Hey, Bro, got your attention, eh?
The crucifixion is an example because the intent of the crowd was to destroy an evil, a blasphemer. The resentment toward Jesus, as all resentment, led to a blindness to His humanity. So, indeed they saw they were doing harm, but the net effect in their eyes was a greater good: justice, elimination of an evil.
Do you see what I mean? This is why I would have participated; it would have been because I was blinded by resentment. Would this have been the case for you, or do you simply not understand why they crucified Him?
Thanks for your response, I understand completely your reaction!
Our free-will is basically neutral. We decide whom we will become through our actions.
We chose between the various gods, the mundane ones being wealth, power and pleasure, and we devote our lives to them.
Agreed, the crowd had its reasons, each person, their own.
They did have knowledge of what was going on and acted on it.
I do not believe any of them wished to eliminate evil.
If anything, other than the sport of seeing someone suffer,
they more accurately wanted to be righteous.
In other words, they were spiritually proud.
Love would have whispered to them that it was wrong to kill this man.
The evil within them shouted, “Crucify Him!”
They knew what they were doing and why.
When we are in the presence of the Beatific vision, it will not be possible to sin,
because we will know everything as it is as a manifestation of God’s love.
At the beginning of time, we chose the other door.
I do agree that we chose ignorance and lies over the truth.
We now have to pull ourselves out of this mire.
We cannot however, truly become loving persons outside of Christ.
People are given sufficient knowledge to make a moral choice - to love or not to love.
On that basis, through our actions, we grow in Christ or more demonic.
Sin hurts, from our side, our relationship with God.
In order to heal, we must recognize the sin and repent.
I have no idea where you are coming from; it comes across like some anti-scrupulosity.