Yes, we are called to be a “new person”, “reborn”! Can the perfect human be so self-aware, disciplined, and sensitive enough that when his or her anger is triggered, he or she can quickly forgive and put it all away in a microsecond? Possibly! Yet still, because of our nature, the anger will be triggered because the conscience never goes away. Anger is triggered by the conscience. Anger is also triggered by perceived threat, but again, the same amount of awareness and discipline applies.
For example, a person who holds dear that the human is bad, and such a view is the crux of their faith, then then the opposite idea, that the human is beautiful inside and out, is a threat to their faith. That person may have their anger triggered. The triggering is not
chosen. We do not have enough “free will”, in my observations, to overcome the triggers. We may have enough self-awareness, sensitivity, discipline, and skill to quickly return to a state of holiness (wholeness), though.
You always have such great questions, Fran! In observing myself, I realize I am angry when I sense that something is awry within. It takes some sensitivity, because if I am used to being angry all of the time I am not going to notice. So, forgiveness is very important because forgiveness clears out everything I feel anger/resentment toward. It could be that Paul L carried around a lot of resentment, a lot of grudges and so one more grudge was not on the radar. It could also be that Paul L. does not realize that he is a slave to his anger, he has not suffered his slavery long enough to realize that he is not free, he is an anger robot. Do you know any anger robots?
Oh, but I contemplate quickly! Need I bring back Pope Francis’ May 19 tweet? The Church (and I am part of it) knows that people who are not receiving communion want to be part of communion, otherwise they would not be there. As you may know, I think everyone is going to choose heaven when the time comes. I am more focused on the choices people make here on Earth, such as the choices to love, serve, forgive, etc. Are you worried about those H-tickets Fran?
Are you worried?
The passage you quoted was about someone wearing purple, that was it. Were you addressing the story of the rich man and Lazarus?
Concerning Matthew 22:1-14, my Catholic Pastoral Edition commentary says that v. 14 is not likely part of the parable because there is a contradiction.
Concerning the whole parable, the commentary says this:
“It is better not to associate the saying (v 14) too much with the parable of the banquet, because we find it also in other places in the Gospel. Here Jesus advises us (as in 7:13) that only a few discover through the Gospel true freedom and new life. Then, are they saved? Yes and no - because salvation, for Jesus, does not mean to escape from the punishment of hell, but to reach perfection.”
It’s not about the H - ticket, Fran. Are you worried about the H - ticket? Such worry is intrinsic when we are operating from alternative 1 on post 264.
Love and Peace
“One Sheep”