Hi Granny,Obviously, Catholics agree that the first real human, historically known as Adam, committed the first Original Sin; therefore, he is the designated human who knowingly and willingly rejected God.
Your statement above is the very reason why I do not want to address Adam on this thread. If we were to use the assertions about Adam, who in the Catholic Encyclopedia had a “prenatural” humanness, that is, a nature distinct from our own, then his case does not apply to this thread. In addition, the encyclopedia stated that he had an “infused knowledge” which implies that we do not have this same content. Normal humans do not.
That said, I am only agreeing to discuss Adam if those bringing him up are open-minded about the possiblility that Adam and Eve did not knowingly or willingly reject God, the same possibility that exists for all real people. This thread is about understanding and forgiving people, not an analysis of a story that the CCC describes as “figurative”.
So, I know you mean well. You want to make sure that we, unlike Adam, stay obedient, but that is not what this thread is about.