Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: 'I'll see you in four years'

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But not a lot of ill-behaving men? Just women?

So, women just shouldn’t have jobs? Another man couldn’t accuse Pence of some sexual misconduct?

Pence’s policy unfairly treats women and discriminates against the women he works with.
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That isn’t a universal rule, most of my exams have been without a nurse chaperone. I just had a mammogram/ sonogram last month. Just me and the tech.

My OB is a woman. My GP is a man. No nurse chaperone.
I gave you my opinion re why he most likely refuses to dine alone with women other than his wife. How that has anything to do with your other questions is beyond me
Lots of vindictive women out there.
This is why the questions have to do with you.

The problems Pense is trying to avoid could also be caused by a man, yet he isn’t unwilling to dine with them.

Almost all women would never acuse Pense of something he didn’t do, yet he is discriminating against all women putting them at a disadvantage.
What? I’m still hang gliding and scuba diving. How dare you?

Of course, you’re right. And while we’re at it, maybe also an age limit on Congresspersons and Supreme Court Justices as well. But NOT on professors, please.
Women sometimes do make false accusations regarding sexual harassment. Just today, there is a story of a woman who worked with Andrew Cuomo who accuses him of repeated sexual offenses. Do I believe her? I’d like to see some corroboration of her story. So far there is none. Maybe she is telling the truth, maybe not. I fully condemn all forms of sexual harassment, but at the same time, I think the #metoo movement has somewhat run amok. You may disagree, of course.
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Four years is an eternity in politics. It is also a long time for a man in his seventies.
What? I’m still hang gliding and scuba diving. How dare you?

Of course, you’re right. And while we’re at it, maybe also an age limit on Congresspersons and Supreme Court Justices as well. But NOT on professors, please.
Cool–gliding and scuba diving!

Professors get better with age! Seriously, a professor is not under the extreme stress of a President, VP, or Senator/Representative, and they aren’t as likely to have international situations to deal with.

I’m not so sure about Supreme Court Justices. It seems to me that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a very sharp mind right up until her death. The Supreme Court isn’t under time constraints–they can take their sweet time rendering their verdicts, which is often necessary just to gather all the data and hear all the testimonies.

This is not true of a Pres. VP, or Congress, which may only have a matter of hours or even less time to make a decision about an international or national incident. Also, many Americans are waiting eagerly for various bills to be passed (or not passed), and Congress members and the Pres. (who signs the bill into law) have to make decisions about these bills–Americans get irritated (understatement) when bills get stalled in Congress or on the President’s desk!
I recall that Trump also said, when interviewed, that Bill and Hillary Clinton are very fine people, and this was after he led the chant “Lock her up.” The man apparently “cherishes” everyone (including the Mexican people), and has a penchant for making contradictory remarks even within a single phrase or thought. Who says Trump is not a politician? He is a born politician.

Apart from this, Kavanaugh assaulted a woman? I mean, look at the man. Only joking, well, half-joking.
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And I have the perfect theme song to the start of Trump’s 2024 Presidential campaign: “I’ll Be Seeing You.”

“I’ll Be Seeing You,” Sammy Fain, 1938. Now, who composed “Swanee River”?
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No, I’m sorry, Stephen Foster. But you’ve been a great contestant. Can’t wait for The Honeymooners Blowout.
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Who says Trump is not a politician? He is a born politician.
Politicians don’t reverse statements like Trump does.

His whole background is business, and unless and until you have dealt with a high end business person, you may not understand the tactic (and not all employ it, either). The tactic is to keep you off your game; Trump flips back and forth - almost entirely on matters that are not “at play” to keep you off your feet during negotiations.

Look at his negotiating with North Korea. He constantly talked up how great Kim Jong-Un was; but Trump never waivered on his push to get NK to step off the nuclear route. From the get-go, Trump was clear that he would not tolerate continued work on missiles, including a comment about what would happen if NK stepped over the line with an attack; yet he “gave” NK “face” by stepping into NK. That is not a politician as they would keep their intentions far more cloaked in rhetoric, and not a single President has even contemplated doing any such “face” move.

Look also at his negotiations over NATO. He played the same process, praising NATO for what it could do, and being crystal clear that if they did not pick up their $$ contributions that there were going to be some very unlikeable results. He really angered government leaders over that - but they stepped up the contributions. They were used to the “nice” negotiation style, but they clearly understood that "nice’ was not on the table, nor was it going to be the way matters moved, either forward or backward.

Ever Since Nixon made his overtures to China, every president since then failed to see, or if seeing, failed to acknowledge that bringing China into the WTO would not and did not defang the Communist government, and failed to react to the increasing grasp China has been making around the world. Both people (stockholders) and businesses were making money hand over fist, and we were sinking deeper and deeper into reliance on a country which had no intention of “playing nice” - and if you doubt that, look at how beholden we were to them in critical pharmaceuticals; at one point during negotiations, they made a not entirely veiled reference to our need, for example, of insulin. Trump saw two things: jobs had been lost by the middle class trained workers, and we were in an entirely untenable position in terms of supplies.

And then there is Joe “I don’t know anything about my son’s business deals”.

Per an old Chinese curse: “You should live in interesting times.”

It is going to get interesting.
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Interesting, but you make Trump out to be some kind of delicate genius with business savvy, which he is skillfully applying to government. Based on my close friend’s knowledge of Trump’s business acumen, who saw Trump and his legal associates up front, Trump is a clueless negotiator of business deals who, as a result, wound up bankrupt time and time again, well beyond the norm of the typical shrewd businessman. This is probably why he needs to take his loyal supporters for one more ride by raising money, not as they think, for the purpose of his reelection campaign bid in 2024, but to maneuver through the thicket of the legal charges pending against him once he leaves office. Trump needs the money desperately because he is not at all as wealthy as he claims to be. Romney was right, after all, about Trump, as he said before the latter was elected in 2016, that the man is a fraud. Actually, Romney should consider running in 2024 one last time; he might win this time. Yet, in one sense, Trump is a genius, namely, in being able to manipulate the emotions of people in search of a messiah, similar to a televangelist. He has been quite successful in doing so, and continues to be.
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Pretty much.

Mitt Romney is already 73, even though he looks younger. He’ll be 77 for the next presidential election.
Please, no more elderly candidates (and I’m elderly myself). We need good younger candidates to pass on the political savvy these elderly statesmen have acquired yet are also more in tune with the current problems today’s younger citizens are facing. No one will gain wisdom continually watching from the sidelines awaiting their turn. The next election IS their turn!
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