Dr. Fauci and those idiots!

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But that takes a bold national strategy - something we are sorely lacking.
The fastest development time for vaccines ever.
That was going to happen due to market forces. The only thing Trump has done is to trust Big Pharma to conduct they own trials and evaluations, side-stepping the CDC, just like the FAA trusted Boeing to do their own certification on the 737 Max. Prosecutions for violations of ethical conduct in pharma testing has been slashed as government regulators look the other way. This “bold leadership”, even if everything turns out great, will still be too late to save the 220,000 that have already died.
Virtually immediate production of respirators in such quantity we’re now exporting them.
But no DPA for masks and testing supplies, which are not as sexy, but would have been much more useful, as we could have kept many people from every needing ventilators.
Increased funding for treatments.
How much? Which treatments?
Virtually overnight construction of hospital facilities which, unfortunatley were not used…
Well, and A for effort and an E for achievement.
Fast approval of support for unemployed and businesses to keep them from going down.
Which addresses the economy, but not the virus.
Rapid buildup of supplies of all kinds because the former administration’s “pandemic supplies” had been largely sold off or didn’t work.
Not the ones we need, like covid test kits and PPE.
The only thing the Dems hang their hat on…
They can’t do much when they are not in control. The buck stops at the one who is in control.

We can also evaluate the dismally inept national strategy from the results. The US with just 4% of the population of the world accounts for 20% of the world’s covid cases. Much of the rest of the world recognizes this and will not let Americans travel to their country without a mandatory quaranteen for 14 days after arrival.
I’m going to comment on my own post above–

–I think that one reason why COVID-19 seems to be affecting so many people is that we in the U.S. are generally in terrible shape.

Statistics indicate that a large percentage of us, including our children and our teens, are obese–not just a little chubby, but OBESE!

We are also sedentary, out-of-shape, weak, flabby, and suffer from the conditions that result from being overweight/obese and physically inactive; e.g., osteoarthritis (I just had a total knee replacement 4 weeks ago), heart disease, strokes, etc.

We eat a terrible diet, mainly sweets and fats, and for many people soda and alcohol in excess. We are junk-food addicts.

We are addicted to mind-altering substances—we have an opioid crisis, and many adults have joyously rushed to take advantage of de-criminalization of marijuana. Many adult women have become enamored of wine and have two or more glasses every day!

We are still watching too much television, especially with the advent of streaming services!

We are seldom outside. Our children don’t play outside anymore. We don’t ride bikes or walk. If we go outside at all, it’s to sit on our deck.

We are in danger and afraid often–the murder rate in many of our cities is setting records.

We are isolated from our families, and many people have a very small social network. Many of the elderly are totally alone other than a few family members, as all of their friends have passed away and they are not able to get out and meet new people.

We don’t have children–more and more couples are opting to go childless.

We are either working long hours and ovetime–or we are not working because we don’t have the skills to get a viable job in this economy. Many who are working live in constant worry that they will be 'let go."

We have no savings, no retirement, and we are in debt up to our foreheads.

We are victims of racism, and have pretty much given up on the idea on “equality for all.”

ALL of this and more that I have NOT listed has made us susceptible to many threats to our health and lives–we are essentially “immunomocompromised” just because of our horrible lifestyles and health practices.

I think it would be a wonderful thing if the COVID-19 pandemic would wake us all up and help us to make some very overdue changes in our lives and our American society.

But we probably won’t. Sigh.
Fauci isn’t a treating physician either. He’s probably never seen a patient in his entire life.

Who’s more right? Dr. Scott Atlas.
I’m just glad King Fauci isn’t in charge of whether we can celebrate our Faith anymore.
He’s been a doctor for 40 years and saw patients for 2 hours a week 5 years ago.

