Good morning simpleas,Because we have a freewill.
Yes, I’ll take a longer look at romans, it seems to be a favorite of yours, I can’t remember all of it.
One priest I know is completely overwhelmed when he does a baptism at Mass for a child, so over joyed to behold a beautiful new life, makes everyone remember how precious life is.
Hurricanes are part of the natural world.
We are going off the topic now.
God bless you too.
PS… are you from UK?
I’m here in Italy. Are we neighbors??
I miss christian friends from back when I lived in the states. Italians are not as christian as people might think. Thus, here I am. Had to stop teaching catechism last year for personal reason and have a small bible study left and it’s just not enough for me!
Romans explains the Sin Nature of man. Then it explains how to deal with it, since it really cannot be destroyed. Well, maybe some big saints destroyed it but I wonder about that too. I kind of doubt it. I think Paul would doubt it too and he wrote the basic theology for christianity.
Priests are always joyful when baptizing a new christian. As am I and you too, I’m sure. You sound like a really nice person.
You speak of free will. But what are we choosing from? A good or an evil. Where does that evil come from? The wind. It could be soft and caressing OR it could be a hurricane. Where does the hurricane come from?
Romans will give you the answer. I know you can’t trust me. I’m not saying that man is evil or depraved. Sometimes I speak fast and assume people know terminology and that I’ll be forgiven for misspeaking. I should be more careful even though this is a catholic site, seems like we have differeing opinions on concepts. Some concepts, however, are not open to opinin; although the differening opinion would not cause one to be lost.
If you’re interested, I would tell you why I think it’s important to understand the book of Romans.
God bless