I was trying to help you see things the way I see them. I am sorry if I wasn’t very helpful. I did not mean to preach. I would be interested to know what you believe and why you believe there is no God.
Okay so basicaly I was raised as a Baptist by my mother and started having some doubts during high school.
I wanted to try and fix that so I started reading the bible more during my time alone, at some point my mom suggested that I read the Left Behind series thinking that it would be good for me.
I got about half way through the series before I started wondering who was actually the bad guy in this story.
So thinking that the authors must be depicting god wrong I opened right up to revelations to see for myself and I was rather horrified by the things I read.
So I had a crisis of faith and was trying to reconcile a merciful and loving god with the acts perpetuated in Revelations.
I couldn’t so I started seeking elsewhere, which is when I discovered Deism.
Deism worked for me for the most part as it didn’t cause the moral cognitive dissonance like my old faith did but it didn’t really seem to measure up under the microscope.
After taking up the motto of ‘God gave us Reason, not Religion’ I tried to live by that as much as I could and when others claimed that there were logical issues with even Deism I heard them out.
At that point even my Deism was shed.
That was about 4 years ago that I realized I was an atheist.
That’s basically my story in a nutshell.
My beliefs on the other hand pretty much revolve around a combination of Secular Humanism, Liberalism, a love of democracy and human rights, egalitarianism, and just plain old human happiness.
I also am a big tech lover and the Federation from Star Trek is my dream society.
So there, I hope that satisfies. Let me know if you want to know anything else.