humilityseeker on the Christmas attack on family get togethers that will be coming . . .
It is not an indirect attack. You are wrong.
You are entitled to your opinion. And you are wrong.
If you havent realised how much different Covid is to Influenza
That’s deflection.
Because I am laying out the principles.
And if you die from influenza, you are just as dead as someone who dies from corona virus.
There are differences in infectivity rates (contagiousness) to be sure.
But when everything is said and done, Corona virus will be just as contagious.
When you’ve had a vaccine, you still might be infected even with antibody.
Or you might not and still be a carrier to someone else.
Or the “vaccine” may have failed in you altogether, and now YOU are still susceptible to infection.
In principles of disease transmission . . .
Nothing will change a year from now except the principles of the people that are mandating this, or the mandates will be CONTINUED.
Yes the numbers will change too (what to you, would be an “acceptable” amount of people still getting corona virus? Or do you think corona virus will be gone a year from now? Or if they get it next year will they be guaranteed not to die from their infection?).
But the principles of these infectious disease mandates will not change.
You will still be more likely to get an infection closer than six feet, than at six feet, or twenty feet. But the risk will not be gone.
You will still (only) slow down the rate of transmission with “masks” . . . whatever your definition of “masks” are.
Next year you will still “risk” passing infection along to others without quarantining HEALTHY people.
People will still want classified as an “essential business” and shop electronics, perfumes, purses, or whatever on Black Friday and every other day of the year (mandating that someone else goes out to the Amazon warehouse and risks life and limb, so someone else can get the newest phone cheap because they insist it is “essential” work).
All this will remain in principle.
So the “mandaters” must change
their principles to look more like last year (with Influenza) or this will be a perpetual way of life. (The panic has got to stop.)
Or this is all