Do you/would you carry a concealed firearm to Mass?

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By the same token, God also doesn’t want us to live lives ruined by obsessive fear of those who, when all is said and done, can only destroy the body and not the soul.

Being prepared does not equate to having “obsessive fear.” That’s claptrap. It’s also a very common anti-gunner judgement.
I never said or thought that being prepared equates to having “obsessive fear”. Being prepared - proportionate to the dangers or opportunities that one needs to be prepared for - is laudable.

But just as it is counterproductive to prepare for a three-day weekend by packing three weeks worth of clothing, so it is counterproductive to extrapolate from a whole two (I think) church shootings in the entire history of the US and assume that churches are highly dangerous places where one should be extra vigilant.
Why don’t we have that luxury anymore? While the US is not nearly as safe as Australia, Europe, or Canada, it is a significantly safer place since the early 1990s.

The probability of being shot at any time in your life is one in many thousands. Naturally, those odds will increase by a hundred fold if you’re in a gang.
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Only in the US - to the rest of the civilised world this very conversation sounds like insanity. Sadly it is obvious that no amount of carnage will change people’s views so the personal arms race can only continue and get ever worse. Very sad for the thousands of innocent bystanders who will die.
Situational awareness is for soldiers in combat situations. People who are living ordinary lives aren’t suppose to be waiting for a Die Hard scenario to develop. You’re not suppose to be in a partially elevated state of mind at all times. You should be thinking about things like work, friends, family, God, spaghetti, cherry cheesecake, a hot shower, a good book, etc. It’s like anticipating a meteorite or a lightning bolt to strike you.
Absolute hogwash. Your comments are truly offensive on this matter. There are MILLIONS of Americans who live “ordinary lives” who don’t have the full-time luxury of “…thinking about things like work, friends, family, God, spaghetti, cherry cheesecake, a hot shower, a good book, etc.” Many are focused on survival! MANY people life difficult/dangerous lives due to poverty, family situations, their employment status etc. For many, situational awareness is a matter of life and death.

Go spend a weekend, just a few days in a public housing tenement in any major US city, or any rough neighborhood. Then come back and report to us on your experience and your new outlook on life.
Why don’t we have that luxury anymore? While the US is not nearly as safe as Australia, Europe, or Canada, it is a significantly safer place since the early 1990s.
It’s certainly not because of the availability of firearms.

FWIW, even today, MANY parts of the US are FAR safer than “Australia, Europe, or Canada.”
That’s true, but these mass shootings are insane. They just happen. No rhyme, no reason, you’re just sitting down doing something totally random and then BAM! You’re dead. Or the little five year old next to you is dead and you’re wounded and maybe die or crippled. It’s not like most crime where you can take measures to avoid it, this stuff happens in the city, in the country, concerts, music festivals, schools, Christmas parties, sporting events, work, church… Anywhere you are, it could happen.

Can’t worry too much about it because then I’d go crazy, but it’s really scary what is happening.
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Hey, I know. Let’s have the USCCB buy neato bronze “Gun Free Zone” plaques for each Catholic church in the US!

That way when the nutter killers approach churches, they’ll read the sign and move on without incident. After all they won’t think of breaking the law, right

Oh! And more “gun-control” laws of course! We all know how nutso criminals follow the laws!
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Why don’t we have that luxury anymore? While the US is not nearly as safe as Australia, Europe, or Canada, it is a significantly safer place since the early 1990s.
It’s certainly not because of the availability of firearms.

FWIW, even today, MANY parts of the US are FAR safer than “Australia, Europe, or Canada.”
I agree: it is not because of the availability of firearms. Thousands of children still die every year from accidental firearm discharges, along with gun homicide occurring 365 days a year. There are more gun homicides in Wyoming than there are in the country of Japan.
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There are more gun homicides in Wyoming than there are in the country of Japan.
Don’t play games…

Look at TOTAL homicides – including suicides by EVERY method!
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Can’t worry too much about it because then I’d go crazy, but it’s really scary what is happening.
Yup, it really is scary. Nut-bags watch the news and want to go out in a blaze of glory with their names spread across CNN…
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You’re right. I might have been thinking about accidental discharges, not fatalities.
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That’s a curious thought, especially w the church shooting today. In the old west, firearms were left at the door.Then, smaller population. Most were Christian. Church was sacred ground. There is less honor today. Churches have been assaulted.
In the name of safety, NO WEAPONS IN CHURCH!
But, 1 or 2 security guards at entrances should be posted w guns. Does that sound reasonable?
God, in these times of hate, guide us in wisdom, guard us from hate. Protect us from Evil.
In Jesus name
In Christ’s Love
If I lived in a rural part of the country, you bet I’d carry. The cops can’t get there fast enough.
Fortunately I spend my time in densely populated areas with good police response and presence, do I haven’t felt it necessary yet.
The encouraging news is that most Americans do favor more gun restrictions. It’s a long way off from ending the self-inflicted Arms Race between the criminal population and the general population, but it’s something.

There is going to be a more jingoist attitude among police and military, but on the whole, the nation leans in the other direction.
Actually that’s tragic. Extreme “gun control” measure have proven not to work in places like CA, NY, MA, NJ, etc. which already have far more gun control that what’s being proposed. All this “gun control” garbage does it make the politicos feel as if they are “doing something.” It’s a way to placate and corral voters.

Worst of all it takes the spotlight off the real issues – mental health, institutionalized hate, poverty, broken families, etc., etc., etc.
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That’s a curious thought, especially w the church shooting today. In the old west, firearms were left at the door. Then, smaller population. Most were Christian. Church was sacred ground. There is less honor today. Churches have been assaulted.

In the name of safety, NO WEAPONS IN CHURCH!

But, 1 or 2 security guards at entrances should be posted w guns. Does that sound reasonable?

God, in these times of hate, guide us in wisdom, guard us from hate. Protect us from Evil.

In Jesus name


In Christ’s Love

Not always, no. I have a photo of my g-g-g-grandfather wearing a firearm in 1861 inside of a California Mission.

It might have turned out a lot better in Texas where 26+ were murdered in a church yesterday if someone would have taken out the killer had they been carrying their own firearm.
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Safer than Canada? Which part? Have you lived in Canada? Are you Canadian?

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.
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What tweedlealice says sounds right to me. No guns inside the church. Guards posted outside seems an okay compromise considering recent events.
My suggestion was having security guards w guns at the church. Same difference for shooting assailant. I do feel ppl don’t need assault guns. They would make you a brave hunter but your meal would have lots of bullets in it.
Guns for self protection, home protection and hunting.
Gun collectors don’t need assault rifles or sell w/o bullets for show Cops and military need assault weapons. Criminals and gangs may have some now but in time, over a few years, they would be collected. Criminals will still get weapons illegally.
I know why you feel as you do. Let Pastors decide.
God guide us w your wisdom. Help us get rid of evil in this world.
In Jesus name
In Christ’s love
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