Does God exist?

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Do angels even wear shows? And I can state with some degree of authority that I am not an angel.

Poor Jesus. He certainly had no free will.
I’m pretty sure they don’t wear shows or shoes. Maybe spiritual ones… and nor am I an angel, but you do get my point I hope.

Angels have free will like us. Before Satan’s fall, he was in the presence of God, as Lucifer the seraph, yet he still chose to defy Him. Therefore, if angels who probably had more self control that we do could say no to the Truth, how much more can we?

And Jesus most certainly did have free will. You know how He struggled during His Passion and then freely gave up his life.

…I hope you were kidding. If not, see the second question here:
You are, therefore, God is. Too simple? The alternative is to conjure up a convoluted, circuitous and illogical path to explain our existence. This is much easier to take on faith than it is to await proof.
Very well done!:tiphat:

:whacky: Heavy thought:D

“I think and therefore I am.” Could this also be: I think therefore “I AM”?:rolleyes:

God bless you and thanks,
You are, therefore Shiva is. Do you accept that argument?
All I know is that Shiva happens. I’ve seen the bumper stickers. What is a Shiva, anyway?
No. The alternative is to say honestly that we don’t know everything about the universe (and perhaps we never will) but that we’re going to be brave and actually investigate where the evidence leads – rather than simply believing whatever is easy or comfortable.
Who can understand the universe? If there is no God, why is the universe then not understandable?
It is easier. Is it correct, though? How can you be sure?
Easier? I wonder about that.
I am sorry to push the point, but there is no proven date of Christ’s birth. The Church choseDecember 25th as the day to celebrate the birth of Christ. We have put it on our Church Calendar for good reason but not because we have actual proof of this being the actual date of the birth of Christ. If you don’t trust me, there is nothing further I can say to you on the matter.
But it can be proven 100% that Jesus was born in December 25. Let’s keep it that way until there is a thread that would call for that in a proper time.

There are three more issues:​

  • proving that a Divine Entity exists, is a long way from proving that this Entity is the God of Abraham
  • Even if that is proved, that is no proof of Christianity
  • Even if that DE exists, that is no proof that it makes an practical difference - it might be one of the gods of Epicurus, living without a care for the world.
  • a proof can be logically sound, yet not true to the facts, as with proofs of the impossibility of motion - so, how would we know that God existed, when logical soundness is no guarantee of a corresponding reality ? “By God’s action”, is no answer, because what we apprehend as that, might not be that. How would we know ? How do we get beyond our own brains & bodies, to that (suppposed) Entity ?
So my friend, we agree that I have proven that God does exist? Thank you!

My post on page #4, numbers 50 and 52. If you have not read them, please do, because I have proven that “God does indeed exist.”😃

Taking it from that point…

I know that your just yanking my chain:thumbsup: But that OK! I’ll play along.

As I have proven that God does indeed exist, and that their is only ONE God, it is simple logic, that confirms, that God as Creator, has to be the “father” (as in Creator) of Abraham.😉

I’m afraid that the rest of your post also lacking logic to poor little old me, so I’ll opt to just ignore it and wish you a happy, and peaceful life. May God be with you my friend,

Oh and trying being happy, it’s much better than being angry all the time :extrahappy: :dancing:

Love and prayers,:signofcross:
Did I say that? You better check again my posts.
Sorry, it was pretty late, and I was perhaps being unclear.

You suggested that Jesus was someone whose experience of God manifested itself in the exterior world. You suggested that this was based on things like miracles and rising from the dead.

I’m pointing out that all you are reading is stories. These stories are mostly from his follower’s followers.

This isn’t proof. Other religions have god-like leaders (they claim) that really lived (they claim) and performed miraculous feats (they claim). Jesus isn’t any different in that regard, he’s just more popular.

I’m giving up this conversation now. It’s pretty clear that this is pointless. You believe because you believe, and this is all the proof you desire.

If I’m going to believe, I need something more robust.
How about an observable phenomenon?

How about this, how about Jesus makes an appearance at our dinner party tonight at around six o’clock? I’ll serve whatever he likes. No need to knock, it would be far more convincing if he walked through the wall.

Jesus apparently has the ability to do this, so I’m not sure why he would refuse. I promise we’ll all be on our best behaviour.

Why does an all-powerful God demand that we believe in him on ephemeral and rare evidence? It make no sense.
If I’m going to believe, I need something more robust.
I’m sure you will have it in it’s proper time. And when that time comes then you will understand that the hypothesis “God exists” posed to you is true after all.

