Hey. I was just returning to this thread I made and reading through it and I saw where you were having trouble with not connecting with God directly face to face. I thought I would give you my perspective in case it may help reconcile why you have not heard from him yet.To paraphrase: God doesn’t annihilate you, therefore he loves you. Maybe I’m not seeing something you’re seeing. ?]
When Jesus walked the earth he said “For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.” John 12:49. Even Jesus’s apostles did not hear God the Father directly. We hear God’s words through Jesus who walked among them 2 millennium ago. His words are recorded in the bible and passed on through the generations.
God is the ruler of all creation. Even the rulers and leader’s of the nations who have great responsibilities do not communicate with him on a face to face basis. As far as I know, even the Pope does not have a direct line, so to speak.
Now God has chosen people to communicate with directly. These are his prophets. Also there was Abraham who God chose out of all the world to speak with, to father the nation of Israel, which would be the root from which Jesus would be born.
One of God’s titles is “The Most High”. His plans encompass centuries and millennium, at the least. Actually, his plans encompass time. Another title is the “Lord of Hosts”. He has many angels and people. It may be so, probably likely, that somewhere in eternity, you may have your place at Jesus’s right or left at dinner, for the first time. Perhaps all those that are a part of his kingdom will have their first dinner with him. Indeed, in eternity you may meet him countless times, but there may be great spans of time between. But don’t despair, you will meet many people. All of them, perhaps, in his eternal kingdom.