Donald Trump Returns to the White House: Don’t Let Coronavirus Dominate You

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Deliberately terminating an innocent life is not morally equivalent to someone dying of natural causes. And dying of a disease is a natural part of life. If (and it’s a big if, I don’t think it’s the case at all) COVID turned out to be a result of a Chinese or other nations biowarfare and was intentionally released, then the deaths would be at its developers feet. But since it’s almost assured that this is a naturally occurring virus, there is no one to “blame” except maybe Adam for his part in the fall which led to the corruption of creation and the entrance of death into the world.
He isn’t favored to lose,the media wants you to believe that fantasy,is all
Death is inevitable, but I would cheerfully shut down the entire world to save my child. I suspect most parents feel the same.
you might want to check a more reliable source. vegas president election odds. paints a different picture.
Trump just authorized the declassification of any and all document re the Russian
hoax and HC email scandal👍
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Haaa haaa cannot wait to see her head roll over her involvement in this despicable hoax that the Drms have foisted upon ourcNatiin the past four years…Hipefully she along with countless others will be locked up
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not really concerned about who wins tbh. both are worthless imo
Motherwit . . .
From what I can see there are many people on here who aren’t ‘leftists’ myself included . . .
You can just let me know if I ever call you a leftist here then and I will retract it.
Truth will out! There is a very good reason the Dems/ leftist were and are apoplectic about Trump winning four years ago.It runs far deeper than just being sore losers.They have a lot to hide and he has pulled back the curtain…
You should be concerned if you care about the future of our Nation.
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