Had to. * Forced.* How to have a conversation with you? You hang on to every word! One has to be soooo careful. Isn’t it the concept that counts? You sure do make it difficult.Had to? Who “forced” God to choose?
I keep reading that God “wants” everyone to be saved. (“Saved” from what? His own wrath?) If he “wants” it, he does not “want” it very much. If he really wanted it, he would made sure that everyone has a clear picture of what the choices are, and what the requirements are. Everyone, personally (if necessary) would have their own revelation. Why should we rely on a make-believe story written by unknown people thousands of years ago? Why is the story loaded with scientific and historical nonsense and inconsistencies?
If you would want your child to succeed in life, the bare minimum would be that you provide all the necessary assistance for him to succeed. Information, first of all. Physical assistance, if necessary. Not solve his problems for him, but provide what is needed for him to solve his problems. That is what a “loving” and “caring” father would do.
I read once that the worst enemy of Christianity is the Christians themselves… Whoever came up with it, had a valid point… in my opinion, of course
I do believe that the choices a person has are crystal clear. We don’t like them too much do we? It would require living life as we see fit and not as God sees fit. That might hinder us somewhat - wouldn’t be able to do whatever we wanted to. Can’t have that can we?
What would He want to save us from? I’ll bet you know the answer to that. I’ll be you’ve spoken to many christians who have told you but you like it to be confirmed every now and then so you could remember how stupid it all is.
See there you go again. We christians are our own worst enemy. Maybe we are because we’re not perfect, but, you know what, we’re headed for heaven!
There I go again, being silly.