Dr. Fauci and those idiots!

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So the lock down will cause significantly more death than the virus?

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Here’s a US map with the current infection rate.

Look at all the states. Then look at New York.

New York has been testing overall at around 1% positive for months now.

They lockdown has eased significantly. Schools are open in most counties.

Italy had a much more severe lockdown than we did. They were able to open in May.

Wearing a mask helps stop the spread.
Because he wants to piggyback on Fauci’s popularity, which I’m guessing is much higher than the president’s.
Because he wants to piggyback on Fauci’s popularity, which I’m guessing is much higher than the president’s.
Use it when it is convenient, Don’t use it when it’s not. Trump has and always will be a popularist.
That was going to happen due to market forces. The only thing Trump has done is to trust Big Pharma to conduct they own trials and evaluations, side-stepping the CDC, just like the FAA trusted Boeing to do their own certification on the 737 Max. Prosecutions for violations of ethical conduct in pharma testing has been slashed as government regulators look the other way. This “bold leadership”, even if everything turns out great, will still be too late to save the 220,000 that have already died.
“The market” isn’t paying for all of that. The government is.

The CDC would not have produced a single vaccine. That’s not what it does. Nor will even the fastest vaccines ever developed save any who have died.

But something should be said about the administration’s providing a massive number of beds and treatment facilities in New York, only to see Cuomo prefer to put the patients in with nursing home patients. All the same, even the “Blue state” governors like Newsom and even (two faced) Cuomo have praised Trump’s help.
But no DPA for masks and testing supplies, which are not as sexy, but would have been much more useful, as we could have kept many people from every needing ventilators.
No evidence for this speculation.
How much? Which treatments?
I’m not a doctor any more than you are.
Not the ones we need, like covid test kits and PPE.
They have always been available here. What’s wrong with your state?
The US with just 4% of the population of the world accounts for 20% of the world’s covid cases.
And probably 70% of relatively reliable statistics. Since western Europe has now surpassed the U.S. in new cases, one might reasonably expect stats to change over time.

But if you Democrats believe China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and countries that don’t have enough doctors to serve half the population, and think them better than the U.S., that’s fine.
And have the flattest death rate for the last 4.5 months
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That may be but doesn’t a positive test also set a precondition for future insurance considerations? I’m presuming the ACA will be struck down.
If Trump wins, Obamacare may well be abolished in favor of something else. If Biden wins, Obamacare will disappear into full government healthcare, which is what Obama/Biden wanted all along. So you’re probably right, Obamacare probably doesn’t have that much more time to exist.
If Biden wins, private health insurance may disappear unless a private sector is allowed, as in most European countries. Basically, “Biden-care” would be what Obama wanted, which is “Medicaid with deductibles”.
Fauci isn’t a treating physician either. He’s probably never seen a patient in his entire life.

Who’s more right? Dr. Scott Atlas.
When I have an infectious disease question, I usually seek out a radiologist.

When I want an X-ray read, yes, I usually go to a pediatrician.

ALL of this and more that I have NOT listed has made us susceptible to many threats to our health and lives–we are essentially “immunomocompromised” just because of our horrible lifestyles and health practices.
I’m inclined to agree with most of what you’re saying, but would point out that western Europe, which we are told has better health habits, has now surpassed the U.S. in total cases in a lower population.

I will add, however, that a significant number of people are taking immunosuppressants, at least if one believes the ads one sees on television. I’m not sure that’s true in other countries.
Too much Fauci-love.

He lied to the American people, and has made mistakes about this virus (in January it was no threat according to him).