Thomas the apostle got what he longed for.

Thank you and God Bless…
I’m pretty sure they don’t wear shows or shoes. Maybe spiritual ones… and nor am I an angel, but you do get my point I hope.

Angels have free will like us. Before Satan’s fall, he was in the presence of God, as Lucifer the seraph, yet he still chose to defy Him. Therefore, if angels who probably had more self control that we do could say no to the Truth, how much more can we?

And Jesus most certainly did have free will. You know how He struggled during His Passion and then freely gave up his life.

…I hope you were kidding. If not, see the second question here:
I suspect a more in depth discussion of angelic footwear might be a bit off topic.

However, the notion that man’s free will will be eliminated if God fully revealed himself is critical. Otherwise the argument as to why God does not reveal himself to all people in a clear and unambiguous manner would have no suitable answer. I agree it’s a silly solution but it seems to be the best that centuries of theological thinking has been able to come up with.
WOW! So many points and so little time!

First any sane debate requires a definition of terms. I suggest that we strive to stick with them because words interpreted heterogeneously causes chaos.

Proof should be used to mean clear, replicatable, scientific facts that can be interpretted in NO OTHER WAY.

Evidence should be taken to mean either facts or experiences (first or second hand, since third hand is hearsay and inadmissable). The Bible’s prose in and unto itself is not evidence unless supported by reason or third part corroboration.

Logic three types: (1) Aristotlean or syllogism; (2) deductive; (3) inductive. All logic is admissable unless shown to be specious. For this discussion logic does not connotate Proof.

Reason That which seperates humans from animals. The ‘‘Why?’’ question. The basis for the Love decision.

Brain physiological tool that permits demonstration of intelligence and reasoning.

Soul that which makes each person who he/she is. A spiritual not a physical phenomenon.

Based on this we should all agree that there is no Proof that God exists. That said, this is ONLY because God does NOT WANT there to be such proof.
The notion that man’s free will will be eliminated if God fully revealed himself is critical.
This is another way of saying the same thing.
Otherwise the argument as to why God does not reveal himself to all people in a clear and unambiguous manner would have no suitable answer.
WRONG!!! There is a totally logical and thesis necessary answer.
I agree it’s a silly solution but it seems to be the best that centuries of theological thinking has been able to come up with.
Silly?? Let’s talk!

God is LOVE!!!

Love is the opposite—not of hate but ---- of SELFISHNESS!!!

Pascal’s wager is totally SELFISH and therefore antithetical to God or Love.

If anyone chooses God out of selfishness then (s)he still doesn’t ‘‘get it’’ — the Love thing!

Now, even though there is no Proof that God exists there is incredible EVIDENCE that He does. The only one who denies this is a person who resigns him/herself to a world without reason. If you accept the Big Bang then you accept a beginning. If you accept a beginning and cannot explain why then you must rely on something ‘‘greater’’, or a ‘‘creator’’’.

If one runs the probabilities of the physical conditions necessary but not sufficient for our earth to exist as it does then even Carl sagan’s ‘‘billions and billions’’ of stars are not sufficient to make this earth probable. As a matter of fact, the odds are a SQUARE of the star count!!!

Though the Bible might be ‘‘just a storybook’’ its integrity is PROVEN by the Dead Sea Scrolls. If one analyzes the text (e.g. just take the symetry of Abraham’s intrerupted sacrifice of Issac with God’s sacrifice of Jesus) one finds many Old & New Testament correlations that CANNOT — logically — be interpreted as chance. You know coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.

If one refuses logic then please leave this board. Chaos and randomness are not debatable.

If one accepts logic, would it be logical that thousands of early Christians (especially thsose who personnally KNEW Jesus) would willingly go to their death as martyrs rather than lying and denying Christ risen?? Would you?

How logical would it be to plan a joke on the world in which we pretend to be immortal and all we have to do is be willing to die horrible deaths? If these were idiots who prayed themselves into frenzy then they would not write such a coherently intergrated and logical book. If they were charlatans they would not have included nebulous verses that cause consternation among scholars, would they?

If an armed force demanded that you denounce the existence of George Washington (or the Holocast or the lunar landing) or they would kill you, would you so denounce??

If not, how sure must you be to die for your belief?

If one cannot yet believe in God, try believing in Love (since it is the same thing).

The more you love, the less selfish you become (have you been a parent or a grand parent?).

The more you love the more logic you will see in the Bible.

The more logical you become the more open you will be to God’s revelations.

The more open you are to His Revelation, the more sure you will be in Him.

