when common sense should say, “Follow the money.” I place them among the ranks of illegal arms dealers in their responsibility for promoting death.
How are you determining a ‘gun culture’?
I consider it just another extension of our culture of death.
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No, there actually is a brand of ammunition named “Double Tap.” They got their name loading very “hot” 10mm ammunition among other “hot” loads. They now have lines like DT Defense, DT hunting, etc.

I know what a “double tap” is. That’s why I think the naming of the ammo was/is a bad idea.

TK: If weapons caused militarization of the criminal element and an increase in violence from them, why is it that North Dakota, a state with large numbers of firearms was the safest, or one of the safest states to live in in the US for years prior to folks coming in from other locations? Of the murders that happened in the area since I moved out here, only one of them was done by a native, or even a very long-term resident. So, shouldn’t all of North Dakota have died off in an orgy or self-inflicted gun violence long before the gang-bangers arrived under your theory?
I blame the NRA for a lot of gun violence, especially this most recent shooting.
please explain the nra’s role in the most recent shooting?

do you blame planned parenthood for the number of abortions in this country? do you place them among the illegal abortion providers?
Driven by funding from gun manufacturers to keep the money flowing, they have opposed any move to make the country safer, if it affected profits.
i keep hearing this. please link to the data so i can see how much each gun manufacturer is giving to the nra? i don’t doubt they donate to the cause but i would like to see the amounts.
They have fooled many into thinking they stand for rights and built fear of the government
i don’t find this to be accurate. they push fear of the gun control lobby but that is due to the mission of the lobby to ban guns which has been posted above or on other gun threads. there are statements back to the brady days of pushing small wins until the big one.
do you blame planned parenthood for the number of abortions in this country? do you place them among the illegal abortion providers?
Absolutely, and for the same reason. I also place them and the pro-abortion Democrats, Catholics and just people in general, among those who condoned the murder of people through the ages, from the Jewish people at Pilate’s house, to the Germans who helped usher in the Nazi regime.
please explain the nra’s role in the most recent shooting?
If one lobbies to keep guns flowing freely, one bears responsibility for the deaths facilitated by those policies.
If one lobbies to keep guns flowing freely, one bears responsibility for the deaths facilitated by those policies.
what is lobbying? isn’t it interest representation.

when we vote we vote for people that represent our interest. to a degree we are all lobbyist. are pro-gun voters also responsible for these deaths?

what if we voted for a pro-gun politician because he was anti-abortion are we still responsible for these deaths?

what about voters who vote for pro-abortion politicians for other reasons are they now responsible for the abortions performed because of their vote, because of their lobbying effort?
However, I blame the NRA for a lot of gun violence, especially this most recent shooting.
Was the shooter a member of the NRA? I don’t think he was, but I know the guy who stopped him was.
Driven by funding from gun manufacturers to keep the money flowing, they have opposed any move to make the country safer, if it affected profits.
I remember the NRA advocating for the release of violent criminals so they could get illegal guns and commit more crimes. No wait, the NRA advocates locking up violent criminals with longer sentences for armed criminals.
I consider it just another extension of our culture of death.
How is advocating for a meaningful right to self defense contributing to a “culture of death”?
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Researching Atlas and Boots,they have Mideast countries as most violent. SYRIA, AFGHANISTAN,IRAQ, SOUTH SEDAN, YEMEN.
In Christ’s love
The shooting that recently happened in a church was stopped by an NRA instructor with the same gun the shooter was using. He was a member of the church, ran to his truck and got his gun and stopped the shooter. Guns in the hands of the decent save lives. Guns in the hands of the wicked sinfully murder people.
Your comments are just plain ugly.
Re-read your own if you want to see ugly. At least I did not make personal attacks like you did. But by all means, call me the ugly one. For the record, I seldom watch CNN and have never watched MSNBC. But by all means, make all conversations personal and use your efforts in colorful and meaningless insults, if that what makes you feel better.
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Perfect sign of someone who has no argument. When the facts are not in your favor, then bear false witness. pnewton has been on these forums for years and he is the last person I would call a bigot.
Please stop personally attacking me. Please stop bearing false witness against me.

I don’t care how long “pnewtown” has been on these forums. pnewton has absolutely no proof that major funding for the NRA come from gun manufacturers. None. He couldn’t because that’s not where the NRA’s funding comes from. pnewton is merely parroting the MSNBC/CNN/HuffPost line which is an out-and-out lie. I challenge either you or pnewton to prove that the NRA’s funding largely comes from firearms manufacturers.

The NRA is a convenient scapegoat for the anti-gun camp. It gets old after awhile.

In all sincerity if the NRA’s mission was to prop-up gun sales in the USA, it would have strongly supported hillary clinton. It did not. It was one of the first to support Donald Trump.
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pnewton has absolutely no proof that major funding for the NRA come from gun manufacturers
“Major” is your word, not mine.

Whether someone is new, or old, here, there is still no cause for insults and personal attacks.

I can’t stand the work of the NRA for its own sake, not for how much whoever pays. Its work made it so a mental hospital escapee, wife beater, child-beater could walk into and Academy and walk out with and AR-15.

I wish there was a sporting good stores that did not sell fire arms. They would always have my business. As it is, I will still move as much as I can elsewhere.
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Is carrying a handgun in Canada illegal? If so, no wonder you don’t know of anyone who carries a gun.
And as for homicide rate in Canada, they do not have the diverse population that we do.
With all due respect to your opinion, not fact, opinion, that is quite a stretch. The NRA had nothing to do with the AF failing to report the shooter to the proper registrating organization.
“Major” is your word, not mine.
Here is what you wrote. I would challenge you to prove your assertion but I know you cannot.
I blame the NRA for a lot of gun violence, especially this most recent shooting. Driven by funding from gun manufacturers to keep the money flowing, they have opposed any move to make the country safer, if it affected profits.
A few quick points to consider:
  • The man who shot the Texas church killer and stopped him from killing more people is an NRA life member.
  • This same man is also an NRA certified firearms instructor.
  • He used an AR15 pattern rifle (the current boogieman of the gun-banners) to neutralize the killer.
  • You’ll never hear these three facts on mainstream media.
  • The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the organization tasked with selling the gun makers wares in the USA. The NRA is a civil rights organization – the US’s oldest. Go Google the NSSF. Learn.
  • You simply cannot prove your assertion about the NRA.
Whether someone is new, or old, here, there is still no cause for insults and personal attacks.
I didn’t personally attack you.
I can’t stand the work of the NRA for its own sake, not for how much whoever pays. Its work made it so a mental hospital escapee, wife beater, child-beater could walk into and Academy and walk out with and AR-15.
Your comment is false. I don’t know why you would post such erroneous information, but it’s wrong to do so. The US Air Force and the county this man lived in did not report his arrests to the FBI as they are legally required to do! The NRA has nothing to do with that! Because the agencies did not report this information (any of which would have disqualified the shooter from legally buying ANY firearm), he passed the NICS instant background check more than once, and was allowed to purchase firearms. Once more, the NRA has absolutely nothing to do with this!

The reason I am so direct about this issue is that anti-gun people repeat this lie again and again until they influence the beliefs of others. I don’t care for the “face” of the NRA. But I thank God for their existence. As the US’s oldest civil rights association, the NRA is largely what keeps vote-hungry politicians from banning firearms DESPITE the Second Amendment.
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