Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns of Bleak Winter: Looking Forward to ‘Christmas in 2021’

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So I think there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Influenza is a respiratory aquired disease just like corona.

You can still get and more importantly GIVE influenza or corona to others despite being vaccinated.

Don’t you think these lifestyle changes should just be permanent based on that principle?

And what if the corona mutates? Then what? You could be running around town maskless infecting everyone you go near!

Why not just admit this paradigm is permanent?

And not only Christmas, but any other holiday is off the table.

And not for this year only, but for any year?

Using the current principles, WHY NOT just make this stuff everlasting?
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So I think there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Influenza is a respiratory aquired disease just like corona.

You can still get and more importantly GIVE influenza or corona to others despite being vaccinated.

Don’t you think these lifestyle changes should just be permanent based on that principle?

And what if the corona mutates? Then what? You could be running around town maskless infecting everyone you go near!

Why not just admit this paradigm is permanent?

And not only Christmas, but any other holiday is off the table.

And not for this year only, but for any year?

Using the current principles, WHY NOT just make this stuff everlasting?
What are you basing your claims on? What precedent? The Spanish flu only stuck around for 2 years before it lost potency and life returned to normal. It sounds like you are drawing on a hypothetical that has no basis in science and reality.
The Spanish flu only stuck around for 2 years before it lost potency and life returned to normal.
Are you saying there is no longer H1N1 flu variants in society now?

“Lost potency”?

So what?

Are you saying people don’t DIE from H1N1 influenza anymore?

And if they do (and they do) was it ok NOT to mask-up, avoid the quarantine of healthy people, and ignore social distancing last year?
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The Spanish flu only stuck around for 2 years before it lost potency and life returned to normal.
Are you saying there is no longer H1N1 flu variants in society now?

“Lost potency”?

So what?

Are you saying people don’t DIE from H1N1 influenza anymore?

And if they do (and they do) was it ok NOT to mask-up, avoid the quarantine of healthy people, and ignore social distancing last year?
I’m trying to get a grasp on where you are coming from because it’s a mystery to me. Do you believe in concepts like emergency/disaster/pandemic, that distinguish day to day life from exceptional events? It seems that you are viewing life as one long disaster as everyone waits for inevitable death. For example people swim in the ocean freely but when there’s big swells or rips or if sharks are passing on migration, the authorities will close the beach until it’s safe. Or when the fires get close to civilization the authorities will order evacuations. It’s not permanent. It’s a heightened situation that will pass and life will return to normal. Do you see that?
Do you believe in concepts like emergency/disaster/pandemic, that distinguish day to day life from exceptional events?
Forget about me for a moment motherwit and look at the principles.

Apply them.

If you apply them consistently, there is no going back.

For the guy last year
that spent days in the ICU struggling to breathe with his or her influenza
then wound up on a vent and dying,
that WAS an emergency/disaster scenario.

Should we have been masking-up, quarantining HEALTHY people, and mandating social distancing last year because of that?

Or just let it slide?
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Do you believe in concepts like emergency/disaster/pandemic, that distinguish day to day life from exceptional events?
Forget about me for a moment motherwit and look at the principles.

Apply them.

If you apply them consistently, there is no going back.

For the guy last year
that spent days in the ICU struggling to breathe with his or her influenza
then wound up on a vent and dying,
that WAS an emergency/disaster scenario.

Should we have been masking-up, quarantining HEALTHY people, and mandating social distancing last year because of that?

Or just let it slide?
The rules are determined by the legitimate authorities in accordance with the common good and moral order. If all that was needed to govern a community was a list of rigid principles there’d be no point in having a government at all.
Well it’s not an attack in the sense that these guys think about attacking the actual holiday of Christ’s birth.

But it IS an indirect attack on family get togethers at Christmas time.

That’s the sense I was talking about.

And this will have no end unless they change their principles, people reject this, or there is some sort of miraculous corona cure.
It is not an indirect attack. You are wrong.
If you havent realised how much different Covid is to Influenza , if you havent realised what ICU is like for Covid patients, why is that?
If you havent realised how this pandemic is heading and how it is leaving people, why not?
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humilityseeker on the Christmas attack on family get togethers that will be coming . . .
It is not an indirect attack. You are wrong.
You are entitled to your opinion. And you are wrong.
If you havent realised how much different Covid is to Influenza
That’s deflection.


