Does the Bible Alone Condemn Same-sex "Marriage"?

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But the bible does not explicitly say “no same-sex marriage.” I could twist scripture and argue that all of the same-sex relations of the bible are outside of marriage, and the idea of same-sex marriage was not conceived of until recently.

This is why we have the Church guided by the Holy Spirit.
But the bible does not explicitly say “no same-sex marriage.” I could twist scripture and argue that all of the same-sex relations of the bible are outside of marriage, and the idea of same-sex marriage was not conceived of until recently.
It is morally impossible for two members of the same sex to have relations. It is impossible to have a valid marriage without consumation. Therefore it’s impossible for same sex marriage to work. I don’t see how it could be more succinct.
The Bible has constantly been about forward progression. I feel that it is important to consider the time frame that the Bible was written in.

I agree that the idea of same-sex relations was obviously very different in that time frame than in the present time frame. Being mainly associated with pagan religions, it was an act that took place between two HETEROSEXUAL couples. There was no real concept of HOMOSEXUALITY or even HETEROSEXUALITY since the words and definition did not exist, but most people would agree that men and women seemed to naturally be drawn to one another and inevitably procreate and repopulate the earth. But that does not change the fact that the act was seen as an act between what we would refer to as two heterosexual people. It is unnatural for them to act that way and they are just giving in to lust and temptation, which the Lord does indeed condemn.

But not at same-sex marriages today are about lust and for that matter even a precursor to sex. There is a retirement home in Florida which happens to house homosexual couples. They are too old to actually engage in a same-sex act, but they are drawn to the other person, have feelings for the other person, and have decided to make a commitment to the other person. There is no lust involved. Would God frown upon this union since the actual act is taken out though the concept of same-sex marraige still exists. In addition, many of these couples happen to have already had families, but whose spouses had died.

The bible condemned a lot of things, and some are applicable and others we choose to ignore. For instance, women who are raped are to be stoned to death. We do not believe in this practice anymore, at least I do not.

I don’t think anyone is even saying that same sex acts are righteous and holy, but the Bible does not condemn “marriage,” which is seen as an act of love and sacrafice, not a matter of sexuality.

And yes, there is always the underlining issue that marriage is to encourage procreation, but where does that leave barren women? Or couples who cannot physically have babies? Should they not marry because they simply do not add to the population. Is their love to never be recognized because of this natural cause.

Now by no means am I saying that I feel Same-sex marriage is morally right. I am still looking into that subject and praying greatly about it. But following that passage in Romans we should all take heed for:
“the standard by which you judge another you condemn yourself… do you hold his priceless kindness, forbearance, and patience in low esteem…”

I think anyone who is thinking about entering into a same sex act should definately read the bible. Anyone who is entering into a same-sex marriage should pray about it. And always remember that premarital sex was frowned upon, so without the vows, the act may be seen as a sin.

But that is just my two cents and I am just one person with an opinion.

God Bless you all!
General Septem:
It is morally impossible for two members of the same sex to have relations. It is impossible to have a valid marriage without consumation. Therefore it’s impossible for same sex marriage to work. I don’t see how it could be more succinct.
Out of curiosity, where does it say in the Bible that without consumation a marriage is not valid? What happens if you marry when you are old and an older man is physically incapable of consumating the relationship… is their relationship not considered valid?
Sophia Valentin:
Out of curiosity, where does it say in the Bible that without consumation a marriage is not valid? What happens if you marry when you are old and an older man is physically incapable of consumating the relationship… is their relationship not considered valid?
More learned posters can correct me but my understanding is a Catholic marriage would not be allowed if the man was impotent because the marriage could not be consummated. It could never be a valid marriage. Sterility is different. If one or both parties are sterile they could still marry.
God saves:
Dear Gnosis: The Church, by way of the authority given to the apostles, has determined that Marriage is limited to the union of one man and one woman. It is ridiculous to assert that the author of Sacred Scripture did not know of the" modern notion of a commited, loving relationship" between two persons of the opposite sex or the so called “orientation” of such persons. The author of Sacred Scripture is God Himself using and directing the human authors of the Bible. The idea of “a homosexual orientation” is nothing more than a politically correct invention. Same sex attraction is a disorder. The idea that morality changes with the times is equally ridiculous. God saves.
The original posting to start this thread questioned whether the bible alone condemned same sex marriage. Not what the Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc churches thought of same sex marriages.
The Bible shows that marriage is between a man and a woman.

The Bible also says a man may not lay down with another man.

