Don’t be so tired grannymh. It’s fun talking about God. Can’t do this with too many people,now can we??Originally Posted by frangiuliano115 forums.catholic-questions.org/images/buttons_khaki/viewpost.gif
God’s love is conditional. It’s conditional based on your desire to choose Him.
I am so tired …
However, this line is so misleading, that I have to post a sentence or two. Here is the doubtful line which is not proper Catholic teaching.
God’s love is conditional. It’s conditional based on your desire to choose Him.
The Catholic Church teaches that God loves each person unconditionally. The Catholic Church teaches that each person can maintain her or his relationship with the Creator. That should be common sense considering the Catholic teachings on human nature.
When a person breaks or rejects this relationship with God by freely committing a true mortal sin, it is that person’s free choice to seek reconciliation. The condition, if you want to use the term, does not belong to God because He loves sinners unconditionally. The condition of seeking reconciliation belongs to the human.
God’s love is not always reclusive. Tonight, I saw God’s love in the green trees against an evening blue sky as I went for a very quick walk. God’s love is not reclusive because everyday Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, is present in the Eucharist.
Sometimes the only thing I can say to God is “Here I am.” That will be my prayer when I literally fall into bed.
Unfortunately, there are a few people who ignore the responsibilities of a two way relationship with God.
Even if a person does not choose God, she or he can still enjoy God’s love. All that a person has to do is to find some tall green trees touching a perfect blue sky.
You see, I know I’m right that God loves us conditionally. Maybe you could stop reading the CCC and concentrate a bit more on the bible and on all the other teachings of our church that are not even found in the CCC.
God loves each one of us unconditionally but in a very general sense. If He loves everyone so much, why does He ALLOW them to go to hell? PLEASE don’t reply that He doesn’t send us and that it’s our choice. Then why create hell to begin with if He loves us so much?
You know, sometimes to make a point in these threads, I feel like I have to say things that are almost blaspehmous.
You make a fundamental mistake. You speak as though EVERYONE is christian. But they’re not.
God loves christians unconditionally.
FIRST you have to ACCEPT him to be loved. Is this not clear?
Who can commit a mortal sin? ONLY A CHRISTIAN.
How can a non-christian commit a mortal sin? They’re already lost by not accepting God. They’ve already commited the unpardonable sin - which I’m sure you’re familiar with.
An atheist back there, for goodness sake, gave you the scripture on this:
“for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
So those that don’t believe in Him are perishing. They don’t care about mortal sin!
Please study up on the Mosaic Covenant. I can’t do that here for you. Please respond to these questions:
Are covenants conditional or unconditional?
Okay. Now:
What was the condition for the Mosaic Covenant?
People who are always throwing the CCC in my face (and I know the CCC well having taught from it) are always so legalistic. I can hardly stand it anymore. Is God not more than that?
Oh. And by the way. I asked you a very specific question either on this thread or a different one, no time ot look it up. Wish I had more time for this… Anyway, it was about the Wedding Banquet. You never responded and I think the answer might help you along with your legalism problem. And I DO think legalism is a problem.
God bless