I’m correct. He’s not a treating physician.
I believe after the Presidential election, no matter who wins, herd immunity along with vaccination will be strongly advocated by a large number of medical professionals and scientists throughout the world,
I really don’t think that would go over well.
It takes 60% to 75% of the population infected to achieve herd immunity
At the 60% would the General Populace accept 5 million to 11 million deaths?
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Daily with Ebola. It says so in the preview, you didn’t even need to read the article.
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I’m at work and I have family commitments. Thats more than I can say for lots of posters on this board - which includes children; people with mental health issues, and people with literally nothing to do.
So, you’re accusing posters on this board of being either children, mentally ill, or with nothing to do?

That’s not very nice. It’s also untrue. Even the people I disagree with are good people with commitments and things to do. And all are pretty sane. I just disagree with them.
An article in the lancet (that I’ve posted multiple times) makes that claim. The more people infected causes more death and the overwhelming of hospital systems.
The Sweden approach, which is to be careful but let it run its course without vaccine or anything, might be all there will be.
The problem with citing Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries is the lack of diversity in their population.

A very large percentage (I’ve heard stats of 98%) of Swedish people are of Scandinavian descent. Same for the other Scandinavian countries.

Yes, there is a smattering of people with other ethnicities–African, Asian, Southern European, etc. etc.

But the Scandinavian countries are not the ethnic melting pot that we see in countries like the United States.

Although it sounds rather politically-incorrect to say this, Scandinavians are virtual “gods” when it comes to fitness, health, and vigor.

For many years, I’ve accompanied a Scandinavian choir, and attended their bi-annual convention. Every time I go, I gape at the number of men and women in their 90s!!! --I’m not exaggerating!–in their 90s!!!—who are trim and lithe and handsome/beautiful glowing with health–not even wearing glasses or hearing aids!–and these elderly folks are talking about the 18 holes of golf that they played before breakfast!! And they are making plans to ride their bikes around the bike path, or go canoeing, or take the hike up the mountain, or water-ski!!!

And they eat like hogs and drink strong alcohol!

It just isn’t fair! Arrgh!

So it’s no surprise to me that the Scandinavians countries are doing well with a “herd-immunity” approach. Yes, they are experiencing deaths, but I’m guessing (just a guess–no science here!) that most of their deaths are people who are at least 110 years old.
the world,
I really don’t think that would go over well.
It takes 60% to 75% of the population infected to achieve herd immunity
At the 60% would the General Populace accept 5 million to 11 million deaths?
I think we’ll have 5-11 million deaths with our current lockdown approach, along with the suicides, and a state of national despair and fear that will lead to an ever-increasing sedentary, socially-isolated lifestyle that will compromise our immune systems even more and make us more susceptible to infections and other illnesses.
I guess the editorial board of the New England Journal of Medicine must be idiots too, since they published a scathing editorial calling for the president to be voted out of office for his ineptitude in dealing with the pandemic and his anti-science stances.
Indeed he needs to move on.He’s waaaay too comfortable n his position. I quit trusting anything Fauci says after the first six’s weeks of this virus outbreak.
Do you trust what the president tells you about the virus, @Jeanne_S? (Because perhaps you shouldn’t.)
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Fauci isn’t a treating physician either. He’s probably never seen a patient in his entire life.
Treating physicians are not infectious disease researchers. They do not generally make any discoveries. They read the literature and benefit from the work of researchers, who them appreciate immensely.
Who’s more right? Dr. Scott Atlas.
Dr. Scott Atlas is not even an infectious disease specialists. He has not made any predictions that have turned out to be true. What you probably meant to say is “I believe he will be correct.”. Your faith in this man is nice in its own way, but unfounded.
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Just last week, Trump used Fauci in a campaign ad without Fauci’s consent.

If he though he was an idiot, why put him in an ad seemingly praising Trump?

(He took a phrase Fauci said back in March out of context)
The majority of people who progress to permanent damage or death from COVID-19 have/had an underlying condition; mainly diabetes, old age, obesity, or are immunocompromised in some way (cancer, HIV, etc.).
That may be but doesn’t a positive test also set a preexisting condition for future insurance considerations? I’m presuming the ACA will be struck down.
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