Then you, too, might be willing to lay down your life for love and for God.

BTW how does religion hurt anyone??

Is such an assertion based the specious logic of going from the particular to the universal?

If there were no Christianity then the whole world would most likely be ruled by folks like the Taliban. Is that what you prefer, dog eat dog?

If one had prayed for the majority of one’s life, and yet did not receive what was he/she sought, then it is most likely that this person isn’t clearly seeing what is best for him/her. It is not from a hard heart but from a biased perspective.

No more time now.
If the “experiment” necessitates already believing in God, then I wouldn’t be very impressed when it yields “results” (results that are subjective and unverifiable).
People reasonably inferred and believed in the existence of atoms long before it was proven. Belief has nothing to do with the scientific method. One can reasonably believe in something and back it up with logic. Your argument could only work if everything can be back up with logic, which would undermine very basis of science; since one interprets the evidence with logical presuppositions that cannot be proven by science. Do you not agree?

Secondly, your argument assumes that their is nothing about experience which infers the existence of an intelligence behind nature. If a person is greater then mere matter, would it not be reasonable too think that there is something even greater at the root of existence?
However, the notion that man’s free will will be eliminated if God fully revealed himself is critical. Otherwise the argument as to why God does not reveal himself to all people in a clear and unambiguous manner would have no suitable answer. I agree it’s a silly solution but it seems to be the best that centuries of theological thinking has been able to come up with.
This is a pretty startling admission:

This notion, which has been demonstrated to make no sense, has to be true otherwise there isn’t a suitable argument explaining the lack of convincing evidence for God.
No one can ‘‘scientifically’’ prove that God exists BECAUSE God does NOT want them to be able to do so.
God is not an empirical entity by nature. For that reason it is impossible to have scientific proof of God. Atheists know this and so some of them hide behind the empirical method in the hope that it will shied them from the intellectual responsibility of admitted the logical arguments put forward for Gods existence. The problem with their position is that they highly respect and use inductive logic for other things concerning life when they are not concerning themselves with Gods existence. This reveals the underlying prejudice behind their disbelief. For those who are looking for a positive revelation about their existence, one must appeal to a reasonable faith rather then a certainty of facts. Considering the existential nature of our existence, it seems to me that a reasonable and positive faith is better then no belief at all. It is certainly more reasonable then believing that the world exists for no reason other then cause and effect. Its more logical then believing that the world came out of nothing. An honest hardcore naturalism leads mostly to a deterministic view of life which says that we have no freewill!! This completely contradicts my experiences as a person. My experiences seems to reflect what is taught by those who appeal to the Abrahamic faiths.
Pardon my last post. The Church teaches that God’s existance can be proven and disproven. We, by our reason illuminated by faith, believe in His existance, despite the arguments which argue his non-existance.
There is no argument that disproves Gods existence. Otherwise it would be irrational to believe in God if there was certainty about his non-existence.
God is not an empirical entity by nature. For that reason it is impossible to have scientific proof of God. Atheists know this and so some of them hide behind the empirical method in the hope that it will shied them from the intellectual responsibility of admitted the logical arguments put forward for Gods existence. The problem with their position is that they highly respect and use inductive logic for other things concerning life when they are not concerning themselves with Gods existence. This reveals the underlying prejudice behind their disbelief. For those who are looking for a positive revelation about their existence, one must appeal to a reasonable faith rather then a certainty of facts. Considering the existential nature of our existence, it seems to me that a reasonable and positive faith is better then no belief at all. It is certainly more reasonable then believing that the world exists for no reason other then cause and effect. Its more logical then believing that the world came out of nothing. An honest hardcore naturalism leads mostly to a deterministic view of life which says that we have no freewill!! This completely contradicts my experiences as a person. My experiences seems to reflect what is taught by those who appeal to the Abrahamic faiths.
I don’t think this is entirely accurate.
Oh yes God does exist. We are made in his image. He is our Father and he is watching us every day. He knows our heart and our soul. He is everything that is good in this world. He is the one who created everything that is beautiful.

He is the one who helps us when we are in trouble. He is why we Are. Without him we would not exist. Without him I would not want to exist.
I don’t think this is entirely accurate.
Perhaps you mean that not all Atheists know that God is a non-empirical entity. I would have to agree with you on this. But what i really meant was that those who have an understanding of what is meant by God, know that God is non-empirical, and they use this against the Theist by positing the idea that empirical knowledge is the only good reason for accepting Gods existence.

Are you not aware of this argument? Its pretty common.
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