I’m sorry to hear that. Can you forgive the moderators? You’re a great person, Fran, don’t forget that.
So, here’s a little “heads up”. You mean no harm at all, but it is a little bit dangerous to talk about other posters in your posts. You did not do anything wrong above, but someone can get touchy about comments and report you.
Once upon a time (on a different forum, but still Christian), a poster made an outlandishly prejudicial statement about a whole nation of people. A poster wrote back saying something like “your statement could be construed as bearing false witness”. Well, the person who made the prejudiced comment did not like the words “false witness” and reported to the moderator that he had been insulted. The person who made the “false witness” statement received an infraction, and he appealed the infraction. The “appeal” was answered by the same moderator that issued the infraction! Pretty cool to be your own appellate judge, huh?
Anyway, the poster of the “false witness” comment contacted a founder of the forum itself. The founder was very understanding and empathetic, and said he would look into the problem, especially the appellate process and the refusal of the moderator to explain his actions, which is a free ticket to being completely unaccountable for ones’ actions. At the very least, a person being penalized and not being thoroughly counseled as to why they were penalized is an evil act, and should be contrary to a well-informed conscience. Surely that does not happen on
this forum.
In the end, the founder wrote back to him saying “I cannot solve the problem, the problem is so ingrained that a complete overhaul of the system needs to take place”.
I hope that this forum is not so managed in a way that is contrary to the gospel. As you know, in the Gospel Jesus tells us to go directly to the person with whom we have a problem, and then bring a witness, and then go to a higher authority, etc. To have a person simply complain about someone else to an authority and the person gets penalized is contrary to the Gospel, and encourages irresponsibility, unaccountable action from moderators, and cowardice on the part of participants, and I have a hunch that the Bishops would agree with me on that.
I don’t know how the “points and posts” work.
I don’t hate it, Sis. It is just such an obsession for people, and obsessions are based in fear. Jesus call us to an eternal life, a freedom from fear, which is cast out by perfect love.
Does hell exist? Well, it makes sense that there is some place or condition in which people can choose to reject God. Does it ever happen? I can’t think of it happening if the human knows what he or she is doing. Sheesh, how should I know? The Church has never claimed any person is there, remember?
Yes, the kingdom starts here. Jesus talking about salvation meant achieving a perfection in Love, being free from our slavery. For example, are you enslaved by fear of hell?
Look at all the people who are terribly lonely, hungry, hurt, addicted, troubled, and suffering. Are they experiencing salvation? No. We are called to be part of their salvation, right?
Are we all going to heaven? Well, would a human K&W choose hell? I don’t see how it could happen, but one must remain open to the possibility.
As far as “putting my idea all together”, there is really only so much I can say. We together have to look from the same vantage point. For starters, have you forgiven
everyone you have ever held the slightest bit against, without conditions stopping your forgiveness?
Thanks, Fran, you are wonderful. Come back any time.