Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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Catholics are called to live morally. What are you calling legalism?
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink and smoke, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch, Do not smoke” (referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

Apostle Paul – expanded version
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink and smoke, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch, Do not **smoke” **(referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

Apostle Paul – expanded version

Smoke does not appear in the passages you quote and the passages you quote and paraphrase are in reference to the works of the law or Old Covenant rules and regulations…while an attempt to supplement the 10 commandments…the New Covenant has taken it’s place and your understanding of this passage is not accurate when it comes to being moral, following the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount…in accordance with doing the Will of God…your dilema is you use only the Bible and your reason to seek truth…and since I did as you say…say “yes” to Jesus…that means that I must follow the teachings of His Church and will not become Protestant…want in?

If you have been baptized in the Trinitarian formula then you have Faith, Hope and Charity and the possiblity of grace to aid you with the gifts of the spirit, fruits of the spirit and human virtues to overcome these worldly temptations and conform yourself to Christ and hopefully transformed…your operating on one cylinder…you could be doing more…👍

Smoke does not appear in the passages you quote and the passages you quote and paraphrase are in reference to the works of the law or Old Covenant rules and regulations…while an attempt to supplement the 10 commandments…the New Covenant has taken it’s place and your understanding of this passage is not accurate when it comes to being moral, following the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount…in accordance with doing the Will of God…your dilema is you use only the Bible and your reason to seek truth…and since I did as you say…say “yes” to Jesus…that means that I must follow the teachings of His Church and will not become Protestant…want in?

If you have been baptized in the Trinitarian formula then you have Faith, Hope and Charity and the possiblity of grace to aid you with the gifts of the spirit, fruits of the spirit and human virtues to overcome these worldly temptations and conform yourself to Christ and hopefully transformed…your operating on one cylinder…you could be doing more…👍
I ended the quote with Apostle Paul - expanded version. 😃 . I 'm just making a point on how legalism continues to creep up in our churches which causes us to become modern day Pharisees. Heck, I personally don’t even like pot.
You would make a great Fundamentialist Baptist right wing Christian. Please see post 48 on this thread. 🤷
I was thinking more so about LDS instead of Baptist. 

 I've just learned enough in my life never to trust a pot user, they are like wild animals and will take from you what ever they can for their own selfish personal gain.
At the end of the day if you say something against it your the guy in the wrong

I ended the quote with Apostle Paul - expanded version. 😃 . I 'm just making a point on how legalism continues to creep up in our churches which causes us to become modern day Pharisees. Heck, I personally don’t even like pot.
so,do you rewrite Scripture to suit your purposes much.
I ended the quote with Apostle Paul - expanded version. 😃 . I 'm just making a point on how legalism continues to creep up in our churches which causes us to become modern day Pharisees. Heck, I personally don’t even like pot.

The Old Covenant was law now dead. The New Covenant is adherence to moral law to use the grace of God to become holy as your Father is holy. The moral laws are more than do and don’t, they are signposts to eternity. You have an incorrect view of moral law.
I was thinking more so about LDS instead of Baptist.
 I've just learned enough in my life never to trust a pot user, they are like wild animals and will take from you what ever they can for their own selfish personal gain.
At the end of the day if you say something against it your the guy in the wrong

Jessup -

Only in California…to the best of my knowledge, could a family be driving in the country in a mini-van and be stopped by a private citizen at a 4 -way stop (cut off by another vehicle) and asked, “Where are you going?” Happened to us NW of Sacramento about 10 years ago. Wonder why… :hmmm:
All the more reason why I don’t take the church or God 100% seriously

So you conclude that the Pope is holding a beer posing for a picture other than that the Pope is holding a beer posing for a picture and you then say you do not take the church of God seriously. You sure have thought processes that I find lacking.

