I think we can reasonably conclude that those with whom you work think poorly of lockdowns. Would you care to supplement your comments? I would like to hear what they have to say.
I hope that my comments dont’ get me into trouble with the “no medical advice” policy of CAF. I am going to try to stick to the “science,” which I hope is allowed.
Around 96% of people recover from COVID-19 with no complications or permanent deletorious effects.
The majority of people who progress to permanent damage or death from COVID-19 have/had an underlying condition; mainly diabetes, old age, obesity, or are immunocompromised in some way (cancer, HIV, etc.).
Of course there are exceptions–there always are. But these are indisputably rare, although somehow the news media seems to easily find these rarities
Although the following is “social science” (harder to measure with an unbiased scientific assay), the lockdown has had severe deletorious effects on the mental and emotional health of a large percentage of people.
What my associates whisper as the answer is “herd immunity.” This is science, tested and true for decades.
Let the virus run its course, just as we allow influenza, other coronaviruses, and other viruses to run their courses. Allow natural immunity to become widespread in the world population. Yes, COVID-19 seems to have an unusual immune pattern, but it is likely that we simply don’t understand its immunity yet.
The other answer is “vaccination,” which for most people, prevents infection.
Right now I’m listening to an NBC (Today Show) report on the correlation of the COVID-19 pandemic and adult stress–it’s pretty grim. They’re labelling it an American mental health crisis, and claiming that a large percentage of young people have considered suicide in the last few weeks–that’s the “science” that we are utterly ignoring while we uphold a very unscientific “lockdown” approach which is
obviously not working as the incidence of COVID-19 infection is increasing daily in almost every state in the U.S., including in those states like Illinois that have very stringent masking and social distancing requirements and have shut down restaurants and bars other than for take-out.
I believe after the Presidential election, no matter who wins, herd immunity along with vaccination will be strongly advocated by a large number of medical professionals and scientists throughout the world,
including Dr. Fauci, and that within a few months, the incidences of COVID-19 will begin to decrease, and by next Christmas, it will be just another virus that we all have to remember to get vaccinated against, and to take care to avoid if we have any of the risk factors (diabetes, old age, immunocompromised, obesity).
That’s “the science.”