Just read that patheos article.
First of all, who the heck is Cynthia Stewart? Is she, like, executive assistant to Scott Hahn, maybe? No? Then why would her opinion be any better than mine???
Yes. We’ve reached this far. I’m a very proud person with no KNOWLEDGE of meekness at all. I guess God will forgive me since no sin has been commited.
Stewart says that when grace is accepted, the brokenness of man is overcome. This is so reassuring. That means that once one is saved, he’ll NEVER commit one more sin! How happy to hear it.
Know what’s funny? Everything she said is true! Too bad that it’s taken wrongly because it’s not said in a clear way. We catholics are very good at this. I think I mentioned a couple of reasons why this might be so way back up there in the first pages.
I’m beginning to think that maybe our seminarians should spend a year or so in a protestant university. Maybe they could learn how to SPEAK CLEARLY. Don’t think I haven’t complained about this. We’re always beating around the bush - hence all these differing opinions.
Now on to Pope Francis. If I could get to the link that is.
p.s. Jesus did repair the brokenness of man. He also overcame death. Does that mean none of us are going to die anymore? Same thing.
Just read that patheos article.
First of all, who the heck is Cynthia Stewart? Is she, like, executive assistant to Scott Hahn, maybe? No? Then why would her opinion be any better than mine???
Yes. We’ve reached this far. I’m a very proud person with no KNOWLEDGE of meekness at all. I guess God will forgive me since no sin has been commited.
Stewart says that when grace is accepted, the brokenness of man is overcome. This is so reassuring. That means that once one is saved, he’ll NEVER commit one more sin! How happy to hear it.
Know what’s funny? Everything she said is true! Too bad that it’s taken wrongly because it’s not said in a clear way. We catholics are very good at this. I think I mentioned a couple of reasons why this might be so way back up there in the first pages.
I’m beginning to think that maybe our seminarians should spend a year or so in a protestant university. Maybe they could learn how to SPEAK CLEARLY. Don’t think I haven’t complained about this. We’re always beating around the bush - hence all these differing opinions.
Now on to Pope Francis. If I could get to the link that is.
p.s. Jesus did repair the brokenness of man. He also overcame death. Does that mean none of us are going to die anymore? Same thing.