Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns of Bleak Winter: Looking Forward to ‘Christmas in 2021’

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Life As We Knew It is over folks. There is a new world order agent under every bed. The great reset has begun.

Covid is a hoax. Every covid-19 labeled death is really due to the fake flu and pneumonia vaccine everyone got in 2019. And there was no Escape for the anti-vaxxers. Their prescription drugs were tainted with the reset virus. The real virus.

You may say "wait… I thought facial recognition was part of the New World Order scheme to control us ! How’s that going to work if everyone is forced to wear a mask until Armageddon ? " Well, those microchips that Bill Gates was going to put in the vaccines ? Since they are tiny enough to pass through a hypodermic needle, they are small enough to float in the air. We have been breathing them for years. What do you think those Chemtrails are all about ?

So what are we to do ? I don’t know but I know one thing for sure. I’m sure as hell not going to look in the basement !

Or under the bed !


Oh and Fauci ? That is a nickname for Faust. He be the anti-llama !

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Before the last few months I did not know about the great reset. Now I read about it everywhere and it is scary stuff.

Regarding Covid19:
In my country, this ‘fake flu’ as you call it, is killing so many people that there is a huge problem with where to keep the bodies as they await cremation. All crematories are working 24/7. Small children who were asymptomatic are now - after covid -taken to hospital, all with internal organs inflammation.
People who get over Covid 19 are instructed to take aspirin, because of blood cloth - the chance of a stroke is much higher for people who had Covid19, even if without symptoms. Numbers do not lie.

Wear a mask.
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Before the last few months I did not know about the great reset. Now I read about it everywhere and it is scary stuff.
Covid is a hoax.
Regarding Covid19:
In my country, this ‘fake flu’ as you call it, is killing so many people that there is a huge problem with where to keep the bodies as they await cremation. All crematories are working 24/7. Small children who were asymptomatic are now - after covid -taken to hospital, all with internal organs inflammation.
People who get over Covid 19 are instructed to take aspirin, because of blood cloth - the chance of a stroke is much higher for people who had Covid19, even if without symptoms. Numbers do not lie.

Wear a mask.
In my country, this ‘fake flu’ as you call it . . .
Nobody calls it “fake flu” here. (The one exception seemed like a vent and frustration post from someone else).

That being said . . .
Numbers do not lie.
The “numbers” in my country show the average age of death without Corona virus is the SAME as the average age of death WITHOUT Corona virus. (Actually the COVID patients die on the average a little OLDER).

I am not trying to diminish any of those deaths,
but I also think it is important to see this with a proper perspective.
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The “numbers” in my country show the average age of death without Corona virus is the SAME as the average age of death WITHOUT Corona virus. (Actually the COVID patients die on the average a little OLDER).
Is the age really so important? I was thinking about the numbers of people needing ventilation or at least oxygen tank. Our hospitals are full. Apart from Covid & ER there is nothing else. Diagnosis of lung cancer went down more than 30%. If we would not have such a high mortality rate, the hospitals would not be able to accept any new covid patients anymore. Like a spokesman for the scond largest hospital said “We are putting new patients in still warm beds”. Some are labeling us a second Bergamo.

Last year, this part of the world (my country included) had a really really bad flu season. People were in hospitals, visits were not permitted. But people were not dying even closely to what is going on with Covid.
But I have it via good authority (the internet), that it’s a diabolical plan of submission and dominance !

BOC prophesied it years ago !

In my country, this ‘fake flu’ as you call it, is killing…
I know. I was being sarcastic.

I take it quite seriously and fortunately survived a minor Covid infection myself recently.

And masks ? Yes, I wear them and wish everyone would.
I am sorry, I did not understand your post. Did not know that it was meant to be sarcastic.

Have a wonderful weekend! And a very blessed Advent, my friend.
Your post has several partial truths.

I won’t bother with it except that none of what you said changes the principles I discussed here.
Those with no lived experience on the front lines of this pandemic battle really have no understanding of what is really going on.

It is best you withdraw from our conversation, wise move.
Is the age really so important?
The death-years are important.

Corona virus is collectively not resulting in any life-years lost of Americans.

Zero life years lost from corona in America!.

Yes. This is important.
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Those with no lived experience on the front lines of this pandemic battle really have no understanding of what is really going on
You have no idea what “lived experience” I have or don’t have.

Stop trying to make the thread about me personally.

If you want to really find out what “front line” people have to say about this,
try looking up “front line doctors” where they are not banned for different ideas from leftsts.
Thanksgiving has been going well here. At least in my parents neighborhood, which has many older retired folks, with many not in the best of health, several have tested positive for the COVID virus of late. All though I’ve been told are experiencing mild symptoms.
Diagnosis of lung cancer went down more than 30%
Why do you think that happened? (Panic.)

What do you think wil be the result of those undiagnosed people with lung cancer
in six months
who have not had treatment, or who have had delayed treatment?
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Not even the Breitbart article cited called the warning an attack on Christmas. That appears to be an invention by Cathoholic.
Like I said. Here it comes.
And didn’t Starbucks stop using red cups around the holidays.

The persecutions are emerging. . .
Feanor2 on extended families not being allowed (admittedly so far this is only my estimate from the principles of what is going on right now) by secularist GOVERNMENT officials to get together and worship Jesus and/or just spend time together this Christmas . . . .
The persecutions are emerging. . .
Laugh it up Feanor2.

For everyone else. For those who have a stronger family structure, this will matter more to them as family is a priority. But even ones with low priority will be left ALONE in many cases.
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Laugh it up Feanor2.

For everyone else. For those who have a stronger family structure…
“stronger family structure?” Stronger than what? Stronger than Feanor2? Are you saying Feanor2 does not have a very strong family structure? Wow! What do you even know about Feanor2 that prompts you to make that sort of comparison?
Laugh it up Feanor2.

For everyone else. For those who have a stronger family structure…
“stronger family structure?” Stronger than what? Stronger than Feanor2? Are you saying Feanor2 does not have a very strong family structure? Wow! What do you even know about Feanor2 that prompts you to make that sort of comparison?
I’m just missing my red coffee cups . . .

And all this Happy Holidays! As a Catholic I feel so persecuted!
What you are saying ALMOST seems logical, but not quite.

When the Spanish flu pandemic, which was more virulent than the common flu but less so than COVID-19, hit the United States, many people said THE SAME THING you are saying now, in other words, that the mandates required would be PERMANENT. And so, what happened? Instead of lasting one year, the Spanish flu lasted two years. Why? Because people did NOT want government telling them what to do. In San Francisco, for example, instead of abiding by the mandates a little longer, they had a celebratory parade. That parade resulted in a tremendous spread of the virus, so much so that a lockdown was needed, just at the point that the virus was seemingly winding down due to mitigation efforts. Other cities did the same as San Francisco, and the numbers began to surge once again. However, with persistent efforts, the virus at last dissipated, but only when people finally realized that they needed to follow the protocols set in place.
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