Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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As opposed to people’s “right” to smoke/chew tobacco, drink alcohol, and eat ****** fast food? Do you seriously think you’re not already paying for THOSE?? 😉

Jala, agreed. It’s all about moderation or excess. In moderation many things are ok. I enjoy a cheeseburger once in a while and a little bit of ice cream even more frequently…perhaps daily. 😛 Excess though frequently leads to health issues which we all have to subsidize, but that wasn’t the subject of the post…
I think you are confusing recreational usage that just past in Washington and Colorado in our election. I know California, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii have pot dispensers all throughout these western states. It’s pretty easy to get a medical marijuana card. My neighbor grows pot for medical marijuana usage in which the DEA checked out. I just saw a billboard the other day advertising how to obtain a medical marijuana card. I guess you are predestined to be Protestant since your yes needs to be kept according to Jesus.

I am always confused. Your confusion is that state law does not trump federal law for recreational or medical marijuana. This is fact. A DUI for medical marijuana is a DUI and if the state chooses to turn you over to the Feds then you can contemplate reality in jail if they choose to prosecute.:eek:
I’ve been to various Protestant churches…some discourage drinking, others prohibit it, and still others have no problem with it. I believe Catholics drink just like me. Since marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, and medical marijuana is legal in many states, what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
 I think that Alcohol and Marijuna in particular are Satans finiest elements for penetrating the family unit right after pornography.
Personally I feel that anyone who sells pot is an absolute failure in life and should be permenatnly removed from society. I take the presense of marijuna on my property as an act of aggression towards my quality of life and will defend myself by what ever means neccesasry to drive them away. I could ramble on about my real feelings, but I dont want my account to get banned.
I think that Alcohol and Marijuna in particular are Satans finiest elements for penetrating the family unit right after pornography.
Personally I feel that anyone who sells pot is an absolute failure in life and should be permenatnly removed from society. I take the presense of marijuna on my property as an act of aggression towards my quality of life and will defend myself by what ever means neccesasry to drive them away. I could ramble on about my real feelings, but I dont want my account to get banned.
You would make a great Fundamentialist Baptist right wing Christian. Please see post 48 on this thread. 🤷
Coptic, are there medical conditions where medical marijuana would have a superior medical benefit over an approved pharma drug, side effects, aside?

The only ones that come to mind are glaucoma and nausea for cancer. Cancer patients lose their appetite do the side effect is a benefit.
I’ve been to various Protestant churches…some discourage drinking, others prohibit it, and still others have no problem with it. I believe Catholics drink just like me. Since marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, and medical marijuana is legal in many states, what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
I think it is all bad. It all ruins your brain. But that’s just my :twocents:
Can Christians smoke pot in Washington and Colorado if they have a clear conscience before God? It sure seems medical marijuana usage by Christians where it is legal is a good idea too.

The answer to that is that Washington and Colorado are in the United States and the United States has Federal Laws that deem Marijuana illegal. Catholic Christians are called to conform themselves to Christ so that they may be transformed by Christ. This is always accompanied by a constant formation of conscience so as to always be choosing right action so that in the end that choosing is choosing the Will of God aided by grace, Gifts of the Spirit, Fruits of the Spirt and human virtues coupled with the theologic virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity. In this constant growth thiniking of use of marijuana should be aided by realization that the Federal Law still claims it is illegal. It is a bad idea.
I would agree with your view. I can also use the same biblical defense for drinking as the same biblical defense for legal pot usage. What is not done in faith is sin. You don’t want to stumble weaker brothers regarding these issues too…

There are not now Federal Laws that declare alcohol to be illegal. There are Federal Laws that declare marijuana to be illegal. This is an illogical argument formulated by reason.
I’m not advocating or promoting pot usage for everyone. I’m more curious about how we as Christians tend to create rules of legalism in our Christian circles. It seems to me that Paul’s argument against the prohibition of drinking is the same argument that can be used against the prohibition of pot (especially medical marijuana usage). I know Catholics drink as compared to other Chrtstians such as Fundamentalist Baptist Christians, so it’s interesting to see how Catholics and other Christians discern the cultural change of legalized marijuana.

