Hi Granny, looks like we are about done with this.
The reality of a public message board is that once something is posted, it lives forever. There is a notice about this somewhere in the guidelines of CAF. I am not sure about exceptions.
OneSheep, You may check this on CAF and see if you can remove post 264, page 18, from this thread.
The reality, so far, is that as long as post 264 exists, then the red flag exists.
Here is what I said:
Here is the third sentence:
" In this view, Christ’s coming served more to show man that He (as seen as the Father) does not hold anything against us, indeed forgives unconditionally, as proven from the Cross."
Please explain how this misrepresents the positions of God and man.
So far there is the position of God which is that He loves unconditionally. In post 264, there is a second position of God which is that He indeed forgives unconditionally.
The basic position of God is that He is a Divine being. When it comes to the original relationship between Adam and his Creator, we find that it is not a relationship between equal positions. Thus, we cannot misrepresent Adam by allowing him to have a position without conditions like the unconditional position of God.
The Catholic Church recognizes the conditional position of Adam. If you wish, you can check this further in
CCC 301; *CCC *318; *CCC *320;
CCC 396.
CCC 396.
“God created man in his image and established him in his friendship. A spiritual creature, man can live this friendship only in free submission to God.”
Please notice the words “in free submission to God.” When Adam freely disobeyed God, he was not living in free submission to God. He rejected God’s friendship. Adam did not have unconditional freedom. What he did was an abuse of his human freedom.
God loves unconditionally. Because God loves unconditionally, Adam’s rejection of God cannot change God’s love for him. What is “conditionally” is Adam’s side of the friendship relationship with God. Adam’s “condition” was to live in free submission (obedience) to God.
Now, we cannot misrepresent Adam’s true condition of necessary obedience by instituting our condition that God’s love must ignore Adam’s rejection. When we misrepresent the actual relationship between Adam and God by excluding the condition of obedience, we are saying that Divinity does not have the ultimate authority. That is a serious misrepresentation of God.
So, are you saying that a God who forgives without condition is not divine? These do not follow Granny, I don’t know how you make that conclusion. God’s love and mercy are unlimited, Granny. Forgiveness is an act of love. Just because requirements are removed for God to love man, does not mean that requirements are removed for man to love God. If man sees God as wrathful, it is going to be much harder to love Him in a sincere way.
In addition, this does not elevate man to the status of God in any way. It doesn’t add up here. Maybe you have to draw a picture?
Here is the picture. Here is God. Here is Man.
The true miracle is Genesis 1: 26-27. Please take the few minutes to read how it is possible for God to be in a true relationship with the first human Adam.
Then God said: Let us make
* human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth.
God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female
* he created them.
Yes, man can choose or reject God, but he only rejects God when the crucial elements of ignorance or blindness are present, in my observation. You have yet to come up with a counterexample.
I have no problem accepting the **Catholic **teaching that Adam is the original first living true fully-complete genuine human who, with his spouse Eve, are the sole first true real founders of humankind.
Apparently, there are a few unnamed people who have a problem with the **Catholic **teachings about a real first human being biblically known as Adam along with the subsequent problems surrounding the
Catholic teachings about Original Sin.
I recall an unnamed public writer referring to Original Sin as a fly in the ointment. We are entitled to free speech opinions, right or wrong, or maybe, since Original Sin was not specifically named in the fly comment.
Obedience is important in maintaining man’s side. God always loves, God always forgives. Remember what Pope Francis said?
If a person disobeys, he will be in slavery to his appetites and passions, it is a natural consequence, not an imposed one. If I don’t lick an ice cream cone, I won’t taste it. Its a “requirement”. If a person does not seek forgiveness when they have done wrong, they have a lack of some aspect of conscience. This, again, is not K&WRG.
I respect your right to free speech references to Pope Francis.
I respect the intelligence of our gentle readers, OneSheep included.
I also respect the fact that post 264, page 18, is still present to readers.
The reality of a public message board is that once something is posted, it lives forever. There is a notice about this somewhere in the guidelines of CAF. I am not sure about exceptions.
OneSheep, You may check this on CAF and see if you can remove post 264, page 18, from this thread.
The reality, so far, is that as long as post 264 exists, then the red flag continues to exist as it is written.