YHWH_Christ, you were not the only one to catch that. Everyone who is not a fan of those who mad such comments caught it, and understand the meaning and double standards behind it. All we can do is not vote for such people in the future, and hope for the best. Though I do question if Obama and Hilary physically use their mobile devices to make such comments on social media, or is someone doing so on their behalf, saying, Mr, Mrs. Such an event has happened, what do you want posted, and then the person says oh say something like, blah blah blah, and then the person typing does the verbal mess. Because I do not believe that such Democrats are daft in the head. Nor do I believe anyone making such comments are daft in the head, but know full good in well, what they say, and how they say things, makes an impact on society. Politicians may act stupid, and do stupid things, but I do not underestimate their intelligence. If they were truly " stupid " and barely educated, then the entire nation would be up the collective river. They say what they say, on either side of the fence for a reason, for an agenda, and it is up to us the voter, to not be easily manipulated by what they say . An hold them accountable for what they say.