Where do you get the idea that attempting to act as if choosing to do the Will of God is legalistic?
I find it interesting that it passed in Washington but not in Oregon. Any ideas what happened between the two Pacific Northwest states on the issue of legalized pot?
Folks in Oregon were probably afraid of an invasion by Californians. It does seem to be a long term phobia they have about us down here…don’t have any idea why…:rolleyes:
Some medical studies show that drinking is worst for your health than pot. In addition, more traffic accidents are caused by drinking than smoking pot. Would it be wiser to say that for some people, pot shoud be avoided. Could smoking legalized pot be left to a person’s conscience before God? Medical marijuana is controlled and dispensed within government control in Oregon, so the kind of pot is known by the user.

Rationalization of medical studies, traffic accidents and leaving decision to conscience is nonsense. That conscience in the Catholic Christian circle is ordered towards constant formation and transformation to the Will of God. You rationalize use of marijuana that is illegal based on Federal statutes.
There is nothing morally wrong with the recreational use of any “drug”, whether alcohol, pot, opium, or coffee. The problem arises when the substance is used to the point that it interferes with the daily functioning of the user.

About smoking, a living saint once said - “Make sure that it is you that has the habit and that the habit does not have you.”

I quit smoking in 2001, that stuff will kill you!

You are incorrect. Opium and Pot are illegal and to use illegal substances is morally wrong.
Do you think Rome would make a dogmatic declaration that Catholics cannot smoke legalized pot? Or can certain Catholics or Protestants smoke legalized pot according to their own conscience before God?

The Catechism represents the deposit of Faith. There is no need for Rome to specifically address this issue…
Respect for health
2288 Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good.
Concern for the health of its citizens requires that society help in the attainment of living-conditions that allow them to grow and reach maturity: food and clothing, housing, health care, basic education, employment, and social assistance.
2289 If morality requires respect for the life of the body, it does not make it an absolute value. It rejects a neo-pagan notion that tends to promote the cult of the body, to sacrifice everything for its sake, to idolize physical perfection and success at sports. By its selective preference of the strong over the weak, such a conception can lead to the perversion of human relationships.
2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
The deposit of Faith is that unless there is a therapeutic effect then it is contrary to moral law. The rub is that we have Federal law that dictates. Prudence dictates respect of Federal Law or pay the consequences.
Many states approve of medical marijuana. I’ve yet to hear of tobacco or alcohol described as medical usage… well maybe the Apostle Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his heath.

Tobacco is the most addictive substance on the planet. Animals won’t eat it. It is organic DDT. Alcohol is a sedative hypnotic that is not classified as a drug per se, it is a beverage produced as spirits. There is alcohol that is close to pure but you don’t drink it and it is an antiseptic.
I don’t personally smoke pot because I never enjoyed the feeling when I was a teenager. I’m just interested in how Catholics and Christians react to cultural norms and changes in regards to legalism. How do we discern controversy issues as Christians?

Catholics are called to live morally. What are you calling legalism?
The year 2001 is a long time ago, and the laws of the land have changed, and medical views have changed too. Will Rome change again to conform to new cultural norms and medical findings on the issue of pot? Should Catholics obey the ruling above, or should they obey the general teaching of legalism of the Apostle Paul found in Scripture? This issue is very similar to artificial birth control which is prohibted for Catholics, yet 98% of American Catholics have used artificial birth control. The Catholic Church once considered that the world was flat and called those who said the world was round a heretic. So, there may be a pattern here but I’m not Catholic, required to adhere to official Catholic teaching on such issues. I would make a bibilcal case that legalized pot usage done in good conscience before God is an acceptable Christian practice for those who can smoke in faith.

We are called to follow what the deposit of Faith dictates. Some follow and some don’t. There is wheat and there is chaff. So what if someone does not do what they are supposed to do. Do you jump off bridges because other do?
The same question can be said for drinking, yet Catholics drink all the time. So, what’s the beef with pot and not drinking? Why do people drink?

People drink for many reasons…

compliment to food
a buzz

who knows why people drink…there are a variety of reasons, some good and some bad…
There are lots of things that are not good for the body such as alcohol, French fries, processed foods, too much red meat, etc which Scripture allows. So, do you believe Catholics should abstain from drinking alcohol or eating fast food too? Who determies what is good for the body and what would be allowable to eat or drink according to the Apostle Paul?

The bible is one source for formation of conscience and Faith and to limit yourself to this one source provides you only a limited view.
That’s a pretty cool picture. What would your reaction be in 25 years if one of the Catholic bishops had a beer in one hand a joint in the other?

I would respond with…Oh…the Federal Law has been repealed and the Bishop has glaucoma…
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