Elton John: Religon encourages hatred

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No, I can understand people being disgusted with homosexual acts…especially when their religion dictates that it is disgusting. I see nothing wrong with anyone feeling that their sexual acts are disgusting. I do see something wrong with equating the people who are homosexual as disgusting individuals. Isn’t the mantra on this board love the sin; hate the sinner? Sounds like a lot of hatin going on here, and not just about the sexual act itself.

Further, with regard to the following quote:
If you equate name calling and calling the homosexual act disgusting then that’s too bad.
I don’t equate calling the homosexual ACT with name calling. This doesn’t seem to be regarding the act, though, and this is the kind of stuff that disturbs me:

–“The only thing that makes me angry are homosexuals that say things like that. I wish I could move to an island away from these weirdos.”
If you don’t think that those remarks aren’t about hate of Christians, I would beg to differ. And this is from a HUGE fan of Elton, have been to many of his concerts and bought a lot of his music. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he opened his mouth like all the other musicians that I am a fan of…i.e. Bruce Springsteen. But just like Bruce I will no longer attend his concerts or buy his music. It is insignificant in his life and career I’m sure but I can only hope that those that are offended by his remarks also hit him in the pocketbook.
Maybe you’re right. But have you ever considered why he MAY hate Christians? Look at this thread. Look at the condemnation he receives from Christians…stuff like what’s on this thread are only a sliver of what he receives everyday. Maybe what he does is sinful. Sorry to point this out, but so are you. So am I. He should not be HATED or ridiculed or prejudiced against because his sins are different than yours or mine, or because he hasn’t repented for his sins.
What does being a fat Sodomite encourage?
Sappy love songs for animated movies? 😃
Elton is thirty years past his prime and just lookin for attention.
You summed it up:thumbsup: Remeber he was going after some of new singers a year or two ago for not giving a good show or something like that. That didn’t work so now its Religion.

He’s a has-been who is trying to grab the limelight anyway he can.😛
Elton John is speaking out of ignorance, or perhaps deliberate ignoring of truth.

Orgnanized religion has been the cause of much good and charity in this world. He needs to remember how many hospitals, orphanages, schools, and charities were started by and/or maintained by organized religion.

One good example of the power of organized religion is Wilberforce, a brave man who endured hatred from his opponents for decades as he fought against slavery in England. It was his religion that motivated Wilberforce.
Ironic that folks of such dubious fashion taste call Sir Elton tacky.😛
Maybe someone with the gift of the gab should write an article called “Elton John encourages hatred of Religion”.

Wonder what he would think of that?
I agree with you, but I think he would think that was hate speech. See, there is no winning with this type of thinking.
It’s easy for someone to classify something as all bad. For Elton to do this about religion is elementary. Christians don’t even do this about homosexual sex. If you don’t believe me or think I’m blaspheming, read C.S. Lewis’ Surprised By Joy. Homosexual sex may be a distortion of God’s plan and a tearing asunder of the glorious web of dignity and grace that God has programmed into sexuality, and therefore it is morally wrong, but it’s allowed to continue for a reason.
But have you ever considered why he MAY hate Christians? Look at this thread. Look at the condemnation he receives from Christians…stuff like what’s on this thread are only a sliver of what he receives everyday.
There are consequences to every lifestyle. Yet, I doubt he deals directly with much discrimination. He is wealthy and insulated from the public. I doubt anyone can call him directly that is not a friend of his. I think he mingles with the elite in England as well as in the USA. I don’t hate him, not would I ever call a homosexual a name. However, if I am on a Catholic fourm on a thread that is discussing an article that he wrote or instigated that is against Christians- then why wouldn’t I be allowed to say my thoughts? I think you are placing too much emphasis on what we are saying, since Elton John will never ever meet people like us or read these posts. He is a public figure and he can well afford to say what he thinks, no matter how many Christians he insults. Oh well, I am not a fan of his so I really have nothing else to say about him. Yet the topic interests me because it is yet another star that thinks they can speak insultingly to the average Christian. So Hollywood, so insulting, and so short sighted. We are, after all, the audiece they need to sell to. A bit short sighted, isn’t it?
Why do we get so fired up over what actors and singers say about a whole range of subjects, just because they strut the stage does not give them the license to give anything other than a private opinion on stuff…whoa…come down to my place and I will give you the gospel according to me:yawn:
It’s not hate, it’s tough love, one of the Spiritual works of mercy is to instruct the ignorant.

