I am fully aware of Australia’s involvement in WW2 and I don’t see how that relates to what I was talking about at all.
By definition an “assault rifle” is a select-fire machine gun. The name comes from the German StG 44 – short for Sturmgewehr 44 or “assault rifle 44.”I mean an ‘Assault Rifle’
You never know. China is unfortunately still a communist country.What does Australia have to fear? An invasion from China?
Don’t know, but it certainly wont stand a chance with a small sized military and unarmed population without someone like the USA at our back.but if it did happen, it wouldn’t stand a chance either way.
And that’s the point…I am fully aware of Australia’s involvement in WW2 and I don’t see how that relates to what I was talking about at all.
Members of militaries putting more store by the values of their country’s constitution than adherence to the state however it is working de facto ? That must explain the well-known widespread defection from the Wehrmacht when told they had to swear a new oath to the Führer rather than to Germany and its constitutionMalarkey. If the US Gov’t went totally rogue there would be massive division and defection – particularly in the military. Even if it total nutso mode, it could hardly sustain much of a fight without troops and it’s not about to start popping nukes in the Midwest. On the other side of the coin would be a modestly armed militia, but also the largest one in the history of the world – over 100M. If you don’t think that would be a deterrent, you’re not a student of history.
Right now as I type, Catalonia is under siege by Spain. I’m sure Spain will once again subsume what was a sovereign nation until 1931. You can bet things would be far different if Catalonia was trained and armed along the lines of say Switzerland…
Do you even know what an “assault weapon” is? Many (especially journalists) use that term to inflame without knowing what an “assault weapon” actually is.assault weapons
Not really, no. If Catalonia was as prepared as Switzerland, I suspect they would have regained their independence without firing a single shot. Deterrence means a lot.Difficult though the Catalonia situation is and however badly served by their politicians the people of Spain and Catalonia are, it is (so far) a testament to common sense that it has not broken out into civil war.
What is happening with your Sig? I have one and haven’t had problems with it. But it doesn’t have a lot of rounds through it yet. If I recall there was some problem with the earlier models. I can’t remember what that was though.The other, a Sig P938 was the carry one, but having mechanical issues with it:/ I guess it’s time to figure out how to conceal a full-frame 6" barrel Glock… At least it gives 17+1 instead of 7+1.
Which is why you have seat belts and air bags. A self defense gun is like a seat belt or air bag.There is a far higher probability of getting killed in a car accident than getting shot in Church.
The car and truck massacres sound like insanity too. Those were only in Europe before they came to the US last week.Only in the US - to the rest of the civilised world this very conversation sounds like insanity. Sadly it is obvious that no amount of carnage will change people’s views so the personal arms race can only continue and get ever worse. Very sad for the thousands of innocent bystanders who will die.