Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns of Bleak Winter: Looking Forward to ‘Christmas in 2021’

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I innately dislike positions that appeal to ‘survival of the fittest’.
Then WHY would we lockdown society and ask for survival of the fittest as we destroy economies and lives with panic??
Economies can recover. Dead people can’t.
Of course this is a winter phenomenon. The same one I told you was coming.

The same one other countries (even the ones locking down HEALTHY people) are experiencing.
But look at the damage. Swedens winter uptick = 67 deaths yesterday. Denmarks = 7 deaths yesterday. Finlands = 5 deaths yesterday. Denmark = 12 deaths yesterday. All countries of similar population and economy.
Then WHY would we lockdown society and ask for survival of the fittest as we destroy economies and lives with panic??
I think part of the intention is to protect the most vulnerable among us.

Wear a mask!

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If I understand what @Cathoholic is suggesting as the best plan going forward, we should stop panicking and just reopen society. All the healthy people (of which some are a symptomatic) can go about their old lives and let each decide what measures to take. Wear or don’t wear a mask as you see fit and social distance as you wish.

The results that we KNOW will happen is that the infections will surge dramatically but it’s mostly the elderly that won’t recover and they are about to die anyway. If they fear this, they can isolate themselves as they wish. The economy should recover quite well.

Except…if the virus surges, people will self isolate on their own and the services industry that has been so hard hit, will continue to be hard hit. So, the economy won’t actually recover…it’ll blip up then crash down again. Since our government finally made the right decision to open back up, there won’t be any relief packages coming from them. We’re on our own now, remember!

Do you see this scenario as a good thing or a bad thing. The right way to go forward or the stupidest thing ever? Did I miss something?

As the vaccine becomes available, it will eventually reach a point where it makes a difference…in spite of those refusing to take it. I’d rather wait until then to open up but others probably disagree with waiting, right?
If I understand what @Cathoholic is suggesting as the best plan going forward, we should stop panicking and just reopen society. All the healthy people (of which some are a symptomatic) can go about their old lives and let each decide what measures to take. Wear or don’t wear a mask as you see fit and social distance as you wish.

The results that we KNOW will happen is that the infections will surge dramatically but it’s mostly the elderly that won’t recover and they are about to die anyway. If they fear this, they can isolate themselves as they wish. The economy should recover quite well.
Very disappointed in your phony caricature reply here PattyIt.
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Very wise to quarantine. The stopping of the spread of this pandemic is a priority and should be.
Zero life years lost from corona in America!.
Apples and oranges.

Irrelevant. Life years lost overall is not the same as life-years lost compared side by side with and without corona virus.

Why not post the average age of death in the US of people in America without corona virus (I have already done this).

Then post the average age of death of people in America WITH corona virus.

Then we can have that discussion.
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More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic World News
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) Published 11 hours ago More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic The National Police Agency said suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Japan is struggling with a mental health crisis as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, with more people dying in one month from suicide than from COVID-19 all year long. The National Police Agency said suicides surged to…
The stopping of the spread of this pandemic is a priority and should be.
At what cost?
Do you really believe the stalinesque measures being taken will suddenly be stopped once the pandemic is over?

I don’t believe so.

It is not about stopping or even slowing the spread. It is now about power.

Covid-19 could completely disappear tomorrow and they will simply come up with something else to justify these hideous practices.
At what cost?
What is the cost of attending a family function and giving and receiving Covid all wrapped up in the indignignation of missing one get together for one year.
Covid-19 could completely disappear tomorrow
That is very unlikely. It has been around for at least 12 months now and is not showing any signs of disappearing any time soon.
To everyone who thinks that there is some sort of plan to control us, I have a question.

What do these power grabbers gain by this permanent lockdown ?
What is the cost of attending a family function and giving and receiving Covid all wrapped up in the indignignation of missing one get together for one year.
It should not be a cost of enlistment of children to spy upon a family.
It is simply wrong to recruit children I’m this manner.
That is very unlikely. It has been around for at least 12 months now and is not showing any signs of disappearing any time soon.
You missed the point.
At what cost?
That’s the question not enough people are asking!

