Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: 'I'll see you in four years'

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Yay! No objections. But I think he would lose.

I think that the Republicans need to start an all-out search for conservative (not moderate) Republicans who have somehow still managed to stay well-grounded, keep their voices moderated and pleasant, behave with propriety, have a fairly “clean” background check (no rapes, no harrassment of women or anyone else, no episodes of “blackface” antics or any other racist-appearing activity, no public drunkenness and resulting loss of memory, etc.), and are able to get along with and even eat lunch and converse with people with whom they have serious political and moral disagreements (gasp!).

In other words, some “nice” Republicans who are rock-solid when it comes to upholding the Republican Party Platform.

I think part of the problem right now is that within the Republican Party, the people who get all the attention are the extremely-conservative types who won’t even get near a Democrat and who criticize All Things Democrat (even the good intentions)–and the RINOs like Romney who don’t really seem to have any strong stands except against allowing “riff raff” to be around them.

It’s interesting that at the local levels, Democrats and Republicans seem to get along, at least in our city–and if they can do it in our city, it can happen anywhere! They don’t agree, but they don’t fight, and when there is a crisis like COVID, they all stand together and work hard to keep us all safer. Even during the riots and protests last summer, our Democratic and Republican alderpeople did NOT undermine each other and accuse each other of racism or unrealistic demands–it was impressive and encouraging to see them working so hard to build trust and to hold accountable those who went too far and put the public at risk in their protest efforts.

I guess at the national level, the stakes are just too high and no one is inclined to give an inch.
Yes, that worked really well this year.
? I would not consider Pres. Trump as fitting the description I gave above.

He was perfect for going up against Secy of State Hillary Clinton. But putting him up against Joseph Biden was bound not to work well for him.
As someone who has voted Republican for nearly my entire life, I’m completely baffled by those who can’t see what’s happening. People don’t want hardcore – they want moderates. And this will be the continued trend because of the massive demographic shift that’s coming. Younger generations are completely turned off by hardline conservativism and the GOP is dying because of its inability to grasp this. Sad.
What sad is the leftist are taking g over ourNation with their ruinous progressive nonsense.None if it is good and will on.y drag us down the drain.What baffles me is the inability of those who support such measures ,aren’t concerned. We will rue the day the left has full control.Not just the Trump supporters all of us.Sad indeed
Please humor me: what are the news sources you listen to?
Remember ‘The West Wing’? That was a show that, even though written (I surmise) from a liberal perspective, had Republican characters that were not villains (John Goodman, for one, if I remember correctly). I never cared much for that show when it was on the air, but maybe it’s something we should get back to.
I liked Fred Thompson on Law & Order. A conservative played honorably by a conservative.
maybe it’s something we should get back to.
Nah. You can’t compromise with people who hold political views different than you. What are you some kind of leftist nutjob, like these leftists:

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As someone who has voted Republican for nearly my entire life, I’m completely baffled by those who can’t see what’s happening. People don’t want hardcore – they want moderates. And this will be the continued trend because of the massive demographic shift that’s coming. Younger generations are completely turned off by hardline conservativism and the GOP is dying because of its inability to grasp this. Sad.
I wouldn’t say that younger generations are turned off by hardline conservatism.

I still marvel that my older daughter (37 years old) who is an entertainment professional who lived in New York City (and before that, in L.A.)–and used to lean towards the moderate/liberal political stands–has totally switched to rock-hard conservativism. Moved out of NYC to the Midwest to a Republican-run state, took a job at a small college in a small town, and voted Straight Republican in the election.

We’re still marveling at this drastic change. But she says that the pandemic has changed everything for her, and seeing the way NYC was (and still is) during COVID-19 has helped her to see that liberalism and Democratic policies are disastrous and do not work.

She also is concerned about the way Democrats and liberals are attempting to control the way people think and believe–this is NOT good for the entertainment industry, especially live theater, or for that matter, any of the arts which depend on FREEDOM of thought and FREEDOM to express ideas without fear of recrimination, loss of job, etc.

When she was teaching at a big university in NYC, she found that every thought and word comes under scrutiny, and those who violate the expected rhetoric are severaly punished. This is oppression of one of the most basic rights in the U.S.–freedom of speech, and it’s one other reason why my daughter did the about-face. She realizes that once freedom of speech is gone, so is theater and the other arts.

There are plenty of other young people like her in the U.S.
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I think that the Republicans need to start an all-out search for conservative (not moderate) Republicans who have somehow still managed to stay well-grounded, keep their voices moderated and pleasant, behave with propriety, have a fairly “clean” background check
Rand Paul. Thomas Massie. Justin Amash. Ben Sasse.

They’re out there, they just don’t get any attention because they don’t spend all their time engaging in mindless rhetoric.
Please humor me: what are the news sources you listen to?
I don’t know if you are interested in Peeps’ answer to your question.

Local news, usually at 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on the television, and throughout the day on the radio (A.M.!) whenever I am in the car (news is broadcast every hour on the hour). The station I listen to has been on the radio for over 90 years.

NBC network evening news and if I am off work, the Today Show, out of years of habit–I actually like Lester Holt (when the former newscasters were forced to resign in disgrace, I was hoping he would get the job as anchor). As for the Today Show–I can still remember when Matt Lauer was a lead on that show–and now he is a disgraced outcast–so I think that there is still a certain amount of “decency” on the show. Al Roker is an example of this.

However, there is plenty of cyncism in the NBC network newscasts, and Chuck Todd is absolutely horrendous. He and several others have lost all ability to remain neutral and just give us the facts.

I do not use a smart phone, BTW. I have a flip.
Rand Paul. Thomas Massie. Justin Amash. Ben Sasse.

They’re out there, they just don’t get any attention because they don’t spend all their time engaging in mindless rhetoric.
The problem is that the “conservative” news sources pay them no attention, and neither to do the “liberal” news sources.

And they probably have no money to spend promoting themselves and their ideas.

I do believe that the Republican Party actually has more than one “head” (like a multi-headed dragon), and that several of the “heads” don’t agree with Peeps that we need conservative but reasonable candidates. So they give these quieter, more reasonable candidates no attention and no PR.

Not sure what I think about Rand Paul–I fear that his Libertarian leanings would bite him in the butt among very right-leaning Republicans who don’t really believe in the absolute freedom that Libertarianism preaches. And of course, liberals and Democrats are terrified of freedom, and I think that the COVID pandemic has resulted in many Americans being terrified of almost everything except their own homes and the few people in their immediate circle.
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