End Times Speculation XXIV ver. 2.0

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Wow!! I posted a couple months ago about my friend who is making the purple scapular of Benediction if anyone was trying to find them. (VERY hard to find with Covid) and I went back to the page I started looking for them on before she started making them and look: (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I ordered 8 from her and can upload some pics of them but they are very good quality. Here’s the website, too!

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This is beyond awesome @Daisy! Thanks for showing us this wholesome creation of yours (I will be praying that God may help you with your work, because it’s so fantastic!) 🧡
Thank you, Erundil! I erased the images because I became shy.

Speaking of Fatima…

I was just listening to this Jesse Romero video on George Soros. I had no idea Soros hated the family unit so much.

And I agree. Over the summer, two divorces have begun in my family. Another is on the brink. All of the aunties are at hateful odds with each other. Etc etc. On the other hand, my immediate family has only grown stronger because of the isolation.

In 1981 Sr. Lucia wrote in a letter to Cardinal Carlo Caffara a dire warning he revealed in 2008 and which we see rapidly unfolding in the world: “The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family. Don’t be afraid…because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue.” She ended saying, “nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head.”

@Erundil, as far as your timeline chart, I disagree somewhat and believe the chastisement is happening worldwide right now, and antichrist is already here. The Jews wrongly thought Christ would be an earthly king, and we think antichrist is going to be a decorated war general. But it’s a spiritual battle…
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I frequently watch the “Jason A” channel on YouTube. He just published a story about the explosion in Lebanon. A viewer named Amy just posted this commentary:

Labor has started!
Jeremiah 22:23
You who dwell on Lebanon,
who nest in the cedars,
How you shall groan when pains come upon you,
like the pangs of a woman in childbirth!
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EmmetO’Regan is saying in his blogspot that Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor are teaching a form of milennialism which is a No-No in Catholic eschatology. He also casts doubt on the imprimatur which Christine Watkins claims for her book. 🤔 :: 📄
Its true. I was wrong. Abortion, for one. Although I’m not sure its going to be an all-out Good vs. Evil physical battle?
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It may be just a battle to stay alive near the end of history .
Think of rioting, race wars, general lawlessness, laws against the elderly and infirm, the battle against true religion, earthquakes, volcanoes, sunamies , I forgot economic collapse, famine This will be how the world is when Antichrist arrives to take over …
But what about the Nihil Obstat granted for Mallett’s book? Everything I’ve researched has said their view is not a heresy, it’s not milennialism, as they don’t claim a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on Earth, which would be heretical. Rather, they merely claim the proclaimed and promised Era of Peace granted by the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart off Mary.

Personally, I think the “1,000 year Reign” will be a time when the veil is lifted and we will be able to directly sense and experience Jesus in the Eucharist. Evangelical Protestants make a big deal about Jesus Reigning on His Throne in Jerusalem. We Catholics know that the True Presence of Jesus is already in every tabernacle and on every altar in the world, and He is present in every Consecration that has or is or ever will occur. Every altar is a Mercy seat. At that time we will KNOW it, not just believe it.
but the attacks to churches seem to be intensifying in the last few weeks, according to news sources
¡Ay, Dios mío!

I translate for the exiled auxiliary bishop of Managua, and Friday 31 July was a nightmare translate-a-thon of nonstop tweets. Yes, the attacks on churches have been intensifying since July 19, when the Sandinista party held its anniversary celebration in Managua, in a socially-distanced, subdued atmosphere in comparison with the raucous repliegue caravan from Managua to Masaya that the dictator Daniel Ortega and his wife/VP Rosario Murillo preside over every year.

This July 19 was different. Many Nicaraguan Catholics commented on various social media platforms concerning the pentagram that was used in the celebration. No wonder their nickname for Mme. Murillo is “the witch”.

But the attacks on the Church in Nicaragua are decades old. Murders and forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary detention on false charges… all of these are classics in the Ortega playbook. The killing of Sandor Dolmus, an altar server in the Cathedral of León, during the protests in the summer of 2018 engraved indelible images on the collective memory of the nation.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The attack on the bishops and priests who went to St. Sebastian Basilica in Diriamba to rescue trapped volunteers 9 July 2018 left Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Baez wounded and stripped of his episcopal insignia. Others in the entourage were wounded that day, as well.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

A few days later, Washington Post reporter Joshua Partlow was embedded with student protesters at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua when all hell broke loose. The pastors at Divine Mercy parish, which has a campus ministry, welcomed the students to safety. Or so they thought.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Even the prayers of local religious sisters could not prevent the bloodbath that ensued. Two students died inside the church, which was under siege by Ortega’s police and paramilitary forces for 15 hours.

I have a seemingly limitless supply of photos and links to share. But the most telling point of all is this:

Bishop Baez says that in the attack on the crucifix in the cathedral 31 July, the Sandinistas are committing all of their crimes against humanity all over again, by attacking the humanity of Christ on the cross, because he has borne all the pain and grief of every murder, every forced disappearance, every victim of torture or rape, every political prisoner in Nicaragua.

Please pray for justice and peace in Nicaragua.
I wonder if this is the start of the great schism/calamity that the seers on countdown to the kingdom have been prophesying about. Plus who hasn’t at some point questioned the validity of Francis and Benedict’s resignation. It is a hard line to walk, not knowing which side is correct.

That may be, but so many are confused by both his resignation and the circumstances surrounding it as well as Benedict continuing to give apostolic blessings and refer to himself as Pope Emeritus. He still dresses and acts the part as well as recognizing Francis as “the bishop of Rome”. And Francis had “Vicar of Christ” taken off his title in the yearbook. So many subtle and not so subtle weaponized ambiguities. Combine that with the diabolical disorientation Sr. Lucia spoke about and I would dare say one isn’t paying much attention to the signs if they did not have questions. Cardinal Burke and Mueller thought the same with the dubia asking for clarification regarding *Amoris Laetitia.
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I have not seen Benedict “act the part” of the pope. Is he issuing encyclicals? Visiting countries or speaking ex cathedra as pope? Do you just mean he chooses to wear white? Let’s not spread conspiracy theories without evidence.
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