Good Morning, simpleas!
“The answer is, I (he, they, etc.) deserve blame, blame, blame, and punishment!”
“I don’t care about understanding!, I just think they deserve punishment, and that is that!”
We subconsciously hang onto negativity so that it will continue to motivate us to avoid doing what we condemn. It’s a good thing, but there comes a time to let go.
Like now, for example. I must admit that it came across my mind (a couple days ago) to advocate nuking ISIS. But then, would I not be advocating doing exactly what they did, the killing of innocents? No, such an action is wrong, and my thought in the first place of nuking them indicates that I have not yet forgiven, that I am still blinded by resentment. I am slowly letting go and forgiving. I am praying for understanding.
The Paris attacks were an act of war. Surely many innocent people in Syria have been killed and injured because of airstrikes from France and other nations. The attackers in Paris sought justice, taking the war out of their land and into France gave their enemy a taste of what it is like to have a war in your own land. I can see it. I don’t like it, but I can see it and understand. Lots of anger and resentment involved.
Do you understand what I mean by “circular thinking” or “circular reasoning”? You can look it up for more clarification.
Thanks for replying!
They cannot answer why because their answer has no depth of understanding. Their answers hit a circle of negativity, and the negativity is the only answer they have.Hi, sorry, just had a busy day, and I hope what I reply with makes some sense!
Here as I read it, you start off speaking of people who say others K&WRG but can not answer why, and then you are speaking of an individual answering why they do evil.
No one thinks they are evil until someone says they are evil IMO.
OS is described as a “stain”, and after the fall, man had “concupiscence”; these are looked upon negatively. One does not have to use the word “evil” to express resentment, one says it with tone and description of consequence.I have never heard O.S described as a person being part evil.
Yes, it is all circular, it is “answers” that only continue to express more negativity:Apparently satan only tricked the woman, the man knew exactly what he did…
The whole prideful, god wanting example isn’t that easy to understand.
“The answer is, I (he, they, etc.) deserve blame, blame, blame, and punishment!”
“I don’t care about understanding!, I just think they deserve punishment, and that is that!”
We subconsciously hang onto negativity so that it will continue to motivate us to avoid doing what we condemn. It’s a good thing, but there comes a time to let go.
Like now, for example. I must admit that it came across my mind (a couple days ago) to advocate nuking ISIS. But then, would I not be advocating doing exactly what they did, the killing of innocents? No, such an action is wrong, and my thought in the first place of nuking them indicates that I have not yet forgiven, that I am still blinded by resentment. I am slowly letting go and forgiving. I am praying for understanding.
The Paris attacks were an act of war. Surely many innocent people in Syria have been killed and injured because of airstrikes from France and other nations. The attackers in Paris sought justice, taking the war out of their land and into France gave their enemy a taste of what it is like to have a war in your own land. I can see it. I don’t like it, but I can see it and understand. Lots of anger and resentment involved.
It is “easier”, yes, I suppose. I’m not too sure that anyone “likes” to judge, though. It is more like judgment is a triggered emotion like anger. We don’t have much choice in the triggering. We do have a choice to forgive what we judge, though.Yes I think you are right,people like to judge, we are al guilty of this, either directly or indirectly, it’s easier not to have to think to much about the who why and what situation, we could just think, certain people are K&WRG because they do not do as we do, they aren’t really part of the church or whatever religion.
We are all innocent to begin with, like no one is born a racist, they are taught to be one.
Maybe this wasn’t how you expected me to reply, but it’s some of what I think.
People are taught by others, but people are also taught by experiences. If a person gets hurt enough by a green person, they will learn to stay away from, and resent, green people. It’s very natural and understandable.Thanks![]()
Do you understand what I mean by “circular thinking” or “circular reasoning”? You can look it up for more clarification.
Thanks for replying!