So you conclude that the Pope is holding a beer posing for a picture other than that the Pope is holding a beer posing for a picture and you then say you do not take the church of God seriously. You sure have thought processes that I find lacking.
  That is the drink that makes people weak failures in life nothing good has ever came out of it from anyone at any time in the history of man kind. , I refuse to have it around me,
I’m not going to live my life second class living under the thumb and walked on by every
un motivated, un dedicated, under ambitious member of society that feels the need to shove it down my throat because they are happy with the life they have in what they consider “Normal”
For people who like to drift through life and just get by it might be ok for them.
I for one want to be #1 at what I do, I take it seriously that means leaving no stone unturned; by any distraction that is counter productive to success and well being in life.
Maybe if I was born one of these special children of God who are given a multitudes of skills and abilities to get by in life, it wouldn’t bother me, but thats not me, I have to work very hard at everything I do and this is the worst thing you can have for a distraction.
I’ve seen what it does first hand and how its affected my life as a bystander. Therefore it is very disappointed in my own right to see the church approves of it.
I try to go to church to get healing in my life, from Christ, but I see liquor bottles raffled of at the parish fair, donated by members,. How is that doing the work of God?
Why can’t a family sit down and enjoy some ice cream and cake, instead of this poison in the family.
Let me find Nepoloans quote on liquor I’ll post it here. this week
Cheers ! and God bless,
That is the drink that makes people weak failures in life nothing good has ever came out of it from anyone at any time in the history of man kind. , I refuse to have it around me,
I’m not going to live my life second class living under the thumb and walked on by every
un motivated, un dedicated, under ambitious member of society that feels the need to shove it down my throat because they are happy with the life they have in what they consider “Normal”
For people who like to drift through life and just get by it might be ok for them.
I for one want to be #1 at what I do, I take it seriously that means leaving no stone unturned; by any distraction that is counter productive to success and well being in life.
Maybe if I was born one of these special children of God who are given a multitudes of skills and abilities to get by in life, it wouldn’t bother me, but thats not me, I have to work very hard at everything I do and this is the worst thing you can have for a distraction.
I’ve seen what it does first hand and how its affected my life as a bystander. Therefore it is very disappointed in my own right to see the church approves of it.
I try to go to church to get healing in my life, from Christ, but I see liquor bottles raffled of at the parish fair, donated by members,. How is that doing the work of God?
Why can’t a family sit down and enjoy some ice cream and cake, instead of this poison in the family.
Let me find Nepoloans quote on liquor I’ll post it here. this week
Cheers ! and God bless,

So the picture of the Pope holding a bear posing for a photo has deeper meaning for you. I understand. Some sit and eat Ice Cream, some eat cheese cake and some enjoy an alcholic beverage and some do not. Alcohol in and of itself is not evil. It is only Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

So the picture of the Pope holding a bear posing for a photo has deeper meaning for you. I understand. Some sit and eat Ice Cream, some eat cheese cake and some enjoy an alcholic beverage and some do not. Alcohol in and of itself is not evil. It is only Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Well I don't know what to tell you other then; I forgot to compliment you on your
Alfred E Nueman profile photo
That is the drink that makes people weak failures in life nothing good has ever came out of it from anyone at any time in the history of man kind. , I refuse to have it around me,
I’m not going to live my life second class living under the thumb and walked on by every
un motivated, un dedicated, under ambitious member of society that feels the need to shove it down my throat because they are happy with the life they have in what they consider “Normal”
For people who like to drift through life and just get by it might be ok for them.
I for one want to be #1 at what I do, I take it seriously that means leaving no stone unturned; by any distraction that is counter productive to success and well being in life.
Maybe if I was born one of these special children of God who are given a multitudes of skills and abilities to get by in life, it wouldn’t bother me, but thats not me, I have to work very hard at everything I do and this is the worst thing you can have for a distraction.
I’ve seen what it does first hand and how its affected my life as a bystander. Therefore it is very disappointed in my own right to see the church approves of it.
I try to go to church to get healing in my life, from Christ, but I see liquor bottles raffled of at the parish fair, donated by members,. How is that doing the work of God?
Why can’t a family sit down and enjoy some ice cream and cake, instead of this poison in the family.
Let me find Nepoloans quote on liquor I’ll post it here. this week
Cheers ! and God bless,
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