Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns of Bleak Winter: Looking Forward to ‘Christmas in 2021’

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And didn’t Starbucks stop using red cups around the holidays.
Starbucks had a refillable red cup as recent as 2019. As 2020 has been filled with attempts to minimize contacts, you won’t see many red cups. So there will not be as much chest beating and cries of religious persecution over the starbucks cups this year.
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You have no idea what “lived experience” I have or don’t have.

Stop trying to make the thread about me personally.

If you want to really find out what “front line” people have to say about this,
try looking up “front line doctors” where they are not banned for different ideas from leftsts.
This thread is not about you personally, you created it. This thread is about a misconception of yours, one generated reading an interview.
This thread is about an incorrect personal opinion of an interview given by someone no doubt eminently more qualified than most on CAF, regarding a pandemic with staggeringly out of control infection rates and disturbing death rates.

If a person wants to know what front line workers are going through, or what ICU and long term covid patients are going through, all they need do is look and listen.
Covid doesnt care for a person’s political persuasion. Its happy to kill and infect anyone, no matter their creed or level of wealth.

There are plenty of front line workers speaking out, their messages and distress is evident on any youtube they publish. If that isnt convincing enough, an interview with a prisoner paid to be a morgue worker attached to a fleet of refrigerated trucks storing the bodies of the dead might do it.
That youtube of a frontline worker describing the potentially last lucid moments of an ICU patient about to be intubated , with the potential never to cone out of it, such a powerful message

Lived covid experience is self evident in many a thread.
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So many half-truths posted here humilityseeker I don’t know where to begin. So I won’t.
Why do you think that happened? (Panic.)
Limited access actually. Our health system is fragile and the main hospital (yes we only have 1) for threatment of illnesses regarding lungs is over taken by Covid patients.
The death-years are important.

Corona virus is collectively not resulting in any life-years lost of Americans.

Zero life years lost from corona in America! .

Yes. This is important.
You would not believe how fast people without previous illnesses who are fit and were walking around and were active in society start to die, when they could be saved if the hospitals would not be taken over. Younger people die as well. Even without previous illnesses. We should wear masks and practice distancing and all that we can, not for us, but for the weakest and most especially that hospitals don’t run out of space.

And people are dying alone. The loved ones can not even be there.
When the Spanish flu pandemic, which was more virulent than the common flu but less so than COVID-19,
If you really think H1N1 was less virulent than COVID-19, please
post the average age of death for the Spanish flu during that pandemic.

Then post the average age of death with Corona virus in America during this pandemic.

I did not look it up (again) but you will see the Spanish flu average age of death was about 25 or 30 years old. Even adjusting for lower life-expectancies at that time, this is pretty young.

You will see the average age of death in America with corona virus is about age 81.

Corona may be more contagious. But it is not more virulent than H1N1, when H1N1 was starting its rampage. It just isn’t. At least in terms of life-years lost.
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Thank you IanM.

From IanM’s post link . . . .

(Read it while you can. Someone may “infantilize” you and censor it soon.)

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.​

September 5th 2020

We, doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.
The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona. . . .
Limited access actually.
Baloney. I couldn’t get in to see my oncologist because the medical center was closed (except for emergencies).

When I finally got in to see a doctor, the medical center was basically abandoned.

They had almost all the doctors remain in at home out of fear.

The only “lack of availability” was artificial. I was there. I saw it first hand as a patient.

And people are dying alone. The loved ones can not even be there.
Thanks to the panic. And the stifling of information on how to treat with early intervention these patients.

People suffered and died, because of the panic reaction too. People who could not get their routine care.

The panic has got to stop.
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finally got in to see a doctor, the medical center was basically abandoned.

They had almost all the doctors remain in at home out of fear.

