Their followers certainly think so.Were Vishu and Mithras historical human beings who rose from the dead?
Their followers certainly think so.Were Vishu and Mithras historical human beings who rose from the dead?
Even their followers did not maintain that Vishnu and Mithras were human beings who rose from the dead.Their followers certainly think so.
I would expect anyone who understands how science works to adopt the one reason I gave.Yes, you may have million reasons to say that it was horrible! But do not expect that everyone would adopt your million reasons.
None. That’s the point. There’s no evidence that your god, the Hindu gods, the Greek gods, or leprechauns exist. No evidence.What are those evidences?
Ok, please read this very carefully. The purpose of doing those experiments is to produce evidence for the hypothesis – evidence to compel not just you to accept your hypothesis but everyone who cares to look at the evidence of your hypothesis.Scientists most often begin with the formulation of a hypothesis. Then they proceed to work out their hypothesis to see if it is correct. Certainly, before they have virified the correctness of their hypothesis, they would not declare it as true as yet.
I’m not actually an expert on Vishnu, but Mithras’ followers believed that he was a real historical man, born on Dec. 25th in the company of Shepherds, whose mother was a virgin, preached an new contract with humanity, died for the sins of mankind, and rose again on a Sunday.Even their followers did not maintain that Vishnu and Mithras were human beings who rose from the dead.
No, and neither was the legendary Jesus Christ from the gospels.Were Vishu and Mithras historical human beings who rose from the dead?
So you forgot that this post contradict your previous post quoted below:None. That’s the point. There’s no evidence that your god, the Hindu gods, the Greek gods, or leprechauns exist. No evidence.
Why would I pray to something I don’t believe in? There’s no evidence that it exists. I might as well pray to the Hindu gods. Or leprechauns. There’s just as much evidence that those beings exist.
Legends are not mistaken as historical facts in world history. We can read in the History of Rome the following:No, and neither was the legendary Jesus Christ from the gospels.
There is no evidence for his existence other than a collection of myths (written anonymously 40-70 years after the events supposedly took place).
Now I think it’s likely that there was a historical person upon whom the legends were based – but there is no evidence to say that the legendary figure depicted in the gospels existed. None.
I will check with history and see if your claim is true.Let’s just for a second say it isn’t your religion. Just pretend for a second that I told you of another person who claimed to be God. Let’s pretend that I told you that this person died and rose again three days later. Would you believe me? What if I told you that if I told you I saw him before and afterwards? What if I was willing to die to try and prove it to you? Would you believe me then?
Or would you think I had lost my mind?
The point is, nothing I said proves anything.I will check with history and see if your claim is true.
If you are willing to die, I will wait if you will make it true!
So now, does this settle anything?
We have talked about the external realities that confirm the internal.You looked for them from me and I said that I have to be perfected yet and that there is one who had perfected them, Jesus Christ.But let’s say you are right. Let’s say that no one other than Christians and Mithridates believe that their God was a real person who rose from the dead. Your religions are unique in that one respect.
I fail to see why that matters.
Did I say that? You better check again my posts.All you’ve said is that some people in Galilee believed that they met God and convinced other people they were right.
I think, therefore He exists!Catholics and Christians proclaim that “God exist.” Can it be demonistrated, or in anyway proven?
Forgive me but I have to take exception to the statement that the Church does not know the actual date of Christ’s birth. The Church knows for sure that it is Dec 25.The Church does not know the actual date of Christ’s birth. We began celebrating His birth on December 25th at a certain point in history for reasons you can look up yourself, with all due respect.
ha ha ha! You are joking…I think, therefore He exists!
Do angels even wear shows? And I can state with some degree of authority that I am not an angel.The angels were once in our very shoes. And Lucifer saw God face to face. Yet, he STILL had the free will to say no. We won’t become robots.
Yet there will never be valid proof for those who aren’t open to it.