As the whistleblower said in the linked article another person posted, Fauci is all about Fauci.
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That was going to happen due to market forces. The only thing Trump has done is to trust Big Pharma to conduct they own trials and evaluations, side-stepping the CDC, just like the FAA trusted Boeing to do their own certification on the 737 Max. Prosecutions for violations of ethical conduct in pharma testing has been slashed as government regulators look the other way. This “bold leadership”, even if everything turns out great, will still be too late to save the 220,000 that have already died.
“The market” isn’t paying for all of that. The government is.
Still too late.
The CDC would not have produced a single vaccine.
The CDC sets and monitors safety standards - standards which the Trump administration is ignoring.
Nor will even the fastest vaccines ever developed save any who have died.
No, but better leadership in the last 7 months would have.
But something should be said about the administration’s providing a massive number of beds…
Why? Remember, you were looking for bold leadership that accomplished something worthwhile - not leadership that accomplished nothing.
But no DPA for masks and testing supplies, which are not as sexy, but would have been much more useful, as we could have kept many people from every needing ventilators.
No evidence for this speculation.
Except that’s what all the front line doctors are saying is lacking.
How much? Which treatments?
I’m not a doctor any more than you are.
Well, you are the one touting increased funding for treatments. How much was the increase, and which treatments were funded? As far as I know, the improvements in treatment have come about not from funding, but from knowledge of what to do.
Not the ones we need, like covid test kits and PPE.
They have always been available here. What’s wrong with your state?
Every state is under testing. There continues to be limitations in testing and PPE. This was known months ago and Trump could have used the DPA like he did for ventilators, but he didn’t. As a result we have been short.
The US with just 4% of the population of the world accounts for 20% of the world’s covid cases.
And probably 70% of relatively reliable statistics.
That is the usual response from Trump to always doubt the data when it is inconvenient.
The various articles on it never say what, exactly, the NEJM has a problem with, just generalities. NEJM is not immune to partisanship.

NEJM fired its editor last May. The interim editor resigned. The new one is accused of having conflicts of interests with phama companies.

“Anti-science” in today’s Democrat Newspeak means “anything with which we disagree”.
That is not the Swedish approach.
I didn’t say that of course.
The CDC sets and monitors safety standards
Like all government bureaucracies, it’s slow and sometimes inaccurate.
That is the usual response from Trump to always doubt the data when it is inconvenient.
So you DO trust statistics from China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, North Korea. Together, that’s the majority of the world’s population. But I guess since Biden is in bed with China and Russia, Dems have to be as well nowadays.
That is not the Swedish approach.
I didn’t say that of course.
Of course you did. Your exact words:
The Sweden approach, which is to be careful but let it run its course without vaccine or anything, might be all there will be.
“Anti-science” in today’s Democrat Newspeak means “anything with which we disagree”.
It is quite clear that Trump’s disdain for science goes far beyond partisan labels.
The CDC sets and monitors safety standards
Like all government bureaucracies, it’s slow and sometimes inaccurate.
But in this case, very necessary for public safety.
So you DO trust statistics from China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, North Korea. Together, that’s the majority of the world’s population.
You don’t have to trust everything they say to know that a disproportionate number of cases are in the US.
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You don’t have to trust everything they say to know that a disproportionate number of cases are in the US.
No. Not “everything they say” from China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Cuba. But you have to believe what they say about their Covid numbers to conclude that “a disproportionate number of cases are in the U.S.” I guess Democrats want to believe those regimes’ reports and to believe they’re better than the U.S. Nothing new in that, I guess.
So you DO trust statistics from China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, North Korea.
As a point of order, there are 200 some other countries we trade statistics with. If there are contradictions, I’m confident Johns Hopkins would know about it. After all business decisions are based on this data.
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As a point of order, there are 200 some other countries we trade statistics with. If there are contradictions, I’m confident Johns Hopkins would know about it. After all business decisions are based on this data.
What evidence is there that China, Russia, iran, etc are telling the truth? They constitute 20% of the world population. Even a small misrepresentation on their part is a big deal. I think most business people make their own decisions based on information from sources other than untrustworthy governments. But some have failed spectacularly in their judgments.
In the mean time, the US death total is almost 1 quarter of a million dead. The first covid deathsin the US were in March.
As we speak, hospitals are planning capacities, medical equipment is being manufactured, vaccines are being tested, etc. It’s not like five guys sitting in some basement playing Stratego. Or maybe it is.
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