E. Michael Jones and Judaism

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That might be the case, I don’t know. Sometimes he very rightly denounces a given thing (abortion, gay marriage, evolution) but then feels the need to make a connection between these societal ills and the Jews which doesn’t make a lot of sense at all and reeks of anti-Semitism.
I actually have had the same experience with E Michael Jones. I am put off a bit by the antisemitic charges against him, however, I don’t think it’s truly fair. I haven’t watched a large amount of his content, so I might have missed something. As others have mentioned, criticism leveled at any Jewish person opens you up to antisemitic charges by some people nowadays. I believe they disagree with what Jones is claiming and so instead of engaging his ideas, they’re attempting to slander him into obscurity. That’s not just.

Trust your own judgment. Is he being critical of all Jews or a specific sect, Zionists? Is there a problem with Zionism? Pick out certain things that catch your attention and check - is it true? People online have agendas and bias unknown to you. Use your judgment and ask someone you know and respect about it.
You don’t think the statements in this post are antisemitic?
E. Michael Jones and Judaism Social Justice
I see several folks defending Jones on the grounds that he’s only speaking of extreme Zionism. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. He frequently uses the generalized term “Jews” and makes bigoted comments like these: “If it weren’t for Jews, we would not have abortion in this country." "[This has] been going on since the foot of the cross when the Jews murdered Jesus Christ and they turned on logos, logos incarnate. They’ve been waging this battle against logos for the entire human history.” …
Clearly he is an anti-Semite:

Hollywood was a Jewish creation, and within a decade of its founding the Jews, like the Israelis who invaded Ramallah, were using the motion picture industry as a weapon against the people of the United States of America …
… Jews like Magnus Hirschfeld brought Hitler to power by his flagrant attempts to promote homosexuality through his Institute for Sexual Science. [Note: the Institute was later closed by the Nazi authorities, who had already vandalized its premises and burned its library. Hirschfeld, after being physically attacked by Nazi thugs, was stripped of his German citizenship and died in exile in France.]
… the Jewish Morgenthau plan to starve the conquered German people to death …
Pornography was weaponized once again, this time to destroy the moral fiber of the German people, which was the Jewish way to ensure that there was no resurgence of National Socialism.
… the Jews broke the code with their Holocaust porn film The Pawnbroker. [Note: The Pawnbroker is not a “porn film”.]
The rise in vulture capitalism was closely paralleled by the rise of pornography. Both phenomena were Jewish. The enormous amount of money which ended up in the hands of Jewish usurers was used to fund think tanks, non-profit corporations, and NGOs which then promoted sodomy and pornography …
… in 1972, when Jews had not yet completed their take-over of American culture … [The implication is surely that the Jewish take-over of American culture is now complete.]
In a breathtaking expression of Jewish hypocrisy …
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To use an analogy, I normally don’t quote a capitalist to prove how anti-capitalist a suspected Marxist is. It doesn’t offer an objective, nor solid foundation. I will look into those quotes. Thank you for providing them.
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Trust your own judgment.
Human beings may be rational beings, but we don’t always act rationally. Just look at what happened to Joseph Sobran. He was a distinguished journalist for the National Review, purportedly pursuing the truth wherever it took him, until William F. Buckley Jr. fired him over a number of antisemitic columns he wrote. Eventually, he peddled in Holocaust denial and other such conspiracy nonsense. The spirit of liberty and personal judgement, sometimes, can take you so far away from reality, you don’t even realize you’ve fallen deep into a rabbit hole. But there is no shortage of people you will find down there willing to share with you the most crazy and wretched things under the guise of truth and reason once you’ve opened your mind to it. E. Michael Jones is one such person.
The problem these days is that the anti-semitism label is so easily used to label anyone that happens to criticize Zionism or Jewish groups, a label that has become a tool to shut anyone up that raises legitimate criticism.
One problem these days is that Jew-hating is so easily hidden behind a facade of sympathy for the Palestinian people and failure to agree with the Jew-hater is often portrayed as being a tool of the Zionist hegemony (or whichever preferred cliché).
Which folks go to the extreme of saying “both parents must be Jewish” for you to be considered Jewish? None that I know of
Some communities of Syrian Jews believe so, but it is worth noting that this is a recent phenomenon. As the Wikipedia article below notes, these communities used to accept converts, but since immigrating abroad they’ve taken a strict stance against intermarriage and conversion. One presumes that that was done in an attempt to protect their traditions and identity.

Click on the “Traditions and Customs” part and then scroll down to “Attitudes to Conversion”.
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Another problem these days is that any criticism of the state of Israel and their unjust treatment of the Palestinian people is labeled as anti-Semitic and “Jew-hating”, which is Prof. Norman Finkelstein’s point in his book The Holocaust Industry.

One has to know the basic difference between Zionism and Judaism. I used to be a big supporter of the State of Israel based on what the mass media feeds the public, but my opinion on the matter has radically changed. One has to understand that the biggest opponents to Zionism and the State of Israel are Orthodox Jews. Simply watch the video at the bottom of this post of the 10,000+ rabbis condemning Zionism and the State of Israel. (That video has been deleted multiple times from YouTube in the past)

Here are some videos everyone should watch to get a clear picture, if you really want the truth. After watching these, you will never again see the State of Israel the same again, and you will certainly become anti-Zionist:

There are two issues here. One is the issue of Jewish Law. According to Jewish Law, whether a child is Jewish or not depends on the status of the mother, not on the status of both parents. The other issue involves how the child is raised. No stream of Judaism endorses raising the child in an interfaith manner, much less according to the religion of the non-Jewish spouse. Intermarriage is frowned upon in all streams of Judaism. But if the non-Jewish spouse converts to Judaism and the child is raised according to the religion, that is acceptable to all streams. Going beyond this is adding something that is not part of the Law.
This is a complete red herring here. As has been demonstrated, Jones speaks not only of Zionists but of Jews in general when he makes antisemitic comments.
This is only a half-truth. There are indeed some Orthodox Jewish communities that are opposed to Zionism for at least two reasons. One is that they believe the rejuvenated State of Israel must ONLY be founded by the Messiah, not by Zionists. The second reason is that many Zionists are Reform, cultural, or secular Jews rather than Orthodox. But even here, there are Orthodox Jews in Israel and elsewhere that do approve of the formation of the State of Israel, for example, the Lubovitcher. Even the Satmar, who traditionally opposed Zionism, have recently split in their view of the State of Israel: some pro, some con. And this too is a simplification, for there are those Orthodox Jews who approve of the State of Israel but not Zionism, as well as those who approve of both, particularly non-Haredi, non-Hasidic Traditional Orthodox Jews and Modern Orthodox Jews. Apart from this, there are other Jewish streams: Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Humanistic, who all have their views about Zionism, both as a group and as individuals.
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Another problem these days is that any criticism of the state of Israel
I’m a European Jew, I’m not vaguely interested in discussing Israel or the views of cranks like Finkelstein.

My observation was about Jew-haters.
Are you saying people should not be allowed to criticize Jewish people? I know that people are not allowed to criticize homosexual groups without the risk of being labeled a homophobe. Realize that the same people who so easily label people anti-Semitic also attack the gospels as being anti-semitic, even though they were written by Jewish authors. enough already.
My JBS friend (white guy) was married to a Korean woman.

There are a lot of people, of all races, who have issues with people of certain other races. It would depend upon the individual. Not saying that this is acceptable, just stating the fact.
It is okay to criticize certain individuals and sects in Judaism which have erred in various ways but I do not support labeling all Jews writ-large as corrupt and the like.

Part-to-whole fallacy comes to mind…
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