The only “lack of availability” was artificial. I was there. I saw it first hand as a patient.
I am sure we are not from the same country… Otherwise you would not be saying stuff you do now… Far from empty are our hospitals.
Thanks to the panic. And the stifling of information on how to treat with early intervention these patients.
We had people with your opinion as well… That is why we are where we are. Notice I said… “We had”. They no longer believe that. For a while they were saying that the numbers are fake… and well, even if they were doesn’t matter, because now we are at the state that we don’t know where to keep bodies before cremation. Who would have thought that it takes all that before they finally shut up with their theories.
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An interesting Open Letter from medical professionals dated early September 2020, which has had scarcely any mention in the press, regarding the current situation.
Open letter - Docs4opendebate
In the list of signatories, I only found 3 epidemiologists, and they were all from outside the US. It is hard to verify the true intentions of an “open letter” on the internet, or even that the signatories all really signed the letter we see there. It gives a false sense of numbers, since the corresponding “open letter” voicing support for restrictions and masks, etc. does not exist. I would classify this as just another attempt by a fringe group to make themselves look more important than they are. It is no wonder the media did not give them that free publicity.
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That isn’t the Swedish experience which had been touted as the ‘ideal model’.
Then show me where the WHO has changed their statement on this please?

So you are ignoring the American numbers and
swapping out Swedish numbers (which show a fraction of a years difference)
where you KNOW they kill their old people with Corona virus. . . .

And you think that is supposed to be persuasive??
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That isn’t the Swedish experience which had been touted as the ‘ideal model’.
Then show me where the WHO has changed their statement on this please?
The WHO supports the use of lockdowns as an interim measure.

So you are ignoring the American numbers and
swapping out Swedish numbers (which show a fraction of a years difference)
where you KNOW they kill their old people with Corona virus. . . .
As always it will be the vulnerable and least ‘valuable’ in society who’ll bear the brunt of pro covid policies.

The WHO supports the use of lockdowns as an interim measure.
The WHO called Sweden a “model” for the world without mandated lockdowns, or mandated social distancing.

We both know that.

So as I said . . .
Then show me where the WHO has changed their statement on this please?
And you ignored all of this . . .
So you are ignoring the American numbers and
swapping out Swedish numbers (which show a fraction of a years difference)
where you KNOW they kill their old people with Corona virus. . . .

And you think that is supposed to be persuasive??
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That isn’t the Swedish experience which had been touted as the ‘ideal model’.
There have been a number of ideas presented in threads here that have shown as not durable in the long term. One that I recall was that rural areas don’t need to take precautions because what was going on was more of a city problem. At the time that idea was being defended here in CAF, in my home state the COVID-19 hotspot was a rural area in which the virus spread quickly after two funerals. Since then rural areas throughout the USA have had their own upsurge in the virus and inundation and stressing of their medical facilities.
The WHO supports the use of lockdowns as an interim measure.
The WHO called Sweden a “model” for the world without mandated lockdowns, or mandated social distancing.

We both know that.

So as I said . . .
Then show me where the WHO has changed their statement on this please?
The figures are speaking volumes for themselves. The WHO has not commented on Sweden for months as far as I know. But even Sweden has booted it’s anti lockdown champ, Tegnall as they yester day recorded 67 deaths. That’s 67. Your prediction of Sweden “approaching zero” just a few weeks ago was so far from reality do you not think it’s time to concede your position?
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

And you ignored all of this . . .
So you are ignoring the American numbers and
swapping out Swedish numbers (which show a fraction of a years difference)
where you KNOW they kill their old people with Corona virus. . . .

And you think that is supposed to be persuasive??
I innately dislike positions that appeal to ‘survival of the fittest’.

‘the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’. - Mahatma Gandhi.
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So many half-truths posted here humilityseeker I don’t know where to begin. So I won’t.
Covid is nothing to play about with. If an expert talks, we should listen. If our listening stops one death, one long term effect of covid, then it is worth it.
Certain people should stop taking interviews and posting non fact and fictious opinions on them . Then there will be no need for worry about your inferred and direct half truths.

Anyone suggesting what is going on with Covid is half truth, if seeking to downplay its devastating consequences is dealing with a lot more than their own half truths. That person is in denial.
If that person is not taking every measure they can to prevent its spread, they are a danger to themselves and the community.
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