Dr. Fauci and those idiots!

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We have already canceled with the Protestant Family relatives. We are keeping it strictly Catholic family relatives which narrows it down to 11 ( 5 are driving up from Tarpon Springs Florida for a week long stay ).
Yes I do trust him.I think he has handled it to the best of his ability,concerning the info he has operated on.
Yet hasn’t everything he’s said about it - that it’s just like the flu, or it will magically disappear, or it can be treated with bleach - been objectively wrong? Who has a better track record, him or Fauci?
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C’mon.I know from your prior posts you are a lot smarter than one who would believe the bleach story. A lot of the comments he made re this virus being like the flu ,it going away,were said several months ago.This is an ever evolving issue.Dr. Fauci early on said it wasn’t a concern for us here in the US.
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You don’t think he said those comments about bleach? It was on national television, was it not?
That may be but doesn’t a positive test also set a preexisting condition for future insurance considerations? I’m presuming the ACA will be struck down.
Not sure–I’m not an insurance guru.

Not sure about ACA going down–I tend to think that unless there is something else in place, it will stick around, despite the costs to those of us with other insurance (in my case, insurance purchased from my employer).
If Biden wins, private health insurance may disappear unless a private sector is allowed, as in most European countries. Basically, “Biden-care” would be what Obama wanted, which is “Medicaid with deductibles
Well, I hope Biden-Care is as good as my employer’s insurance. The cost of my knee replacement surgery all-total was $150,000–my insurance covered all except for $990.00.

No complaints from me. Glad I worked hard in school, took a degree in an employable field, and have stuck with the same job/same company for over 30 years now.

Hopefully my other knee will stay healthy in the advent of Biden Care.
Well, I hope Biden-Care is as good as my employer’s insurance. The cost of my knee replacement surgery all-total was $150,000–my insurance covered all except for $990.00.

No complaints from me. Glad I worked hard in school, took a degree in an employable field, and have stuck with the same job/same company for over 30 years now.

Hopefully my other knee will stay healthy in the advent of Biden Care.
Trying to be as objective as possible, I would guess Bidencare will be “Medicaid with deductibles”, as is the case in some European countries with government healthcare systems. Also, in most of those countries there is also a private system that is paid for by insurance or by the individual himself.

The latter is the better care, as one might imagine. The former is pretty much like Medicaid with deductibles. The doctors are employees of the government and are paid about half what doctors are paid in the U.S. The doctors in the private system charge whatever they charge and are better paid.

But it’s true that in Canada, private care is outlawed. You have to go to government providers because there’s no other choice.

If I had to guess, I would guess we would have the former, because government employees here are all insured by private insurers, except for the military. It’s just that the premiums are paid for by the government. “Cadillac plans”. Government employees’ desires will prevail even over the “total socialists” like AOC and Bernie Sanders. They will want to be in the private system for quality reasons.

Probably those who will get hit hardest by Bidencare will be the ones hit hardest by Obamacare; small employers, the self-employed, and to a lesser degree the larger employers who benefit from the “well worker effect”. Those employers tend to pass the additional cost on to the employees through higher contributions to the plan. Finally, I think the elderly will be hit hard by Bidencare. Medicare is pretty plush in most places when you look at it and can afford a supplemental policy, which most can. I believe it will be tossed into the “Medicaid with deductibles” group because I think the Democrats decided the elderly were not the kind of priority they have been considered for a number of decades by politicians.
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After four years you haven’t grasped President Trump’s sense of humor.?😌
Does that sort of post help anything? Or will it just provoke an equally unhelpful response?
Of course she does. Those dismissing Fauci are the same ones who defend Trump at every turn. This, like everything else in the US, is pure politics.
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Kind of looks like some of the Dem governors aren’t as sold on “the science” as some CAF posters and Dem politicians are.
Gov. Newsom’s statements are not a statement about science. They are suspicion that Trump’s pressure on the vaccine makers will lead them to release a vaccine before it is properly tested. Newsom follows the science on this.
A lot of the comments he made re this virus being like the flu ,it going away,were said several months ago.This is an ever evolving issue.
We know from Bob Woodward’s interview that Trump knew very well that covid was much more serious than the flu all the while he was telling us the lie that it was “just like the flu”, ostensibly to keep from “panicing” the public.
Fauci has flip flopped so many times on issues that at least 50% of what he’s said has been objectively wrong.
Totally fabricated. People, don’t believe it!
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That was very noble of him.What good would panicking the citizens accomplish?
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