Because I am laying out the principles.

And if you die from influenza, you are just as dead as someone who dies from corona virus.

There are differences in infectivity rates (contagiousness) to be sure.

But when everything is said and done, Corona virus will be just as contagious.

When you’ve had a vaccine, you still might be infected even with antibody.
Or you might not and still be a carrier to someone else.
Or the “vaccine” may have failed in you altogether, and now YOU are still susceptible to infection.

In principles of disease transmission . . .

Nothing will change a year from now except the principles of the people that are mandating this, or the mandates will be CONTINUED.

Yes the numbers will change too (what to you, would be an “acceptable” amount of people still getting corona virus? Or do you think corona virus will be gone a year from now? Or if they get it next year will they be guaranteed not to die from their infection?).

But the principles of these infectious disease mandates will not change.

You will still be more likely to get an infection closer than six feet, than at six feet, or twenty feet. But the risk will not be gone.

You will still (only) slow down the rate of transmission with “masks” . . . whatever your definition of “masks” are.

Next year you will still “risk” passing infection along to others without quarantining HEALTHY people.

People will still want Amazon.com classified as an “essential business” and shop electronics, perfumes, purses, or whatever on Black Friday and every other day of the year (mandating that someone else goes out to the Amazon warehouse and risks life and limb, so someone else can get the newest phone cheap because they insist it is “essential” work).

All this will remain in principle.

So the “mandaters” must change their principles to look more like last year (with Influenza) or this will be a perpetual way of life. (The panic has got to stop.)

Or this is all permanent.
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My wife had a coworker that had COVID-19. He didn’t say what the worst part was. He died.
And people died of influenza this year too.

What’s your point?

Why would that make masking-up,
mandated distancing,
and quarantining HEALTHY people next year
any different?
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Well now, that’s a non parity comparison. Kind of like comparing caffeine to cocaine.
That’s a partial truth.

If you die from influenza, you are just as dead as someone who dies from corona virus.
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To the readers here.

Not necessarily here, but in society . . .

The same people who are telling you this is NOT permanent, and
that Christmas 2021 will be different . . .

. . . Will be the same people telling you next year WHY you should be blowing off Christmas with your family in 2021.

Remember that so next year when you hear that, you won’t fall for the same lines.
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Quarantine healthy people. The fact is that we don’t know who is healthy and who isn’t. Quarantine which means a two week lockdown in turn was deviced so that the virus would be spread . If you felt bad during those days and / or were tested, at least it wouldn’t have spread beyond home.
I am not a fan of lockdowns, moreover done with them, but I can understand the purpose of regulated quarantines when necessary.
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Quarantine healthy people. The fact is that we don’t know who is healthy and who isn’t.
The fact is we didn’t know last year with influenza either.

The fact is we won’t know next year with cirona or influenza either.
We will have learnt a lot more about how to behave and react under those circumstances.
It wasn’t perfect. At least not where I live . Far from it… But it has been experience to capitalize , learn from and improve.Hopefully…
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Oh dear, if you see the two of equal magnitude of deaths even now, then I’m afraid I can’t get through to you.
Ok. What is your acceptable death quotient for going back to “normal” life then?

Nobody has posited anything like . . …

“Well when America only loses 15,000 people a year from Corona virus, THEN we will go back to “normal” living.”

So other than numbers, WHY do you think things will be better next year?

Or . . . what number is an “acceptable” death amount to you (because Government has not told us) to go back to “normal”?
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Quarantine healthy people.
Fun fact. The word “Quarantine” cam from the number 40. In a lot of scripture, 40 is associated with purification. Moses went to Mount Sinai for 40 days before receiving the 10 commandments, and Christ stayed with his disciples for 40 days after his resurrections. During the plague, some communities decided to close their doors for 40 days and 40 nights. People that violated the quarantine could be put to death. The quarantine was found to be effective!
People that violated the quarantine could be put to death.
Fun fact.

In the New Covenant with the graces we get from Jesus the Christ’s work on Calvary,
we are expected to not kill people for these things anymore.

We can attain (with grace) and thus are held to higher standards.

Humanity has been changed, but humanity is rejecting even more gifts and graces than in the Old Covenant days.
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