Donald Trump Returns to the White House: Don’t Let Coronavirus Dominate You

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Better talk to the governors re their handling of the virus.
Why are governors to blame more than the President? Generally Americans are free to go from state to state spreading the virus to their heart’s content.
But my point was really that you have no way of knowing the political affiliation of these dastardly pharmacists.
That’s your opinion and you are free to draw that.

I won’t begrudge you that.

I just disagree. I think their actions reveal enough for me. You do not.

I am good with that.

You threw in the “dastardly” too for emotional effect.

But my point was really that you have no way of knowing if I think they are “dastardly” or not. . . . Or do you?
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That shows a short sightedness and selfishness that I’ve come to expect from modern society. I would not shut down an entire country to save myself or my own children. Because it’s wrong to think your life or the lives of your loved ones outweighs to needs of the other 320+ million people who need to be able to work and live. It’s absurd to think otherwise.
I’m fine with being labeled anti-abortion. But I do also consider myself pro life, I’m just not pro self delusion and convincing myself that there’s anyway to stop death.
if you see a child playing in traffic, just mind your own business then? kid’s gonna die anyway… am i undelusional now?
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As Catholics approach the polls, we are asked to weigh many important issues. The U.S. bishops have reaffirmed that “the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself, because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed.”[1] While they did warn us not to “dismiss or ignore other serious threats to human life and dignity such as racism, the environmental crisis, poverty, and the death penalty,” they did give priority to upholding and defending our brothers’ and sisters’ most basic right—to live.
yes, i am aware of this. what do they say about economy being open vs human lives lost to covid? I’ve seen people on here post it’s only 1% or less of the population.
Soubirous1 on our Bishops telling us “the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority” political issue for voters . . .
yes, i am aware of this. what do they say about economy being open vs human lives lost to covid? I’ve seen people on here post it’s only 1% or less of the population.
Lives being “lost to covid” span more than the
virtually zero life years lost in America due to COVID (I am sure you know the average age of death with and without Corona virus are identical) Soubirous1.

But otherwise healthy people are being victimized due to lockdowns, panic-induced economic hardships, and restrictions that should not be occurring.

Should they just tell 'em to “Stay at home!”??


“I’m starving now”: World faces unprecedented hunger crisis amid coronavirus pandemic​


MAY 2, 2020 CBS NEWS

It’s Friday morning in Alexandra township – a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg – and dozens of people are gathered in a field outside a food distribution point, hoping today might be the day they get something to eat.

“If you’re hungry, it’s easy to get sick from stress and everything,” says Mduduzi Khumalo, who’s been lining up every day for two weeks. To get food your name has to be on the list and, so far, despite registering multiple times, his hasn’t been.

Khumalo worked as a delivery man before South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown decimated his income. His children used to get two meals a day at school, but schools are closed now. Every day, the kids wait for him at the family’s tiny home, and every day brings the same bad news.

“They know that if I don’t get anything for them, it’s over,” Khumalo tells CBS News.

Famines “of biblical proportions”​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Residents of Diepsloot in South Africa wait for food but go home empty handed of Friday, April 23. CBS NEWS

The coronavirus pandemic has left the world facing an unprecedented hunger crisis. The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has warned that by the end of the year, more than 260 million people will face starvation – double last year’s figures.

“In a worst-case scenario, we could be looking at famine in about three dozen countries,” . . .

The Corona virus measures are intended forever.
These are not temporary restrictions anymore.

We were told they would be temporary (some news outlets projected only days) to slow down the spread so as not to overwhelm the health system.

The restrictions, we were told, were ostensibly to “flatten the curve”.

It was a lie (or mistake).

Corona virus is here to stay. It will now be endemic.
The left wants these restrictions to be PERMENANT.

The lifestyle changes being FORCED upon an before unsuspecting public are not sustainable.

To favor these draconian measures permanently is
yet another way to oppose life.
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Biden loses on all accounts (abortion AND misusing Government to turn us into a police state).

Biden is rabidly pro-abortion.
Biden wants to make the draconian Corona virus restrictions (that result in so much starvation worldwide) PERMANENT. At least that his what his actions say to me.

Biden loses on life on all accounts.
Sir, wanting to open the economy just means you value money more than lives. The fact that the economy is the movement of goods that sustain life is irrelevant 🥴
Well, if someone dies because they starve or their children starve, or people can’t get their medications that keep their heart going, or medications that keep them from having fatal seizures, or stop the growth of cancer in their bodies, at least they can say on their death bed they did not get the Covid virus that they possibly had a 99% chance of surviving through.
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according to trump the economy is strong? covid is also making a comeback but who didn’t see that coming. the president caught it along with most of his administration.
AFAIK, pharmacies have NOT been closed, even in New York City at the height of the pandemic. Neither have supermarkets. However, one must wear a mask if one enters a pharmacy or supermarket. So it is not an issue of not being able to obtain medication. Further, there has been delivery of medication throughout the pandemic.

The only real threat to getting medication is not being able to obtain it or afford it, not so much because one is unemployed, but because of the GOP effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act of Obamacare that provides medication and hospital services for those with pre-existing conditions. Your indignation is thus not directed toward the appropriate target.
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That is true, though I know, as a nurse, that people are in such fear of Covid there are those who are not seeing their doctors, nor getting lab work done, and not refilling medications out of fear of contagion and some I know have suffered detrimental effects and ended up in ERs. Also, at least in our area pharmacies have cut back hours to prevent the spread of the virus.

As far as supermarkets, if you are out of work and have little money coming in, it doesn’t matter if they are open.

Our food pantries that help feed the poor have cut back hours and availabity also.
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