I have to disagree with the original poster. You can find that the Bible teaches against what we now call “Gay Marriage”. There are many ways to dispute Sola Scriptura. I just don’t think this one is a good example.
the bible condemns ALL homosexual acts. The bible introduces and maintains marriage as a covenant between Man male and female forms. Sex changes still count as a male; xy gene and not a proper bone structure on hips.
We are all asked to be celibate outside of a marriage which is only ever to be between male and female. Inside marriage we are called to chastity and openness to life. So many of us struggle with 100% celibacy and wish we were happily married.
Lead others astray as you are hell bent on and serve the devil well and receive the reward or pray pray pray. We all find the celibacy difficult. Do not blame me if anyone wants to be deceived by the father of lies and spends eternity with him.
I am amazed that this ridiculous thread is being given so much room,
When the bible talks about homosexual sex it viewed it as heterosexual people engaging in this act because they chose to have these inclinations. .
'The bible was speaking about homosexuality. Such as Nicomedes the King of Bithynia in Roman times. A homosexual.
I was reading Catholic Light just now and an interesting post came up with this very title. I read it and it caught me somewhat off guard, though after some thought it makes perfect sense. Anyhow, I wanted to know other people’s opinions on this. So, does the Bible alone condemn same-sex “marriage”?
The Bible never mentions same-sex marriage, except in the case (as it is argued) of Jonothan and David.
M-Dent said:
'The bible was speaking about homosexuality. Such as Nicomedes the King of Bithynia in Roman times. A homosexual.

Homosexuality as a concept is about 150 years old. There was no conception of sexual orientation in those days, unless you look at the eunuchs who were considered a third sex.
General Septem:
It is morally impossible for two members of the same sex to have relations. It is impossible to have a valid marriage without consumation. Therefore it’s impossible for same sex marriage to work. I don’t see how it could be more succinct.
Impossible? You seek to limit God?
General Septem:
The reason probably has to do with the act not being procreative nor unitive.
same-sex relationships are unative. This is obvious and true, if painful for some people to understand.
Daniel Marsh:
So you are saying the sexual union of gay men produce children?

LOL, yes they do, spiritual children called Love, Friendship and Loyalty.
Homosexuality as a concept is about 150 years old. There was no conception of sexual orientation in those days, unless you look at the eunuchs who were considered a third sex.
Actually there wasn’t a concept missed (regarding sexual orientation) since the biblical narrative of Adam and Eve.
Actually there wasn’t a concept missed (regarding sexual orientation) since the biblical narrative of Adam and Eve.
I’m afraid I dont understand you.

Cleary concepts are missed (exclusive homosexuality), false ones included (universal heterosexuality), and links made which render modern applications impossible (paganism).
I’m afraid I dont understand you.
Sorry Digger may be we are not talking about the same thing here?

What we do know as Catholics regarding the issue of sex is, it is only rightfully allowed after the sacrament of marriage. A marriage between a man and a woman as Christ explained in Mathew Chapter 19. Anything other than this is fornication or adultery, all unlawful for Catholics.

Who answering, said to them: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, made them male and female?

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh.

Thus we can confidently state homosexual acts are a grave sin. A mortal sin depending on full knowledge and consent.

Thus a person who feels they have homosexual attraction yet does NOT act on this is correctly following God’s will. The one who “acts” on this needs to be educated it is sinful.

We didn’t make the rules, God did.
What we do know as Catholics regarding the issue of sex is, it is only rightfully allowed after the sacrament of marriage. A marriage between a man and a woman as Christ explained in Mathew Chapter 19. Anything other than this is fornication or adultery, all unlawful for Catholics.

Who answering, said to them: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, made them male and female?

Thus we can confidently state homosexual acts are a grave sin. A mortal sin depending on full knowledge and consent.

Thus a person who feels they have homosexual attraction yet does NOT act on this is correctly following God’s will. The one who “acts” on this needs to be educated it is sinful.

We didn’t make the rules, God did.

It’s an interesting proposition. But really the argument is actually nothing more than saying ‘there are two sexes, therefore it is right, only right, between the two sexes.’

But it is just and only an argument for physical arrangement. It mentions nothing about sexuality, sexual attraction, love, loyalty friendship and affection.

So, it seems self evident that the concepts are not there.​
What does the book of Genesis say about marriage? Gen 2:23-25
The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man,
the man said: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called ‘woman,’ for out of ‘her man’ this one has been taken.”
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.

It says that it is between a man and a woman. It does not make any exception for q same sex marriage between two loving people. God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, he does not change just because we are now more modern than we were before.
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