Does it bother anyone else the marriageable age was 12 before?

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You do realize that it was not uncommon for girls to be married at age 12 or 13 from ancient times right up until the 1700s and into the 1800s in some places? That is how the culture was. Young people matured quickly, and a girl of 12 or 13 might marry, a boy of 12 or 13 might take a job and even leave home.

You need to stop imposing your moral and cultural expectations on past times when the culture was very different. If you don’t do so, then you simply sound naive about history.
Porn is just a peek at the huge worldwide sex slave (human trafficking) industry.

Most of the participants are under virtual lock and key or addicted to heroin, cocaine, and other substances. They perform to maintain their drug habits.

Many are pimped out for prostitution and big $$$$.

Satan loves porn, because it is habit forming, because it diminishes marriage, and viewers sully their souls, setting them up for eventual consignment to hell. This is probably the biggest reason porn is so pervasive. Watching porn is to watch people debase themselves and commit spiritual suicide.
Indeed. Our brains aren’t fully mature until the early twenties. I’m not sure if I approve of my daughter having sex now and she’s been married for 10 years.
Even later. Late 20s for females, 30s for males (as far as we know).
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You need to stop imposing your moral and cultural expectations on past times when the culture was very different.
I understand about culture. But I thought the Catholic moral code was meant to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
I understand about culture. But I thought the Catholic moral code was meant to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
It’s not a moral code. It’s a cultural code.

Two 12-year-olds getting married is not immoral. That sort of relationship wouldn’t be functional in contemporary society so it would be highly imprudent as well as not legally possible but it’s not intrinsically immoral. There are remote places where this still happens today.
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But back when early marriage were more common, they tended to be arranged by the parents, rather than a “love match”.
Which was also cultural and not strictly forbidden by the Church (arranged marriage is okay, but nobody can be forced into any marriage)
I understand about culture. But I thought the Catholic moral code was meant to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
Church teaching is the same. How it is applied in society adapts over time to societal changes.

Society nowadays has evolved and realizes that it’s not a great idea for a 12-year-old to become a wife, and, often with the help of the Church, created opportunities for young girls to get an education and spend more years learning and maturing and living their own lives. They are no longer seen mainly in terms of their ability to bear children and to do manual labor.
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So if this comes down to the cultural are we right to condemn those who are attracted to early teenagers considering canon law states females can be married at 14 and males at 16? For example there are many who view, say a 25 year old man, being attracted to a 14 year old as downright immoral if not creepy.
are we right to condemn those who are attracted to early teenagers
We don’t condemn people based on their attractions, we condemn them based on their acts.

I could be attracted to an underage person, a same-sex person, or the spouse of another, based on biology. If I immediately put the thought out of my head, then I have overcome a bad temptation. If I instead dwell on the thought and try to have sex with the person or seek out relevant porn, then I’ve done wrong.
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So if this comes down to the cultural are we right to condemn those who are attracted to early teenagers considering canon law states females can be married at 14 and males at 16? For example there are many who view, say a 25 year old man, being attracted to a 14 year old as downright immoral if not creepy.
If you make it to 90 someday, you aren’t going to stop being attracted to people over 50 years younger than you. That’s biology.

Morality is how we respond to human passions and life events.
Indeed. Our brains aren’t fully mature until the early twenties.
That seems to me to be one of the exact reasons to marry well and young. Mutual neurological development, growing into relationship with each other, etc. It’s called One Flesh for a reason.

And I guarantee that pubescent twelve year olds in agrarian societies are quite aware of the facts of life and are very eager to get on with it.
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I understand about culture. But I thought the Catholic moral code was meant to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
Catholic moral code, which can change, is based on Biblical precepts which do not change. Catholic moral code does not violate Biblical precepts. Catholic moral code is related to the Bible as local city ordinances are related to the Constitution.

For example, The Bible does not state a specific age at which people can wed. The Bible promotes general concepts of marriage being Holy, and gives examples of brides and grooms being given and taken in marriage. Fidelity and sanctity are paramount. Adultery is strictly forbidden. Marriages are often arranged by families in the Bible, but it is not required.
Perhaps this will inform you of the why, like they say a picture is worth a thousands word(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Imagine what it would have been 600 years ago but we have no real data only guesses.
I understand about culture. But I thought the Catholic moral code was meant to be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
Catholic moral code, which can change, is based on Biblical precepts which do not change. Catholic moral code does not violate Biblical precepts. Catholic moral code is related to the Bible as local city ordinances are related to the Constitution.
Catholic morals do not change.
Catholic morals do not change.
Correct. The cultural code, aka how the Church teaching on morals is carried out in society, is what can change.
For example, the Church’s moral code/ moral teaching says “dress should be modest”. This does not change.
But a “modest” outfit in 1700 looks totally different from a “modest” outfit in 1965, because the culture changed.
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So if 12 year olds were considered adults and able to participate in the marital act why are we disgusted when they are exposed to porn in that early age?
Porn and the marital embrace are not the same thing.

Porn at any age is disgusting.

This is a false equivalency.
However, when someone gives a reason for why porn is bad one of the reasons they say its bad is because kids are exposed to it at around 11 or 12 years old.
This is a nonsensical argument.

Early exposure to pornography is a consequence, not a cause. Pornography exposure is bad at all ages.
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Yes, when its still happening in today, in some country, somewhere in the world.

Back in the day might have made sense… now a days it does not.
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