Great reply from you vz71.

More on that question so many are ignoring, pretending it doesn’t exist . . . .
More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic World News
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) Published 11 hours ago More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic The National Police Agency said suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Japan is struggling with a mental health crisis as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, with more people dying in one month from suicide than from COVID-19 all year long. The National Police Agency said suicides surged to…

“I’m starving now”: World faces unprecedented hunger crisis amid coronavirus pandemic​


UPDATED ON: MAY 2, 2020 / 7:03 PM / CBS NEWS

It’s Friday morning in Alexandra township – a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg – and dozens of people are gathered in a field outside a food distribution point, hoping today might be the day they get something to eat.

“If you’re hungry, it’s easy to get sick from stress and everything,” says Mduduzi Khumalo, who’s been lining up every day for two weeks. To get food your name has to be on the list and, so far, despite registering multiple times, his hasn’t been.

Khumalo worked as a delivery man before South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown decimated his income. His children used to get two meals a day at school, but schools are closed now. Every day, the kids wait for him at the family’s tiny home, and every day brings the same bad news.

“They know that if I don’t get anything for them, it’s over,” Khumalo tells CBS News.

Famines “of biblical proportions”​

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Residents of Diepsloot in South Africa wait for food but go home empty handed of Friday, April 23. CBS NEWS

The coronavirus pandemic has left the world facing an unprecedented hunger crisis. The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has warned that by the end of the year, more than 260 million people will face starvation – double last year’s figures.

“In a worst-case scenario, we could be looking at famine in about three dozen countries,” . . .
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It seems to me, far from the national freedom advocates in the political realm being all about self . . .

. . . it is the national political lockdown advocates who are self-centered
against the health, death, and expense of others.

That’s WHY you see guys like Newsom completely ignoring all these “mandates” for himself and his buddies . . .

. . . Yet germ-shame YOU, and fine and jail YOU while people continue to suffer from these policies that IGNORE risks.
Gavin Newsom Attends ‘French Laundry’ Restaurant Party, Violating Own Coronavirus Guidelines World News
56 mins ago Sacramento Bee blasts CA Gov. Gavin Newsom for ‘hypocritical fiasco’ after attending party during COVID ‘Haute cuisine hypocrisy is a disaster for the state’s’ COVID-19 efforts the paper declared By Joseph A. Wulfsohn| Fox News The editorial board of The Sacramento Bee blasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom for attending a party as the state continues to battle the coronavirus outbreak. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on Friday that Newsom attended an outdoor birthday celebrat…
There’s a heckuva lot of proverbial nuclear fallout from these guys IGNORING the risks of their own draconian policies.
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Lockdowns Have Caused Immense Harm​

. . . I read about grief during lockdowns. This is why my heart truly breaks over stories from others who were forced by lockdowns and restrictions to endure this with their loved ones.

The emotional dam of a non-political, grief-stricken friend burst forth on Facebook after she read about politicians defending protest gatherings while she and her sister had to bury their father alone, just themselves, on a cold, clear March day earlier this year. The pain seems endless, and the lockdowns have predictably caused immense unintended consequences:
  • Depression rates for every age demographic have tripled.
  • Domestic abuse has increased globally.
  • Child abuse cases have increased.
  • Foster kids are in jeopardy.
  • Sixty percent of small businesses that closed during the last lockdown will not reopen, and others barely hanging on are giving up.
  • Even though schools aren’t superspreaders and medical professionals have been telling districts to reopen, many haven’t. New York City just closed its schools again.
  • Remote learning isn’t working, and our kids are falling behind — badly.
  • A new nickname has developed for an entire generation of kids: Generation COVID. And no, the kids are not alright.
  • People are turning to drugs and alcohol to cope.
  • Fatal drug overdoses have skyrocketed.
  • Deaths from non-coronavirus health issues have climbed since the start of the last lockdown as people don’t seek medical care for treatable illnesses. The lockdown could kill more than the virus.
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