Do you/would you carry a concealed firearm to Mass?

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Instead of limited accidents on very rare occasion, you have successful mass shootings.
Instead of limited accidents on very rare occasion, you have successful mass shootings.
In the Texas church shooting, perhaps about 25 lives were saved because the good guy had a gun. On the other hand, the death toll for what you call “limited accidents on very rare occasion” involving firearms is hundreds per year in the US. Is that what you mean by “instead”?
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Hundreds more are shot every year in cities with gun control. Virtue-signaling solutions like gun control don’t work.
Hundreds more are shot every year in cities with gun control. Virtue-signaling solutions like gun control don’t work.
Why are you changing the subject? This thread is about bringing guns to church. I posted a news item about that. Somebody brought a gun to church and two people went to the hospital. If you want to argue about gun control, there is another thread for that:
Just what is "common sense gun control?" How about a few examples? Social Justice
Just what is this “common sense gun control” that so many politicos and members of the media prattle on about? How about a few concrete examples? Gun control has proven not to work. There is years of hard data on the subject for a number of reputable sources. All one need do is Google. Many states in the US already have mountains of “gun control” that doesn’t work. I would like to see some concrete examples of “common sense gun control” that would actually make a difference in reducing gun…
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I go out with the Street Pastors, we walk around town until 4 am on a Saturday morning, we have ladies in our teams who are in their seventies. We walk in the middle of fights, we calm people down and afterwards there are handshakes and hugs.
Oh, and I don’t believe your story in any case----and at least I think you’re leaving out key details.
If you think I am not telling the truth, it might be because you don’t have the faith to walk around without a gun. If you think I have left out key details, then just say what is missing and I will try and respond. Second time of asking.
He missed a step…
Education my friend, education. Education and practice.
Got it. Education and practice are essential. They reduce human error, no doubt, but haven’t eliminated it. They also don’t protect us from human weakness. Most gun deaths in the US are suicide. Education and practice don’t seem to help very much there. But yeah, education and practice.
how about self-defense?; so i will go to mass later today. defenseless, unarmed and if some nut job wants to take out the congregation; i’ve got 70 yr old ushers as my line of defense?
Those suicides would have occurred using other means if a firearm wasn’t available. Seriously, if somebody is going to kill themselves, they are going to do it however they can. Self-drowning, trains, semis, asphyxiation via bag on head, self-exsanguination including death by a thousand cuts method, CO poisoning, pills, “hotshots,” poison, “Death of a Salesman” style vehicle “accidents,” along with combination platters of methods. The ones that involve other people directly are particularly nasty, because they can leave the other person with a sense of guilt, and, depending on the exact nature of what happened, may require far more than a mop and bucket to clean up after.

In many respects, suicide by gunshot, depending on where it is, is a far more humane thing than many of the other options. Having heard descriptions of what it sounds like when people have slit their own throats, it cannot be a pleasant experience, especially since they have time to feel the pain and think about the fact that, no matter what they do after that, they’re dead.
I do. It is legal in my state. I’m properly licensed and better trained than most cops. Nobody knows I carry. I am also in the choir, right next to the altar. If something would happen, I would be in the best position to see it and react to it. Although that is not primarily why I carry.

I carry for two reasons: 1) To defend myself, my loved ones and innocents, especially on the way to church and home again. Why would God give me a talent like being good at defensive shooting and expect me not to use it for that end? And 2) To exercise my Constitutional rights. Luke 22:36 - Jesus said, “…one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.” The Lord was talking about resistance against tyranny (of the priest and the scribes), which is what the Second Amendment (tyranny of the government) is about.

I had a pastor about a year ago who said in a homily that followed a church shooting, "If any of you are carrying guns in church, I only ask two things: I don’t want to know about it and don’t point it up here!

Also, there have always been guns in church. A lot of law enforcement officers are Catholic and most of them carry off-duty. That doesn’t seem to bother people as much. But cops aren’t as good with guns as you would hope they are. In fact, a lot of them are downright inept.
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Seriously: if people are going to kill themselves, they are going to kill themselves whether it’s with a gun, a knife, a rope, a car, gravity, or other something fatal.

J: Our law enforcement usually does pretty well with their firearms. We had one female cop fail to qualify a long, long time ago, and we had one male cop put a round into the dirt 3’ in front of the target at 15 yards, but other than that, they are pretty good. The ones who couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn from inside of the barn are gone.

I don’t worry about something happening inside the church, I have concerns about getting there. Especially with some of the folks I deal with.
Seriously: if people are going to kill themselves, they are going to kill themselves whether it’s with a gun, a knife, a rope, a car, gravity, or other something fatal.
People seem to think that if only there were more laws those participating in bad behavior would say “golly gee” and walk away.
Yep, and there aren’t many things messier than a person vs. train suicide. Then, the engineer has to get drug/alcohol screened, investigated, and probably ultimately sued in a “ghetto lottery” action against the engineer and his employer for “negligence” or something.

“Eating” a 22-250 comes pretty close, and makes a nasty case of pink mist, but at least it’s contained in one area and doesn’t directly involve others.

Just wish that people would recognize that the decision to suicide is made regardless of the weapon selected.
Hundreds more are shot every year in cities with gun control. Virtue-signaling solutions like gun control don’t work.
According to the office of National Statistics, gun control in the UK works very well. Far more people are murdered by stabbing or being kicked and punched, than gun deaths.

I believe initiatives like Street Pastors also helps reduce tension in our cities.
Why would God give me a talent like being good at defensive shooting and expect me not to use it for that end? And 2) To exercise my Constitutional rights. Luke 22:36 - And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!
The disciple with God given defensive sword skills is told to put his sword away.
If you read further down Luke 22 the disciples say they have two swords between all of them and Jesus says that is enough. Why would two swords be enough, especially if they are to go their own separate ways. Jesus must have something else on his mind, and we see this in Luke 22-50,51

50 And one of them struck at the high priest’s slave, slashing off his right ear.

51 But Jesus said, “No more of this.” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.

It seems that the only time in Jesus’s ministry when swords might have been useful, Jesus told them to stop using swords.
" It is enough" means" end of discussion."
The disciples were not getting the meaning of what was to come.
Not that they needed swords literally,nor He is saying that " Two swords are enough"
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