Dr. Fauci and those idiots!

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Trump is right.While Fauchi may not be an idiot he is a bureaucrat that has been in position through numerous presidencies. Time to make a change. He has been so inconsistent with his advice re the virus.Clearly it’s the blind leading the blind
I have worked in microbiology for almost 40 years, in a hospital lab (6 years in North Carolina and 31 years in Northern Illinois).

I am around plenty of people who have worked for decades in infection control–work with actual patients and in the community. I am around people who do research and who publiish in science and medical journals.

Many of these people think that the current approach to COVID-19 is absolute doo doo, and is doing more harm than good.

But they don’t dare go against the Establishment, which at this time is the News Media, the Celebrities, and Career Politicians. They don’t want to lose their jobs, and they know that if they wait this out, eventually common sense will prevail and a more effective infection control policy will replace the current “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid” approach that is currently paralyzing our nation and not making people healthier.

We just have to wait it out. This can’t go on.
You really have a hang up about misspelled names,don’t you? Seems we went through this last week.🤨
Many of these people think that the current approach to COVID-19 is absolute doo doo, and is doing more harm than good.
What do you mean by “the current approach?” Do you mean wearing masks, or do you mean shutting down businesses? I doubt they think the former is doo doo. Also, are those colleagues of yours trained in public health? That is a separate discipline from microbiology or doctoring. Also, you say “many think it is doo doo”. Are there also many who think it is not doo doo?
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Those of us voting for Trump in 2020 (just did earlier!) already planned to back in 2016. This article changes absolutely nothing.
Fauci lied to the American people when he said masks weren’t necessary. He knew they were but thought there wouldn’t be enough, so he lied.

This is the same man who said in January that covid was nothing to worry about.

Fauci is all about Fauci.
Fauci has been consistently following the science.
Perhaps. Such as the state of the “science” is. When he changes his mind about something, it might be driven by the science according to someone or other, and then it might be driven in another direction by the science according to someone else. Obviously when it comes to Covid there is no unanimity on what the “science” says. Remember when Covid was definitely considered a respiratory disease. Oh, then it was definitely established that it was primarily a circulatory disease. And respirators were exactly the thing until it was discovered that they injured the lungs in Covid patients. Well, then Remdesivir was the treatment of choice until WHO declared that it was of no use in treating Covid.
What seems like “changing his mind” to some is actually following new information and adapting to it
Yes. I think that’s what’s known as “changing one’s mind”. Almost always in everyone, it’s due to acquiring new information.
I think a careerist would be someone who likes the status quo,
I see no particular reason to think that. Comey, after all, was trying to play “king maker”, a major intervention into the otherwise applicable “status quo”.
Fauci is just another in a long list of people that the pres and his boosters would like to blame for the mess we’re in. Unfortunately Dr Fauci isn’t an elected official so it’s kind of a moot point.
He is a government employee and considered an “ expert” on viruses so if he is misinformed ,how is this President Trumps fault.If we are to believe the science as the new mantra states,then if the scientist is promulgating faulty information,how is that President Trumps fault? It isn’t…
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You didn’t source your praise of Fauci. Please do so so we can see the full context. In looking him up, though, one finds that he has been on a lot of publications, but always with one or more professional researchers. Makes sense. I’m sure he gives plenty of people the green light or the funding or whatever. But he, himself, is an administrator. He’s like Bill O’Reilley. Nobody believes O’Reilley actually writes the “killing” books. The real author is the co-author.
Perhaps. Such as the state of the “science” is. When he changes his mind about something, it might be driven by the science according to someone or other, and then it might be driven in another direction by the science according to someone else.
No, he follows unanimously accepted science.
Obviously when it comes to Covid there is no unanimity on what the “science” says.
Maybe on the finer points. But there is unanimity on most issues.
And respirators were exactly the thing until it was discovered that they injured the lungs in Covid patients.
That risk was always known. That is nothing new. Respirators are still used today for extreme cases. What changed was the discovery of some better, less risky treatments, which changes the calculation about exactly when they are recommended.
Well, then Remdesivir was the treatment of choice until WHO declared that it was of no use in treating Covid.
I think we can reasonably conclude that those with whom you work think poorly of lockdowns. Would you care to supplement your comments? I would like to hear what they have to say.
You didn’t source your praise of Fauci. Please do so so we can see the full context.
In looking him up, though, one finds that he has been on a lot of publications, but always with one or more professional researchers.
That’s because modern research is a team effort. No more lone rangers. As Dr. Atul Gawande says, this is the Century of the System.
But he, himself, is an administrator.
He is now. He did more than most other researchers. Give it up. You are not going to tear down Fauci.
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He is now. He did more than most other researchers. Give it up. You are not going to tear down Fauci.
But as soon as Trump turns on someone, whom he has previously liked, some of his followers change their views, too… You know as the wind blows from Trump’s upper orifice.
unanimously accepted science.
There is no such thing.
But there is unanimity on most issues.
Clearly not. On the one hand you have New Zealand which thought it could keep Covid off the island. On the other hand, you have Sweden which refused to lock down. Very different.
What changed
Yes. What changed. “The science” changes all the time, particularly when the disease is poorly understood and/or new.

I do understand Fauci can legitimately claim credit for the work that is essentially the work of others. He’s the top guy and that’s his prerogative; to direct and prioritize research. He would have been fired a long time ago if he hadn’t. But if you read your sympathetic Wikipedia article, it never does say he, himself, developed anything, any more than a search of “his” publications attributes anything to him but “public advice” kinds of articles, like the importance of wearing masks.
But that’s his job, not painting carcinogens on rats.
But he does not change his mind based on political expediency, as you suggested in your prior post. Rather, he follows the science, not politics.
But he does not change his mind based on political expediency, as you suggested in your prior post. Rather, he follows the science, not politics.
Does he? Well, there have been times when he didn’t do it very well.

But regardless, he has called for total shutdown of the economy, or at least he did in July. Trump is responsible for more than just Covid. People have to eat, and drive, and work, and fix your plumbing and your teeth, or it will make 1932 look benign by comparison. He can’t just “follow science”, or he would seek legislation to ban McDonald’s and Panera and Coca-cola, all of which “science” says are bad for us.
I mean Fauci follows science in his own field. Nutrition is not his field. And people cannot eat or drive or work or fix the plumbing, etc. if they are no longer alive. First things first. As an analogy, I’m sure you would agree that nothing can take place in a person’s life, if s/he is aborted.
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