Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: 'I'll see you in four years'

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I think anything can happen in 4 years, such as illness or legal headaches (or worse) - not that I’m wishing that on anyone. Politics is kind of like entertainment, it has a short shelf life and you can go from hot property to has-been in a short period of time.
But many young people do not want moderate Democrats (yes, they still exist). In fact, the more progressive, the better. So I would think those young’uns who are Republican would, in turn, gravitate toward more conservative Republicans, no?
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Mike Pence perhaps? Or is he too strongly linked to Trump?
That’s an excellent suggestion! I forgot all about him! I think a lot of people would find him “too Christian.” But funny how it worked out–at the beginning of the Trump Administration, the reporters found out that VP Pence would NOT meet with a woman alone, and he would NOT close his office doors if he was doing business or having a meeting with a woman–and those reporters just CASTIGATED him over this!

Various feminists were accusing him of “looking down on women” or “seeing them as sex objects”–it was pretty awful. And he faced all that criticism with grace, not backing down at all.

And just look at all the scandals that have taken other men down–meeting with women alone behind closed doors, and things happening that shouldn’t have happened, and years later, the women came forward and described sexual innuendos and relationships…terrible scandals that ended the careers and often the marriages of these men.

So it turned out that VP Pence isn’t so backwards after all! He’s pretty smart!

But I still think the feminists and all the other left-leaning groups, including the journalists, would tear him and his family to shreds if he decided to become more active in politics and perhaps run for President. I think he could take it, but I’m not sure he wants to subject his family to that kind of pure evil at the hands of people who have no clue.
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I mean he won the 2020 election right?? So winning again should be no problem!
Pence is a little too conservative for my taste, but he is certainly a decent man, and true-blue (or true-red) loyal to the President.
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I don’t think Donald Trump will run again. He will be too old. He lives a fast, hard life–no drinking of alcohol, but I don’t think he’s a healthy eater and I know he drinks twice as much Diet Coke as I drink! And his only exercise is golf.

He’s 74 now. In four years, he will be 78–the same age as Joseph Biden, and look at the criticism he is getting.

I know a lot of people in the 70s and 80s are in great shape mentally and physically. But…it’s still hard to be in the position of leading the most powerful nation (or at least one of the Top Five!) in the world when you’re up in your 70s! The body is not superhuman–it does give out, or at least slows down, and so does the mind!

I would like to see an upper age limit added to the Constitution for the POTUS. I think a good cutoff would be 72 years old at the time of inauguration and taking the Oath of Office.

Apologies for offending all of you who are in your 70s and still running marathonds, sky-diving, and ski jumping, as well as writing academic papers, working 40 hours or more a week in critical jobs, or taking care of children. But you have to admit–you are an exception! Many people as old as the current President or the President-Elect are definitely not capable of running the country or even living in their own homes!

My problem with Mike Pense’s policy on working with women (no dinners alone, no closed doors) is that it puts the women around him at a disadvantage to the men that work around him. They are treated differently, not socialized with, etc.

He should be able to have a dinner with a women collegue without trying to seduce the women, if he can’t that is a personal failing on his part and he shouldn’t be in a position of power.
I’m not necessarily recommending him, just saying he’s a moderate who is pro-life.
He should be able to have a dinner with a women collegue without trying to seduce the women, if he can’t that is a personal failing on his part and he shouldn’t be in a position of power.
I’m sure he is quite capable of being with a woman without attempting to seduce her.

The question is, are all women honorable enough to not ACCUSE him of trying to seduce them?

You may believe they are. I do not believe this. I think that women are capable of doing almost anything, and speaking any lie, to bring about something that they want. History is full of this.

Remember the Kavanaugh trial? Women made horrific accusations about the candidate, but when they were cross-examined, their accusations fell apart, and there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

VP Pence and other men who take this same course of action are just being very careful.

Our PRIEST will not counsel a woman without an open door.

DOCTORS, male and female, will not perform a gynecological exam on a woman without having another woman in the room with them. Do you also believe that doctors should be capable of not seducing women? Of course most of them are above reproach, but they still follow the rules about having a nurse with them during an exam.
If this if what you think of women, I think you also should not be in a position of power in the work world.
I don’t think he has issues controlling himself in regards to seducing women.He is just protecting himself from any opportunity of being accused as dong such. Lots of vindictive women out there.
If this if what you think of women, I think you also should not be in a position of power in the work world.
I am a woman, a 63-year old woman.

And I am not nor ever shall be in any position of power in the work world, other than that I work in a hospital lab where I do testing that helps the doctors and other health care providers know what’s happening with the patient and the best way to treat.
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