I don’t think he can claim ignorance now.
You can’t reasonably claim to be instructing someone who will never know what you said. Elton John is not here to read your words. What you are doing is not “instructing the ignorant”, It is, to my mind, more “vilifying the absent”.
Maybe you’re right. But have you ever considered why he MAY hate Christians? Look at this thread. Look at the condemnation he receives from Christians…stuff like what’s on this thread are only a sliver of what he receives everyday. Maybe what he does is sinful. Sorry to point this out, but so are you. So am I. He should not be HATED or ridiculed or prejudiced against because his sins are different than yours or mine, or because he hasn’t repented for his sins.
I’d rather see someone be like Martin Luther King. When he faced hate, he decided that love was the better route to go. Elton John has decided that banning religion is the best way to go. If men like MLK can face circumstances probably far worse than Elton, I think that Elton John can be a better person and follow positive examples of dissent. He has responded to what he thinks is hate, with hate. That won’t change anything and won’t help him. Now, as to “condemnation” from the Christians here. If someone said that gays were the source of the world’s problems, I don’t think you’d object to people condemning that, now would you?
I think we should ban celebreties talking about anything other than what they actually got famous for.
I agree. The problem is that the media is so desperate, they will print anything and everything. Such a statement is sensational for so many reasons.

It goes farther than that, of course. Mostly anybody with a Ph.D. also considers themselves an expert on everything.

And, really, people hero-worship priests, too, so anything they say seems to send people into ecstacy, like, “pass the ketchup.”
You can’t reasonably claim to be instructing someone who will never know what you said. Elton John is not here to read your words. What you are doing is not “instructing the ignorant”, It is, to my mind, more “vilifying the absent”.
Well pass him on a link, look someone writes a thread, we respond, yes we should love the sinner, but by saying hey ! what your doing is ok won’t do them much good, by not telling a 3 year old about putting their hand in the fire, won’t stop them from being burned.


2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. **Under no circumstances can they be approved. **
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

And although EJ has the world media to voice his opinion on, I don’t, we can’t condone, but neither do I call for any violent action against them.
He blames the Pope for the spread of aids in Africa, he was livid that the Pope was suppose to make an appearance on live aid.
He wants the Catholic Church to say it’s ok we approve of homosexual lifestyles, that won’t happen.

Yet they go on their gay pride marches wearing Nuns and priests clothes, because when it boils down to it, it’s not any Church they have a problem with, it’s the Catholic Church, that is what is standing in their way, the impenetrable ROCK.

As the CCC says, Under no circumstances can they be approved
Well, possibly in his own experiences, he HAS felt hatred and spite from religious folks. I don’t think it’s fair to discount his experiences. He probably has faced discrimination, prejudice, mean words, and possibly violence because of his sexual orientation, or has seen people he loves face such trials. Right or wrong, in whether or not all religious people hurt and hate homosexuals, it may ahve been what he has seen and felt, and I have no problem with him talking about it publicly.
Let us read form the Book of Fair…Chapter 1, Verse 1…“Life is not fair…”

i dont give hoot what he has suffered, it gives him no ground to be so judgemental…i love how poeple who suffer think it gives them license to be cruel in return …i have no problem with him voicing his opionion either, although he is promoting about the very dicremination he is against, which is common ammongst femi-nazi and the gay agenda
I’d rather see someone be like Martin Luther King. When he faced hate, he decided that love was the better route to go.
Well, we (as in those of us on this thread) aren’t. We are facing what people here think is Hate of Christians, and (rather than taking the higher road like MLK) are responding with hate.
i have no problem with him voicing his opionion either, although he is promoting about the very dicremination he is against, which is common ammongst femi-nazi and the gay agenda
We, too, are promoting the hate we are against in this thread. I’m just trying to point out the irony, that’s all.
I think we should ban celebreties talking about anything other than what they actually got famous for.
I know we have good websites that tell us candidates’ views on abortion and other issues. If we had a website listing candidates endorsed by Hollywood celebrities we would have a whole new list of people to vote against on principle.
Well, we (as in those of us on this thread) aren’t. We are facing what people here think is Hate of Christians, and (rather than taking the higher road like MLK) are responding with hate.
Are you saying that we are not allowed to have and express our opinion on this?

As for me, I am sick and tired of people trying to say we should be quiet and take all the hate against Christians. I, for one, will not be silent. Time to go on the offensive.
I agree with you, but I think he would think that was hate speech. See, there is no winning with this type of thinking.
How true, with “their” way of thinking, it would only be hate speech if someone said that Religion is good for you. :rolleyes: If it’s strange, weird or just down right immoral its acceptable.
The fact of the matter is that people who live homosexual lifestyles (or any other secular lifestyle) hate religion because it has definite and unwavering morals that will not bow to today’s secular “morals.” They resort to name calling to stop any form of reasonable debate. One of these days, people will wise up and realize that condoning homosexual behavior (gay unions, allowing them to adopt, etc) was not such a good idea. Some people, like Sir Elton, have to learn the hard way. It’s called free will, and he’s entitled to it just as we are.
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