Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: 'I'll see you in four years'

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There are few billionaire business people who have not had bankruptcies of their business ventures. I think you brought this up before. Delicate genius? No, ferocious negotiator. Look, it is crystal clear you hate him.

I stand back and put my emotions aside and can make an unemotional assessment of him. I think he is a jerk, has absolutely no sense of grace, and is a businessman - a very aggressive and successful one - instead of a politician whom we all know have such artful turns of phrases.

He has been the most outspoken president in pro-life matters. He built the Wall Obama said we needed. I could list the accomplishments but I won’t bore you.

Personally I think Trump is a jackass. But he has been an extremely effective jackass; he did more for Black business owners and employees than Obama ever dreamed about. He significantly increased the percentage of both Black and Hispanic votes and captured about half the Native American voters.

And for your hero Romney, you might want to do a bit of research as to how Romney became so successful and rich; he was state of the art in capturing businesses, draining them of any meaningful assets and tossing them on the heap of worthless shells. He is every bit as cold-blooded as they come, but with polish. He is a fantastic organizer, as shown when he took over the floundering prep for winter Olympics; but I have yet to hear from him a peep about how China has been eating our economic lunch.

But back to your friend: no one who is clueless becomes a billionaire. He has accumulated far more winners than losers, and the loser show that he is more than willing to take a chance. There is a raft of Republicans who hate him; and they back other Republicans who would have given us the same group of ineffective “don’t color outside the box” Big Business approach that we have had for decades, and none of whom would have seen the voting block of labor and minorities which Trump saw, and for whom Trump provided results.

Personally, my favorite person to have the office is George W. Bush - and I consider him a bozo as far as his presidency. But what he has done, including after leaving office, for others very quietly gets my respect for him as a person. As a President/ bleech.

And my choice to run in 2024? Nikki Haley.
Trump is a genius, namely, in being able to manipulate the emotions of people in search of a messiah, similar to a televangelist.
For all we know, Trump may be the next Copeland, if he isn’t already.
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No, I do not hate Trump. I just think he is over his head as a government leader, particularly of a country such as the United States. I even thought at the start of his Administration and while he was campaigning, that his blunt, straightforward, anti-political, devil-may-care attitude and manner of speaking might be a refreshing change to the polished, politically correct politicians who say only what the public wants to hear. But I was wrong. However, I do, and have, given him credit for certain accomplishments, not the least being a determined push to have a COVID-19 vaccine available for the public in months rather than years.

Insofar as his purported billions are concerned, Trump inherited–and squandered–much of his fortune, which is most likely considerably less than what he leads us to believe.

Finally, Romney is hardly my hero. But, for a Republican, he’s not all that bad.
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He inherited his money. Trump is not, and never has been, an entrepreneur.
He inherited from his father, most of it in real estate. from the ages of 3 to 58. In today’s dollars - not the value at the time inherited - it is estimated at $413 million. His current worth estimated in 2018 was between a low of $2,48 billion and $3.8 billion; current net wort estimated around $2 billion due to pandemic looses/reductions in value.

And no, he did not simply “sit” on the property he inherited.

New York seems to think he has committed felonies via tax law; that remains to be seen. I seriously doubtr he used the local 2 person accounting firm; and they will be on the line with him.

And yes, I am well aware of the fact that accounting firms can mess up - Enron being a prime example.

It is far easier to find that tax laws have been bent out of shape and result in civil penalties than it is to prove tax fraud, so we have New York going after Trump and the Feds going after Hunter Biden.

Should make for some interesting cannon fodder.
Finally, Romney is hardly my hero. But, for a Republican, he’s not all that bad.
Like I said, you may want to do a bit of research as to what he accomplished with Bain Capital. He made money hand over fist by buying productive companies, stripping them of their value and then spinning them off to the trash heap. He is the reason I have not trusted the Republican party for the last 54 years; I have no doubt he has high approval for Amazon as it has rolled through small businesses like Sherman rolled through Georgia, as it is consistent with his actions with Bain.

As thoroughly tied as he is to big business, I wouldn’t trust him a lick in dealing with China.
I am aware of Romney’s shenanigans. It was one of the points focused on in the Obama campaign of 2012. Still, he has, in a sense, partially redeemed himself in my eyes by calling for an end to the prolonged election-fraud conspiracy theories perpetrated by Trump and some of his supporters.

But you’re right: Romney is no angel. Are any of these politicians?
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Good grief. You know it’s bad when Pat Robertson is the voice of reason.
But you’re right: Romney is no angel. Are any of these politicians?
I have heard nothing in the way of detraction concerning Nikki Haley. elected, and then re-elected as Governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the UN, where she stood toe to toe with world leaders - giving her a strong perspective on international relations. She is very intelligent, well spoken, and appears to have a spine of titanium. Net worth appears to be around 4 million, so not beholden to Wall Street.

Affirmed the willingness of the US to use military force if North Korea continued to test missiles, and Supported Israel 13 times. As far as I can tell, she stepped out of the position voluntarily. In what has been to a great degree a male world, she didn’t back down to anyone.

She has a BA in accounting. Has run her family business. Was allegedly considered as VP running mate to Romney.
Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: ‘I’ll see you in four years’
But . . . he also says he didn’t lose, which means he won’t be eligible in 2024, because there’s a 2-term limit.
So which is it, Donald?
But . . . he also says he didn’t lose, which means he won’t be eligible in 2024, because there’s a 2-term limit.
So which is it, Donald?
Well, if he’s willing to trash the constitution to remain in power in spite of losing an election, no doubt he’ll have no qualms about ignoring the two-term limit as well, if he could get away with it,
Screws up enough?
Based on the stories I have been reading, they have already laid the groundwork for getting voted out by the very people that voted for them.
Based on the stories I have been reading, they have already laid the groundwork for getting voted out by the very people that voted for them.
Which stories have you been reading? Newsmax reports on a new Gallup Poll show quite the opposite:

“Approval of Biden by independents went up 7 points from 48% to 55%, while his approval by Republicans increased from 6% to 12%. His approval by Democrats, which was already 95% before the election, went up one point.
Republicans’ approval of Trump has decreased 6 points to 89% in the same time period, while that of independents dropped 2 points to 36% and approval by Democrats remained the same at only 3%.”
You do not believe snubbing BLM was significant?
The evidence says “no.”

Biden’s approval ratings are up across the board, and Trump’s are down across the board.
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