Unfortunately we do know that the scripture in englsih is much more strident than the original hebrew, at least where the OT is concerned. We also know the OT references were to paganism, not homosexuals. But dont let that bother you.
The Church, of course, is our guide, never the less, we have to be of good conscience as well, otherwise we fall in to the trap of legalsim and of following human tradition. I have in mind Mark 7:1-15.
Now as I understand it the Church does not revisit tradition but work on the principle that it has not been in error ever (that was the promise made), but that does not mean it’s message is perfected.
Finally, the references to marriage relate to male and female. Gays (which are referred to as eunuchs in elder time) were considered a third gender and the rules of marriage did not apply to them.
Some have posited political reasons for the Churches stance. Obviously the Church would never do things for political reasons, but the following is informative.