E. Michael Jones and Judaism

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Are you saying people should not be allowed to criticize Jewish people? I
I think one would do well to distinguish between criticism of Judaism and Jewish people (the latter is stretching it, as I don’t see why it should be acceptable to criticize a group of people for being) and the propagation of false, conspirational, devoid-of-fact tropes like “Jews (as in, the entire Jewish nation) are in a conspiracy against the Church” or “Jews kidnap Christian children and poison wells”, or whatever.
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Are you saying people should not be allowed to criticize Jewish people? I know that people are not allowed to criticize homosexual groups without the risk of being labeled a homophobe. Realize that the same people who so easily label people anti-Semitic also attack the gospels as being anti-semitic, even though they were written by Jewish authors. enough already.
Again, you’re offering a red herring. No one here is claiming any group is exempt from criticism. What’s being (rightly) denounced are the generalizations made about all Jews.

Respectfully, you’re pushing your own private agenda here and it isn’t related to the thread’s topic.
Why do you only quote that one line and not the following lines where I say to also speak about it with someone(s) they respect in person? The reason for that being online anons have agendas and bias unbeknownst to others.
To use an analogy, I normally don’t quote a capitalist to prove how anti-capitalist a suspected Marxist is. It doesn’t offer an objective, nor solid foundation.
I was going to leave this alone. But as you seem to be making statements and selectively backing away from them, I’ll note that what you’ve included above is an ad hominem and is therefore irrational.
But as you seem to be making statements and selectively backing away from them
It’s called nuanced. People prefer black and white outlooks, but I can’t subscribe to that.
I’ll note that what you’ve included above is an ad hominem and is therefore irrational.
An analogy is a comparsion of an idea. None of the characteristics associated with my analogy is meant to be attributed to the persons involved, only the idea. If the first thing that comes to mind is an ad hominem, perhaps the mentioning of irrationally is quite ironic in this case.
Is Jones currently involved in any ministry affiliated with the Catholic Church?
I’m pretty sure he is not. Thankful for that, because the Church certainly does not need this kind of attention.
But as you seem to be making statements and selectively backing away from them
It’s called nuanced. People prefer black and white outlooks, but I can’t subscribe to that.
This is an internet forum. What you write is all anyone has to reference. If you want nuance to be read into your comments, include it.
I’ll note that what you’ve included above is an ad hominem and is therefore irrational.
An analogy is a comparsion of an idea. None of the characteristics associated with my analogy is meant to be attributed to the persons involved, only the idea. If the first thing that comes to mind is an ad hominem, perhaps the mentioning of irrationally is quite ironic in this case.
I suggest a quick examination of definitions of ad hominem online. They aren’t only offered against individuals: they frequently are offered against corporations, governments, etc. So we’re back to your criticism of the source I offered being an ad hominem. At least that’s the generous reading of your criticism.
I disagree with your appraisal of my comments.
At least that’s the generous reading of your criticism.
It didn’t take long for the typical innuendos to be slung around, even in a topic highlighting such disingenuous tactics. Pretty uncharitable.
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You’ve stated that you “don’t think it’s truly fair” to judge Jones as antisemitic. To bolster this claim, you’ve resorted to ad hominems – one against the Times of Israel and another against anyone criticizing him (“I believe they disagree with what Jones is claiming and so instead of engaging his ideas, they’re attempting to slander him into obscurity. That’s not just.”).

Forgive me if your complaints about “innuendo” seem a bit tone deaf.
That’s your assessment (many assumptions included) of my comments. I disagree. How convenient you forgot to add this portion of my post:
I am put off a bit by the antisemitic charges against him, however, I don’t think it’s truly fair. I haven’t watched a large amount of his content, so I might have missed something.
At least you agree you’re being uncharitable.
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When did I agree to that?

Logic isn’t a personal assessment. That’s why it’s useful in argument – its rules don’t change according to the speaker or topic. If you believe you haven’t offered ad hominems, again, perhaps a review of the definition of this logical fallacy is in order.

Listen, people here have asked you to explain why you don’t believe Jones is antisemitic given the evidence provided in this thread. If you choose not to explain, that’s certainly your choice. But again, you’ve provided zero evidence to encourage others to suspend their judgement of his comments other than contentious comments about the people providing his comments here.
people here have asked you to explain why you don’t believe
I answered the OP question directly by giving an honest view. You have taken it upon yourself to lead this inquisition against me because I don’t agree with everything you say. Due to this, where there’s ambiguity in my comments, you’ve decided to fill it with innuendos and assumptions, instead of asking for clarifications. Where there is clarify in my remarks, you’ve twisted their meaning or intentionally avoided them because they don’t suit your purpose - as the last quote where you dissected the sentence before and after in order to higlight a phrase taken out of context.

Even after you disagree with me and I make an analogy, I thank you for sharing information I wasn’t aware of. Yet, here you are making uncharitable innuendos solely because I disagree with the way you interpret my comments. Quit your inquisition and leave me alone.
you’re pushing your own private agenda here and it isn’t related to the thread’s topic.
nonsense. The problem is that people have been conditioned to be silenced to not dare to criticize anything that squarely deserves criticism, and such characters run for panic buttons and begin labeling people for simply speaking facts. To illustrate the conditioning, try for example to publicly criticize a gay pride Parade and see what you are labeled; you may even lose your job. I don’t hear the same people saying a peep when Palestinians are criticized, or have a fit when Catholics and Christians are criticized for historical events.
you’re pushing your own private agenda here and it isn’t related to the thread’s topic.
nonsense. The problem is that people have been conditioned to be silenced to not dare to criticize anything that squarely deserves criticism, and such characters run for panic buttons and begin labeling people for simply speaking facts. To illustrate the conditioning, try for example to publicly criticize a gay pride Parade and see what you are labeled; you may even lose your job. I don’t hear the same people saying a peep when Palestinians are criticized, or have a fit when Catholics and Christians are criticized for historical events.
This thread isn’t about Zionism. As has been demonstrated, Jones doesn’t limit his comments about Jews to those whom he deems Zionists. This thread, then, isn’t about people who criticize Zionism and are “silenced” for doing so, people losing their jobs for criticizing gay pride parades, etc.
The point is that criticizing “Jewish people” should be no different than criticizing “Palestinian people” or “Catholic people”. Enough with the panic buttons. We see the same thing with so easily labeling people homophobes or racists.
The point is that criticizing “Jewish people” should be no different than criticizing “Palestinian people” or “Catholic people”. Enough with the panic buttons. We see the same thing with so easily labeling people homophobes or racists.
The quotes included in this thread demonstrate that Jones believes Jews are responsible for abortion in the U.S., Jews were responsible for the death of Christ, Jews are “destroy[ing] traditional cultures,” and that Jews have “undermined the moral order” and therefore shouldn’t be surprised when a shooting in a synagogue takes place. This isn’t “criticizing Jewish people.” It’s blatant antisemitism. A panic button should most definitely be pressed when these sorts of statements are read.
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