Does God lay off from atheists because he knows if he sends trials and tribulations to atheists it will not bring them closer to him since atheists do not believe in God? On the contrary with believers, trials and tribulations will most likely bring the believer closer to God and so believers have harder lives than atheists. From my limited perspective atheists do in indeed seem to have easier lives.
Most atheists do not realize it, but they are spiritual beings just like the rest of us. It is not the Strictly quantifiable relationships that drives us (the scientifically observable), it is the strictly
qualitative aspects of our experiences that makes life worth living. It is that sense of honor, or justice, or value, or meaning, or purpose, or love, or legacy, our emotional experiences, that allows us to make sense of being alive. Without those experiences
we merely have a world of objects, and nobody really wants that and neither do they act like they live in that kind of world regardless of whether they are atheist or not.
We all worship the spiritual.
An atheist may not think he needs God, but he does need that which cannot be quantified as physical in any meaningful sense and he or she cannot live without it.
Man cannot live by bread alone. Strict unconditional materialism does not practically exist if we are brutally honest, and i have never met a true atheist. At best, what people call atheism
includes the spiritual but rejects God as the cause. Strict materialism is not consistent with our experiences. If materialism survives at all, it is more like a
mystical or mysterious materialism rather than metaphysical naturalism.
As for the easy life. People vary in their ability to obtain what most people in the modern world think of as happiness, and it rarely has anything to do with their relationship with God. A person can obtain a real degree of happiness without God, but that does not mean that they have obtained spiritual fulfillment in the Christian sense of the word and neither does anyone obtain perfect happiness. People obtain happiness to varying degrees. And neither can anyone atheist or not, obtain any happiness without first having qualitative experiences and learning how to make the best of those experiences.
Everyone has trials in life.