Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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While there were differing opinions in Antiquity, at no point since the early Middle Ages did the view prevail that the earth was flat. This is a 19th century myth. Your claims have no historical foundation.
Thank you! I was just going to clear this up myself.
I’ve been to various Protestant churches…some discourage drinking, others prohibit it, and still others have no problem with it. I believe Catholics drink just like me. Since marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, and medical marijuana is legal in many states, what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
I have no problem with either - for other people.

Marijuana I greatly dislike - but every 3, 4, or 7 or so years - I might indulge in a puff or three off of a joint or blunt by those that might be offering a puff or more.

But that is a very rare occasion. Most people I know smoke marijuana. They like it. I don’t. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I get too paranoid on it.

I enjoy - and don’t enjoy - alcohol. But that contradiction has more to do with me having developed a problem with it.

Alcohol is by far the worse criminal. I’d put alcohol above crack and powder heroin in it’s destruction of bodily organs, use among robbers and violent criminals, and destruction of family homes.

Oh… I forgot about all the drunk driving deaths too.
Drinking is ok in moderation; i.e don’t get drunk. Pot is not okay because it gets a person “high” immediately, unlike alcohol. Being able to control what you are doing is something that God made us to do.
Just about all modern folks drink alcohol for its intoxicating effects. There is no other sane reason to consume vodka or whiskey or brandy or even beer. Cheap wine really serves no other purpose either.

Alcohol quickly effects people too.
Just about all modern folks drink alcohol for its intoxicating effects. There is no other sane reason to consume vodka or whiskey or brandy or even beer. Cheap wine really serves no other purpose either.

Alcohol quickly effects people too.
As being a Protestants my entire life, I always identified with Catholics since they had no hang ups about drinking. When I went to a Protestant college, many of my drinking buddies were Catholics, and two of them are now Catholic Priests. I’m sure they still drink at least beer and wine today. BTW, I belong to a Protestant denomination that serves wine in communion and has no hang up with drinking either in accordance to Scripture wisdom. I’m sure pot smoking will eventually follow the same line of thinking in the various churches over time. I think many Catholics and Christians have not though through the issue of medical marijuana and recreational use of pot where it is legal by state law. I would have to say that higher priced wine and beer is more enjoyable than cheap wine and inexpensive beer. I think we tend to foget that Jesus’ first recorded miracle is changing water to divine wine. In that account, there is a comparison made between cheap wine and wine from above.
What are your thoughts on eating granite? or what are your thoughts on smoking aardvarks? or what are your thoughts on slurping slime?
Very interesting, why do you need to?
What are your thoughts on eating granite? or what are your thoughts on smoking aardvarks? or what are your thoughts on slurping slime?
Very interesting, why do you need to?
I guess you need to start another thread with those questions. 😃
Just about all modern folks drink alcohol for its intoxicating effects. There is no other sane reason to consume vodka or whiskey or brandy or even beer. Cheap wine really serves no other purpose either.

Alcohol quickly effects people too.
But that doesn’t stop Pope Benedict XVI from drinking beer. 🤷

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But that doesn’t stop Pope Benedict XVI from drinking beer. 🤷
That’s a pretty cool picture. What would your reaction be in 25 years if one of the Catholic bishops had a beer in one hand a joint in the other?
I’ve been to various Protestant churches…some discourage drinking, others prohibit it, and still others have no problem with it. I believe Catholics drink just like me. Since marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, and medical marijuana is legal in many states, what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
I personally don’t smoke pot, but as long as they don’t put it on a higher level of importance than God, the I really don’t care , same goes for alcohol.
I don’t know. Ask me in 25 years. 😛
Ah… the pot thread is a good break from the heavy forensic justification thread. Pakalolo is organic in which God sends the rain and sunshine to make it grow. BTW, Hawaii has medical marijuana laws too. Now if pot is not legal for recreational use in your state, and if you don’t have a medical marijuana card, you as a Christian or a Catholic cannot be smoking pot (Rom 13).
Just about all modern folks drink alcohol for its intoxicating effects. There is no other sane reason to consume vodka or whiskey or brandy or even beer. Cheap wine really serves no other purpose either.

Alcohol quickly effects people too.
On behalf of all cheap wines, I’d like to go on record and say the best I ever had cost three quid.
Why would anyone want to use Pot ? From Mayoclinic.com, mayoclinic.com/health/drug-addiction/DS00183/DSECTION=symptoms
Marijuana and hashish
It’s possible to develop a psychological addiction to cannabis compounds including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in marijuana and hashish. People who have a marijuana addiction generally use the drug on a daily basis. They don’t actually have a chemical dependence on the drug but rather feel the need to regularly use the drug.
Signs of use and dependence can include:
A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception
Poor memory
Increased blood pressure and heart rate
Red eyes
Decreased coordination
Difficulty concentrating
Increased appetite
Slowed reaction time
Paranoid thinking
A separate mayo article states that for 10% of recreational users the drug becomes addictive. I guess I’ll be expected to pay for this 10% in my Obama Care health bill as it is a citizens “right” to get high, abuse their body and have someone else pay the bill.

We are called to holiness, to imitate God in all ways. This is not imitating God. It is not acting the call to holiness.

On behalf of all cheap wines, I’d like to go on record and say the best I ever had cost three quid.
I’m only 18, but when I went to the Bahamas (where 18 is the legal age) my favorite was Barefoot Moscatto, because I liked the sweet taste.
I’m not advocating or promoting pot usage for everyone. I’m more curious about how we as Christians tend to create rules of legalism in our Christian circles. It seems to me that Paul’s argument against the prohibition of drinking is the same argument that can be used against the prohibition of pot (especially medical marijuana usage). I know Catholics drink as compared to other Chrtstians such as Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, so it’s interesting to see how Catholics and other Christians discern the cultural change of legalized marijuana.
Historically the Catholic Church has been staunchly opposed to all non-alcoholic mind altering substances. When Catholics came to the New World, they were opposed to the use of coca leaves, mescaline, peyote, and other substances in use here by Natives. At the time, the cocoa extract was mixed with bitter herbs and used by royalty as an aphrodisiac. It was Catholic nuns who first mixed chocolate with sugar and butter. Some of the communities of nuns were so pre-occupied with creating new confections that they were neglecting the Liturgy of the Hours.

The CCC reflects the teaching of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry. Its 2001 pastoral handbook “Church, Drugs, and Drug Addiction” affirms that the use of cannabis is “incompatible with Christian morality” because it is an intoxicant that dims reason and is potentially damaging to the integrity of one’s body and soul.
Overall, alcohol causes much greater damages through accidents, violence, and health problems than marijuana. The social an health costs of alcohol use are exponential. It is a myth that alcohol does not also “dim reason”, and it can certainly be very damaging to the body and soul. But I think this kind of reasoning is the same used to oppose other hallucinogens that occur naturally in plants.
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